Problem. Reaction. Solution. (Brussels Edition) [Video]

James Corbett – The dust has barely settled on the site of the Brussels bomb blasts and already the EUreaucrats are salivating about the prospect of a pan-European intelligence agency. Join James for today’s Thought for the Day as he explains the latest example of how the authoritarians take more control after every major terror event.

SF Source corbettreport  Mar 2016

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Photographer Lawrence

Disseminating Moon in Sagittarius: share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire):  Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: go gently, smoothly, warmly

True Alignments: revitalization, calm, different approaches, messages from Spirit, learning something, visionary, revolutionary, extraordinary, quantum leaps, heights of intuition

Catalysts for Change: bossy, knowing it all, rejection, ageism, confusion, self-delusions, lost, fearful, strife and ardor, lack of needed reform, closed off, holding back

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a table set for an evening meal” (re-setting, re-organizing, re-ordering, re-arranging, re-experiencing, expectations)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (re-calibration of consciousness)

Here’s what’s happening right now.

10:18 am ET/2:18 pm UT:  The Moon conjuncts Saturn at the degree of the Sabian Symbol (energetic frequency) of “an Easter sunrise service.”  Saturn is retrograde right now, re-doing and re-structuring everything, in the way that only Saturn’s energetics can re-do and re-order.  Saturn retrograde creates opportunities for chaos, and with it, creates opportunities for order.  The energetic creates scenarios of “death and rebirth” – endings and beginnings – with all kinds of things.  Saturn is about structure and this Sabian symbol is about rising, so new structures (thoughts, feelings) rise.  We see things anew.

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#1 Enemy of the State

state Sartre – There is immense confusion about the nature of the State. There is even more bewilderment about what constitutes a patriot. Any discussion in the civic realm begins with a cultural viewpoint. An attitude toward the proper role of the individual’s relationship with government based upon one’s value system and interpretation of civil order is natural. One man’s patriot is another man’s traitor. Where do you stand on the sentiments behind the penning of the below ideas? Quiz yourself and see if you can figure out the name of the author.

The quotes assembled in this essay illustrate that government officials and agencies would put the critic on a terrorist watch list. Read each and compare if the thought behind the passage agrees with your value system or if the attitude is too extreme for mainstream politics in today’s America. If left up to the national security apparatus, the author would be on a wanted poster, labeled as the Number One Enemy of the State.

Imagine the government’s response for advocating a society that promotes Liberty. Tolerating grievous radical expressions like these examples is dangerous. Consider the outlooks.

“I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.”

“What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?” Continue reading

Millstones Around Our Necks

Paul Rosenberg – Filters off. Today I rant.

coercion Humanity has been progressing steadily over millennia. The terrorist empires of the ancient world are gone. Chattel slavery, a filthy curse upon our species since several thousand years BC, was obliterated in Europe a thousand years ago and remains in only a few barbaric corners. Humanity is healthier and better fed than ever in history, and by a huge margin. We have vast knowledge at our fingertips and technology that would have been considered magic not too long ago.

(People fixated on darkness will object to my itemization of humanity’s progress, but everything I’ve written is indisputably true.)

My point is this, and if I could write it in giant, flaming letters, I would:

Humanity is ready to break out and fly.

“No, we’re not!” scream a hundred objections. “War machines, surveillance, stupidity, terror, obedient sheeple, psychopaths in power!”

And yes, I understand. But fixating on evil gets us nowhere. We have to lift up our eyes, see the path before us, take the millstones off our necks, and move. And that means leaving our precious complaints behind.

If you’d prefer to stand in place and complain, that’s your choice. I’ll probably agree with most of your complaints, but I won’t join in your chorus, because complaining doesn’t move me forward. And I want to move forward. I’m sick of watching a big, rigged game in which the debased triumph and the good stand around moaning.

I’m done with it. I give no consent. I offer zero respect. I’ve turned my back to it.

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