The Unraveling Prosecution of Donald Trump

The Unraveling Prosecution of Donald TrumpJonathan Turley – The completion of the testimony of Michael Cohen left the prosecution of Donald Trump, like its star witness, in tatters.

In the final day of cross-examination, Cohen admitted to committing larceny in stealing tens of thousands of dollars from his client.

Even more notably, he admitted to the larceny on the stand — after the statute of limitations had passed. There will be no dead felony zapped back into life against Cohen, as it was for Trump.

Cohen clearly has found a home for his unique skill as a convicted, disbarred serial perjurer.

It was not the first time that prosecutors looked the other way as Cohen admitted to major criminal conduct: In a prior hearing, Cohen admitted under oath that he lied in a previous case where he pleaded guilty to lying.

If that is a bit confusing, it was just another day in the life of Michael Cohen, who appears only willing to tell the truth if he has no other alternative.

The result is truly otherworldly. You have a disbarred lawyer not only casually discussing lies and uncharged crimes, but prosecutors who proceeded to get him to remind the jury that he is not facing any further criminal charges.

If any one of those jurors had stolen tens of thousands of dollars, they would be given a fast trip to the hoosegow.

Yet Cohen then matter-of-factly said he plans to run for Congress due to his “name recognition” — the ultimate proof that it does not matter whether you are famous or infamous, so long as they spell your name right.

As a legislator, Cohen would have the unique ability to say he will not be corrupted by Congress — because he came to Congress corrupted.

While most members wait to take office to commit felonies, Rep. Cohen would show up with a self-affirming criminal record.

He could then take one of the few oaths that he has not previously violated as the Honorable Rep. Michael Cohen.

At the end of the day, Cohen is the ultimate shining object for prosecutors to use as a distraction from the glaring omissions in their case.

Prior witnesses testified that Trump’s payments to Cohen were designated as “legal expenses” not by Trump but by his accounting staff.

Moreover, Cohen admitted that he worked for Trump for years in his murky capacity as a fixer. References to payments as a retainer were approved by Allen Weisselberg, a retired executive with the Trump Organization.

The “legal expense” label was a natural characterization for a lawyer who was paid monthly and was on-call as Trump’s personal counsel.

In any other district, this case would never have been allowed in trial. It certainly now should be facing a directed verdict by the court.

Indeed, with any other defendant, a New York jury would be giving a Bronx cheer in derision.

Even CNN hosts and experts have admitted that this case would never have been brought against another defendant or in another district.

That is what Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is counting on.

The biggest problem facing the defense is not the evidence, but the judge: Judge Juan Merchan seems to be channeling George Patton’s warning, “May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.”

Merchan has not given any indication that he is seriously considering a directed verdict, which he should clearly grant before this goes to the jury.

Merchan’s rulings have largely favored the prosecution, including some rulings that left some of us mystified.

Judge Merchan continues to allow the jury to hear references to campaign-finance violations that do not exist.

After gutting any use of a legal expert to testify on the absence of any such violations, the judge allowed the jury to hear Michael Cohen state that the payments to Stormy Daniels were clearly campaign violations.

All that Merchan would offer is a weak instruction telling jurors not to take such statements as proof of a violation.

The alleged campaign-finance violations allowed Cohen to try to implicate Trump. However, it is doubtful that Trump could have been convicted on such a charge in any other venue.

It is precisely what the Justice Department tried and failed to do with John Edwards, a Democratic candidate.

After that unmitigated failure, the Justice Department dropped this theory of hush money as a campaign contribution.

Indeed, after reviewing the Trump payments, not only did the Justice Department decline any charges but the Federal Election Commission did not even seek a civil fine.

On Monday, Judge Merchan’s orders became even more inexplicable when Cohen’s former attorney Robert Costello took the stand.

Merchan immediately started to sustain a flurry of prosecutors’ objections as Costello basically accused Cohen of multiple acts of perjury.

At one point, Costello — one of the most experienced lawyers in New York and a former prosecutor — exclaimed that one of the judge’s rulings was “ridiculous.”

The judge chastised Costello and even challenged him: “Are you staring me down?”

In fact, it was hard not to stare. What is happening in the courtroom of Judge Juan Merchan is anything but ordinary.

SF Source Jonathan Turley May 2024

6 thoughts on “The Unraveling Prosecution of Donald Trump

  1. Judge Merchan is acting like a complete incompetent idiot. That is his job and he is very good at it. He is just acting his part in the movie we are watching.

    Donald Trump told us things had to get worse so we could see where the Left was taking America. He watched the 2020 election being stolen and could not stop it because the socialists were pulling out all of the stops to get him out of power. Today they are actually showing there are no limits to their corruption. The silliness of this case is the proof and anyone paying attention has to see it. The Left is being forced to play ridiculous, illegal, and obvious tricks to stop Trump’s return. They know what is in store for them if he wins. It is actually a life or death game and Trump invented the game being played. I, for one, love it. It has been needed for close to 100 years and our huge national debt is just one proof of where the socialists have taken America. Someone needed to expose the truth.

    1. I agree with everything you say except that “Trump invented the game.” From my perspective, Trump was INVITED by Loyal-to-the-Constitution Military generals to play the role of POTUS while they and an interlocked int’l military hidden group took on the difficult task of destroying a 1,000s-of-years-old Deep State. Trump was likely closely monitored for proof of his TRUE patriotism before being invited to join the Sting Op. He was (and is) perfect for the job.

      I do believe it was Trump’s decision to let “the storm” play out, the storm being a highly condensed version of the DS 16-year plan to destroy America that’s been unleashed under Joe Biden. To step aside required that Trump put certain EOs in place to allow him to step away while retaining control as Commander in Chief of the military.

      The insurrection occurred on Nov 3rd, when foreign governments and corrupt insiders worked together to overthrow the will of the American people. THAT was the insurrection. Logic dictates that a sitting POTUS (Trump on Jan 6th) does not foment an insurrection against his own administration. Yet that is what the peeps believe.

      We are witnessing Game Theory play out at its finest. Enjoy the show. -g

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