Greenspan Warns A Crisis Is Imminent, Urges A Return To The Gold Standard

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Tyler Durden – On Friday afternoon, after the shocking Brexit referendum, while being interviewed by CNBC Alan Greenspan stunned his hosts when he said that things are about as bad as he has ever seen.

“This is the worst period, I recall since I’ve been in public service. There’s nothing like it, including the crisis — remember October 19th, 1987, when the Dow went down by a record amount 23 percent? That I thought was the bottom of all potential problems. This has a corrosive effect that will not go away. I’d love to find something positive to say.”

Strangely enough, he was not refering to the British exodus but to America’s own economic troubles.

Today, Greenspan was on Bloomberg Surveillance where in an extensive, 30 minutes interview he was urged to give his take on the British referendum outcome. According to Greenspan, David Cameron miscalculated and made a “terrible mistake” in holding a referendum. That decision led to a “terrible outcome in all respects,” Greenspan said. “It didn’t have to happen.” Greenspan then noted that as a result of Brexit, “we are in very early days a crisis which has got a way to go”, and point to Scotland which he said will likely have another referendum on its own, predicting the vote would be successful, and Northern Ireland would “probably” go the same way.

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Egypt Blocks Discovery Of Nefertiti’s Tomb

Camara Cassin – A well known Egyptologist named Nicholas Reeves may have found Nefertiti’s resting place in two hidden chambers in King Tut’s tomb.  His preliminary nefertitiradar scans of the monument have found “two open spaces, with signs of metal and organic matter” behind the tombs western and northern walls.

His theory is that undiscovered chambers lie behind the tomb and likely contain the tomb of Queen Nefertiti, one of  Egypt’s most famous figures. The theory has prompted new exploration and it has been extensively scanned by radar.

When he presented his theory at the the Egyptian conference May 8-9, 2016 he was met with disdain and denial.

“In all my career… I have never come across any discoveries in Egypt due to radar scans.” Zahi Hawass said.  He further suggested the team should go take their radar somewhere else, and practice on other monuments known to have hidden chambers.

But what Hawass said isn’t accurate.  In 2000 Reeves’ team found an undisturbed funerary chamber (KV63) using ground-penetrating radar in the Valley of the Kings.

Tomb found in GPR study in 2000 (image)

The Antiquities Minister Khaled el-Anani, said he would continue to allow scans of the tomb but that they wouldn’t be allowed to do any physical exploration until he was “100 percent sure there is a cavity behind the wall.”

The thing is that Nicholas Reeves isn’t just some archaeologist off the street. He is the Director of the Amarna Royal Tombs Project and the Senior Egyptologist with the University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition.  He graduated with honors and received his PhD 31 years ago for his thesis on tomb robbery and mummy caching.  He has previously been the Curator of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at The British Museum.

In other words – Reeves is highly qualified and yet the Egyptian Antiquities department is blocking him.


Could it be because Egypt doesn’t want anyone to know what is behind that wall?  Nefertiti and her entire family are known for their elongated skulls.

A new discovery, one so public, would be impossible to cover up.  DNA evidence taken from a mummy carries a lot of weight.  Many have theorized that both Tutankhamun parents, Akhenaten and Nefertiti, are ancient aliens, or a lost human species.

Akhenaten and Nefertiti shown with daughters. All have elongated skulls. image

Nefertiti ruled alongside her husband during the 18th dynasty. Following Akhenaten’s death around 1336 BC Nefertiti ruled independently for 14 years.  She was known to be a shrewd military commander as well as a beautiful, graceful woman.  She became Tutankhamen’s guardian and gained further power by marrying him to one of her daughters.

Mystery and intrigue surround her disappearance, because the queen simply vanished from the world scene after the 14th year.  While her tomb has never been found she is said to have been buried with military weapons of gold that lay beside her mirror, fan, and jewels.

In closing Nicholas Reeves said “I was looking for the evidence that would tell me that my initial reading was wrong, but I didn’t find any evidence to suggest that. I just found more and more indicators that there is something extra going on in Tutankhamun’s tomb.”

We can only hope that enough pressure is put on Egypt to allow him to find out.


SF Source Ancient Explorers  June 2015

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Understanding Brexit: The Powerless Press Their Thumb in the Eye of the Power Elite

Charles Hugh Smith – The sense of having a real say, and possessing actual agency, is very empowering, and very rare, for members of the lower-middle class and the working class today.

The premier strategy for retaining power is to give the powerless a carefully managed illusion of decision-making and autonomy. Having a say over one’s life and choices is called agency, and it is the illusion of agency that makes democracy such a powerful tool of control.

The second most effective means of maintaining power is to limit the choices offered the powerless. Offering the powerless false choices, i.e. the choice between two functionally equivalent options, provides the comforting illusion of agency while insuring that the status quo Power Elite remains in charge, regardless of the choice made by the powerless.

Power Elite

For example, give the powerless a choice between Tweedle-Dum (Republicans/Tories) and Tweedle-Dee (Democrats/Labour). Whomever they elect, the self-serving Power Elite of entrenched interests and wealth remains firmly in charge, for the Power Elite speaks with one voice through two mouths, one Establishment Democrat/Labour, the other Establishment Republican/Tory.

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Oracle Report ~ Monday, June 27, 2016

“Snowy Egret in the Surf” – photographer Brenda

Third Quarter Moon in Aries: revise, realign

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Bagalamukhi, Goddess Who Dissolves Illusions

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill: skim lightly

True Alignments:  self-control, dreamy and creative, fellowship, flexible, imagination, careful, patient, power of words, signs, allowance, the unseen realm, assistance from the unseen realm, connected with nature (Nature is the greatest healer)

Catalysts for Change:  stubborn, lost or disconnected (feeling semi-dissociated is natural with this energetic but can go to the extreme), self-centered, aggressive, domineering, manipulative, resistant to flow, rushing, hypnotic effect/mind control

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause” (the rise of the inner self/will)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending old paradigms)

We enter the Third Quarter (or Last Quarter) phase of the lunar month later today (around 2:30 pm ET/6:30 pm UT).  Third Quarter Moon phase is essentially the days of the lunar month that complete the month’s theme (which could also be considered a mission).  This month’s theme of the inner self rising forth, with a fortified will, is polished up, polished off, revised, and realigned.  We come to a reassessment of the status of the situations, circumstances, feelings, ideas, and beliefs.

Something very important also happens during this Third Quarter Moon phase: Mars, The Titan, straightens up and flies right.  Mars will station direct or appear to move forward in the sky once again on Wednesday.  It has been “backwards” since April 18, 2016, moving backward in time, so to speak.

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Brexit and the Matrix

Jon Rappoport – The EU and its associated financial institutions were built on the premise that no one would escape. That’s the long and short of it.

But of course, nations could get out if they decided to.

Which is what just happened in Britain.

And now that it has, elites and their fear-mongering press outlets are moaning and shouting and whining: “You fools, do you have any idea what you’ve just done? You’ve thrown a wrench into the structure. Are you crazy?”

Translation: “We’re in charge. We’re the lords in the castles. You’re the peasants in the fields.”

Of course, all along, the cover story has been: the EU is a step toward paradise; it bestows grace and beauty on humanity; it erases ugly borders; it makes people One; it fosters share and care; it smooths out conflicts; it makes us brothers and sisters.

Sure it does. That’s what all huge faceless bureaucracies accomplish.

When they’re exposed, all that fake goodness suddenly goes away. They spew hate. And they scream in anguish.

What’s occurring at the moment is very much like an old horror movie, where the humanoid villain is backed up against the wall, and someone tears his face away and exposes…machinery. Nothing but little wheels and cogs and wires and tubes. The truth is out.


What a monstrous joke it is that the young, in Britain, voted to remain in the EU. The EU is a right arm of Globalist forces. The same young people yammer and protest against Globalism, but because they’re absolutely clueless, they want to stay in the EU. The young: turned into hypnotic products of the education system.

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