Is Spacetime a Quantum Error-Correcting Code?

Ovidiu Racorean – Recently, quantum gates and quantum circuits have been found when portfolios of stocks were simulated in quantum computation processes, pointing out to the existence of a bizarre quantum code beneath the stock market transactions. The quantum code of the stock market might prove to have a more profound signification if is related to the recent finding of quantum codes at the deepest levels of our reality, such as quantum mechanics of black holes and the space-time of the universe. Could this mysterious stock market quantum code be a tiny fragment of a quantum code that our universe uses to create the physical reality?

Quantum CodeJohn Preskill’s talk “Is spacetime a quantum error-correcting code?” held at the Center for Quantum Information and Control, University of New Mexico, and previously at Kavli Institute for Theoretical physics , may represent a turning point in physical research related to questioning the existence and evolution of our Universe. The essence of this talk may change forever our understanding of the Universe, shifting the perspective of physical research from masses and energies to codes of information theory. Continue reading

Doreen Virtue’s Angel Messages For Dec 28 2015 – Jan 3, 2016 [Video]

It’s a week of moving forward fearlessly, and letting go of former fears. Previous worries about lack are replaced with your clear decision to go for it. Major life changes for you are on the horizon this week.

In some cases, you may move forward because life pushes you that way, or because you have no other choice. You’re going through an energy reassignment, where you are shifting where you live and work, so that situations are a better match for you.

As we enter the new year, the cards show that you’ll be deciding to make big life changes for yourself personally. You will be more excited about these changes, rather than nervous about change.

Doreen is working with the Archangel Power Tarot Cards, available at bookstores and app stores worldwide, including at:

SF Source Doreen Virtue

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Transformative Rituals To Release 2015 & Welcome The New Year

likeAlexa Erickson – As the year’s end approaches, we find ourselves reflecting on everything that happened since the last one. How have we changed? Have we reached our goals? Are we where we want to be? They are heavy questions, but important to ask, because without checking in with ourselves, we can’t possibly reach our ultimate potential; our ultimate happiness.

But time and time again, many of us find there is still so much we haven’t crossed off our to-do lists. Whether it be to find a job that makes us feel enriched, speak to ourselves and others from a place of kindness, or pick up an exercise regimen we enjoy every single day, we let life get in the way of what matters to us most. Habits die hard, time takes over, and sometimes we’re left feeling really low by December 31st.

So we set resolutions. We promise ourselves we won’t do certain things, and that we will follow through with everything we failed to do last year. We prohibit in order to achieve greatness. But does practicing deprivation really work? Whether it be from drinking or judging, the more we tell ourselves “no,” the more we want it. And setting up your new year coming from a place of fear and negativity is no way to live.

So how do we change our attitudes? First off, we must change how we view the New Year. When you are reflecting on how you would like to approach the end of the year, try viewing it as an opportunity to release the year and embrace the new one ahead. Next, try incorporating meaningful rituals to help you let go of 2015, regardless of what happened. It’s time to make room for what lies ahead. Continue reading

Epistemologically What Do We ‘Know’?

Joe Dubs – What we know as truth is largely determined by the opinions of our peers, and not actual scientific evidence like you would think. We so desperately strive to fit in and feel loved in a society that we surrender common sense and intuition; we bandwagon the group mind. We give up common sense for reassurance. We trust the experts. We see what we’ve been taught to see. We know what we’re taught to know. A cultural hypnosis dissuades us from finding the Universal Truth. We believe things because everyone else believes them, not because we know them to be true personally.

know Continue reading

11 Days

11Dana Mrkich – From 25 Dec to 5 Jan we have the quite rare event of all planets being in forward motion. Technically they are all always going forward, but from Earth it sometimes looks like one or more planets are going backwards, known as retrograde motion.

As we know, it is our perspective that colours reality, so when a planet is in retrograde we can be influenced by that. When a planet is from our Earth perspective going forward, we get the positive flow on affect. When ALL are in direct motion, ooooh what then!

You can use these 11 days to play the magical “what if?” game.

What would you dream for your life, or for the world if anything was possible?

What if all the lights to your desired dream were green? Continue reading