The fluoride wars

fluorideJon Rappoport –  It’s no surprise that the US government would look the other way when lower IQ and cancer are business as usual.

One of the major agencies that would look the other way is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

—But suppose scientists within the EPA spoke out, revolted, and issued official rebukes to their own Agency’s position on fluorides?

Talk about cognitive dissonance. Contradiction. “We at the EPA know fluorides are wonderful and safe and beautiful. Of course, our own scientists disagree. Strongly. But don’t worry, we’re ignoring them. And we’re keeping their statements out of the press. Our position on fluorides is administrative. It has nothing to do with science. Anyway, we support cancer and plummeting IQ. They’re wonderful.”

Case in point, going back 17 years. Buckle up. Here is what the EPA Union of scientists had to say about fluoridation:

Quoting from a May 1, 1999, statement— “Why EPA’s Headquarters Union of Scientists Opposes Fluoridation”—written by William Hirzy, PhD, [Union of Scientists] Senior Vice-President, Chapter 280:

“…our opposition to drinking water fluoridation has grown, based on the scientific literature documenting the increasingly out-of-control exposures to fluoride, the lack of benefit to dental health from ingestion of fluoride and the hazards to human health from such ingestion. These hazards include acute toxic hazard, such as to people with impaired kidney function, as well as chronic toxic hazards of gene mutations, cancer, reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, bone pathology and dental fluorosis.”

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Photographer Georgeanne

Disseminating Moon in Capricorn: share, communicate

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Chinnamasta, Goddess Who Expands the Mind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill:  complete or revise things

True Alignments: realizations, improvements to situations, fixing damage, acceptance, release from stress, spreading joy, decorative, finding one’s place, self-empowered, knowledge, solutions, inventing ways, prevention, adjusted expectations

Catalysts for Change:  pollution and polluted thoughts, unrealistic, false pretenses, superficial, self-centered, emotional downers, feelings of defeat, against better judgment, dishonor, feeling wiped or wiped out, disappointment and despair (another side will soon become visible), stressors

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month and Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending)

Today we prepare ourselves for a powerful Mercury retrograde tomorrow.  Mercury will station retrograde (appear to move backward in the sky) at 1:20 pm ET/8:20 am PT/ 5:20 pm UT.

Mercury will station retrograde at 24 Taurus and the Sabian symbol energetic (frequency of life) of “an Indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging at his belt.”  As I mentioned during my impromptu call on Phoenix Rising Radio last night (posted here at and at Phoenix’s Soundcloud archive at, the Sabian symbols are not “politically correct.” But political correctness is an agenda to control freedom of expression.

Nevertheless, Mercury will be retrograde until May 22, 2016, which also happens to be the day the Black Moon moves into Scorpio.  So May 22 will be an extremely intensive day with strong energetics.

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The Empire Doesn’t Care Who You Vote For [Video]

James Corbett – Elections are meaningless power rituals that only pit personas against each other in an establishment-endorsed Two Minutes Hate. So if these political wrestlemania matches don’t change society, what does?

Join us today for a fascinating conversation with Dan Sanchez about his recent article, “What If the Empire Held an Election and Nobody Came?”

SF Source corbettreport  Apr 2016

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Iraq and 9/11

Michelle Walling – Gulf War I was a set-up. Saddam Hussein asked us. He was strapped for cash from the Iran-Iraq War. He had received a $5 billion loan at the direction of our own government (through Baker and Kissinger), that he otherwise would not have qualified for, and couldn’t pay it back (as expected). The invasion of Kuwait was the only option he had left, assuming that he didn’t want his government to suffer a complete economic collapse.

Kuwait had once belonged to Iraq. Saddam did not intend to destroy it. He only wanted it to be part of Iraq. He made his intentions very clear before the invasion.

On July 25th 1990 he had asked us our position before invading, through our U.S. Ambassador April Glaspie, who told him, “ I have direct instructions from President Bush (Senior) to improve our relations with Iraq. We have considerable sympathy for your quest for higher oil prices…we have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts, like your dispute with Kuwait…Secretary Baker has directed me to emphasize the instruction, first given to Iraq in the 1960’s, that the Kuwait issue is not associated with America.”

In short,we said, through both the President and the Secretary of State that “whatever you want to do with Kuwait is OK with us”.

Immediately after Saddam invaded Kuwait, the U.S. responded by freezing Iraq’s assets, warning Saudi Arabia that he was out of control, and began preparations for war.
April Glaspie was silenced. The public was never told of the treachery of Baker and Bush. Saddam Hussein was set up.

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We Are Great


Paul Rosenberg – Every time I write one of these pieces, a certain number of people freak out, and often quite vocally. But it’s a huge mistake to define ourselves by what we’re against, and darkness is not all that exists in the world.

And we are magnificent creatures. I want my writing to help humans realize that this is true, and to start acting on it. Decrying what is wrong has a place, but a limited place: that of warning good people to avoid it.

The focus on evil is massively overdone. We are inundated with all that is bad in the world: News broadcasts are fully dedicated to nothing else, politicians are dedicated to nothing else, and the very existence of contemporary governance is predicated on “keeping fear alive.”

But all of that is degrading, distracting, and devolutionary. Sure, evil exists, but the truth about evil is that it’s small and weak (stay tuned next week). It’s time to stop devoting the whole of our lives to it.

Who Is “We”?

Since I’m saying, “We are great,” and since I’m expecting a lot of instinctive objections to the concept, I should define the term.

“We” refers to productive humans. And there are billions of us. We are the majority. Our big problem is we’ve been conditioned to think that darkness and destruction lurk for us on every corner and that nonproductive people are our natural superiors. But those are lies. We are superior to the willfully unproductive.

And yes, in this article, I’m completely ignoring murderers, criminals, and the various dependent classes. They don’t define me, and they shouldn’t determine the shape of your mind either.

Celebrating Our Greatness

The Romans used to celebrate themselves: their arches and domes, their aqueducts and fountains, their roads and farms, their prosperity. On the other hand, we’ve accomplished far, far more than the Romans. And yet, we are fully convinced that we suck. There’s a problem here.

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