Oracle Report ~ Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sunrise Over Sausalito, California – Photo by Lawrence

Disseminating Moon in Virgo/Libra (10:00 am ET/3:00 pm UT): share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: attend to the wisdom of the day

Higher Octaves of the Day’s Energies: networking and connecting, expertise, the good of all, hopeful, ideals coming to fruition, stepping aside to observe, integration of a major teaching, new technologies, deepening connection and communication with spirit

Lower Octave of the Day’s Energies: subtle and overt manipulation, surveillance, trust issues, worry, meddling, lowest common denominators, feeling the need to prove one’s self, lack of care

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a hidden choir singing during a religious service” (unseen assistance)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (recalibration of consciousness)

The Moon moves into Libra, joining the Black Moon in that sign. This means that through Saturday, January 30 at 10:51 pm ET/Sunday, January 31 at 3:51 am UT, shadow sides (our fears and feelings) have a tendency to surface. If we are not aware of the natural inclination for this to happen, the common response is to project those feelings and fears onto others.

When the Moon goes through the sign that the Black Moon is moving through (the sign of Libra through the end of May), rebirth occurs through the purging of what is no longer needed, what is no longer true for us (as we currently understand it; truth evolves), and what is no longer bound to be. In other words, things are freed. Continue reading

HSBC Hires Kissinger to Help Them Flee The Country

James Corbett – HSBC is the world’s fourth largest bank by assets and a sanctions busting, money laundering bank for terrorists and drug dealers, so it should be no surprise that they have just hired unconvicted war criminal Henry Kissinger to help advise them on fleeing the UK.

You see, HSBC isn’t happy with the current banking environment in the UK. After “suffering” through the outrageous wrist slap of its drug money laundering settlement (equivalent to five weeks of income for the bank), HSBC began a temper tantrum over the UK’s bank levy, a bank tax that was instituted in 2011. Accordingly, last summer the UK government started the phase out of the levy exactly as requested, but added a surcharge on bank profits. This is evidently too much for the banksters, who are now threatening to move their racket to Canada or maybe Hong Kong or somewhere else entirely.

Kissinger_ControlFoodControlPeopleSo it’s only logical for them to turn to Heinz Kissinger, a man who has run from investigators in France, Spain, Chile and Argentina to help advise them on how to flee the country. (Ig)Nobel Peace Prize winner Kissinger is notorious for the war crimes he committed during his tenure as Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Nixon and Ford. During that time he participated in Operation Condor, drafted a plan for food control genocide, orchestrated the 1973 oil crisis, illegally bombed Cambodia, neo-colonized China and generally acted as a good minion for the New World Order he’s constantly pimping. After all, who else would better understand how to help the HSBC banksters escape the suggestion that they might face the tiniest of consequences for their crimes? Continue reading

Straight Talk on Ascension

mindDr. Suzanne Lie – The energy is VERY HOT right now. By “hot” we mean “HOT” as in electronics because you are experiencing an ever-increasing frequency rate of your neural synapses. The reason why your synapses are firing at a higher frequency is because your consciousness is resonating to a higher frequency/dimension.

In fact, your states of consciousness are beginning to match the frequencies of higher light that is penetrating and transmuting all your neural synapses. In your human state of consciousness, there are three major categories:

  • Unconscious Mind—alpha and delta waves—fourth dimensional self
  • Conscious Mind—beta waves—third dimensional self
  • Super-conscious Mind—gamma waves—fifth dimensional self and beyond

Right NOW, these transformational waves of Higher Light are everywhere within your current translation of reality. We say “translation” because each of you is beginning to perceive frequencies of reality which you had never perceived before—that is, in this incarnation.

Most of you have had many incarnations on Earth. Some were parallel realities and some parallel or simultaneous lives. You chose to take these simultaneous versions of reality in order to rehearse your ascension. Now it is not just a rehearsal.

That long awaited process of planetary ascension is here. What you are learning about that process NOW is that Ascension Is NOT leaving. Ascension is RETURNING.

As you expand your 3D consciousness into your 5D consciousness, you become as creative as you always were in your “imagination.” This expansion of consciousness and creativity is because new areas of your physical brain are being stimulated by these higher frequencies of light.

Your unconscious mind is aware of these higher frequencies of light, but your conscious mind, which is too often separated from your unconscious and superconscious mind, is often not aware of these inner changes.

You can hide things from your conscious self. You can even lie to your conscious self and tell it a convenient lie rather than a difficult truth. Your conscious mind can hide out in the 3D and forget the myriad other components of your total self.

But NOW the higher frequencies of light are beginning to become CONSCIOUS. Continue reading

What Rulers Believe

rulersPaul Rosenberg – I’ve been working on collections of quotes lately, and I have one more that I’d like to present… this one on the thoughts of rulers.

For a number of years I’ve been telling people that the incentives faced by productive people and the incentives facing rulers (of whatever stripe) are very, very different. This list, I believe, will make that point.

You’ll find quotes from ‘bad’ rulers on this list, of course, but also some from the ‘good’ rulers. And please note that the ‘bad’ ones are very often held in high regard in their times. Joseph Stalin, for example – the #2 most prolific killer in all of human history – was the ‘great ally’ of the US in World War II and was routinely presented to the American public as “Uncle Joe.”

So, beginning with Uncle Joe, here are the things that rulers believe:

Joseph Stalin

  • Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.
  • Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?
  • Gratitude is a sickness suffered by dogs.

Mao Zedong

  • The cult of xenophobia is the cheapest and surest method of obtaining from the masses the ignorant and savage patriotism, which puts the blame for every political folly or social misfortune upon the foreigner. Continue reading

Man/Machine Merger and the Global Transhuman Society

Aaron Dykes – The article below, from The Age of Transitions, is an important account of many of the key figures in the Transhumanist movement, who have played a major role in shaping the past century, and who have brought to life complex technological machines to run our lives, and merge with our functions and, eventually, our thoughts. The cybernetics movement created the technological means of achieving psychological goals of managing the masses in a collective “hive mind.” As artificial intelligence reaches a threshold for sophistication, and it is paired with a database that represents the total knowledge of world affairs, the power over the affairs of this world will be unified and centralized. Individuality will be a trifling thing, as will rights. The total power of the state can theoretically be attained, and even perpetuated indefinitely.

These themes are behind the thinking and political agendas of many groups who have steered global politics and secret society goals. There is an obscure telling of this theme in the critically rejected 1997 film Exorcist 2: The Heretic, directed by John Boorman who is notable for exploring similar themes in the 1974 revelation-of-the-method cult classic Zardoz – a film that promises to go “Beyond 1984. Beyond 2001. Beyond Love. Beyond Death.” but instead largely misses its audience, and is known instead for the bizarre costume worn by Sean Connery and the strange, little understood plot.

Exorcist 2: The Heretic makes almost no attempt to follow up the story started in the first Exorcist, but instead departs completely from the concept. Instead, Boorman inserts the transhumanist ideas of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, the Jesuit priest who worked with theRockefeller Foundation and UNESCO head Julian Huxley (who authored the biology text classic Evolution: The Modern Synthesis) on a collective evolution agenda that construct a global society centered around shared ideas and communications control. Continue reading