Technocracy: How Its False Assumptions and Pseudo-Science Could Affect You

Paul A. Philips – Darkly determined the world’s ruling elite and associates continue busying themselves with their goal of achieving total global domination through the technocracy agenda.

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Essentially, the technocracy agenda incorporates technology into society with the intention of producing a new hybrid social structure. For this highly oppressive social engineering program to work, to exert complete control over we-the-people, it makes a number of false assumptions. These proven false assumptions based on pseudo-scientific principles with their applications clearly show that they conveniently serve the ruling elite’s goals to achieve the dictatorship.

Those serving the encroaching technocracy agenda, be them in the capacity of scientists, technicians, technologists, government officials, or academics etc., whatever their means to an end in support of the pseudo-science, at least some would have to see it as a belief system, blindly ignoring the contradictions or lack of scientific evidence in order to maintain their false beliefs…

Thus, the technocracy agenda is a form of scientism for unhealthy skeptics.

Here are some of those false assumptions based on pseudo-scientific principles and how it could affect you: How we-the-people are being socially engineered into surrendering our power to an oppressive technology-based control system for a dictatorship.

The global warming scam

If ever there’s an example of a mirage of science it’s in the technocracy agenda’s sales-pitch called carbon-based global warming. The ruling elite technocrats want you to believe this scam to justify a carbon tax currency, monitoring for energy consumption, setting strict limitations under the false pretext of saving the world while using unhealthy, surveillance-expanding ‘smart’ meters…

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Oracle Report ~ Friday, July 29, 2016

opportunityThird Quarter Moon in Gemini: revise, realign

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will):  Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  bring love to life

True Alignments: enlisting support, sharp intellect and discernment, finding meaning, opening lines of communication, keeping it real, creating something real, passionate about something, stirred to action

Catalysts for Change: naïve, communication issues, forms of Stockholm Syndrome and mind control, unable to be satisfied, superficial, regret, refusing less than perfection, inequality, unsupportive, inflexible

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a very old man facing a dark space to the northeast” (facing)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (transcending)

Ready for a personal revolution and rebirth in consciousness?

Today’s energetics certainly get things fired up.  The Sun is discharging the energetic of “a Communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideas,” and Mercury swimmingly discharges “a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form.”

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News And Views From The Nefarium – July 28 2015 [Video]

Joseph Farrell – Hungary’s Prime minister likes Trump, the French Prime Minister says simply to get used to terrorism, and the Democratic National Committee is claiming Russia is responsible for the recent wikileaks emails indicating more corruption from Hillary Clinton, and this has led to an explosion of speculation on the internet: would Russia do such a thing?

Trump Victory May Be Best for EU, Maverick Hungarian Leader Says

SF Source  Giza Death Star Community  July 2016

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Undemocratic Dem Party Convention

americaStephen Lendman – Democracy in America isn’t “messy” the way some duopoly power insiders portray it.  It’s nonexistent, policymakers ignoring the will of the people and their welfare entirely.

Events in Philadelphia alone expose how America is run, for its privileged class alone – flagrant electoral rigging anointing a party standard bearer belonging in prison, not high office.

Hillary is the most widely reviled Democrat in party history – beyond rehabilitation no matter how hard DNC handlers try reinventing her.

“I just don’t see how her numbers at this late date are going to improve on the likability issue or the trust factor,” University of Virginia’s Miller Center presidential studies director Barbara Perry explained.

Scandals since the 1990s made her damaged goods, most voters believing she’s a self-serving corporate shill, a law breaker not to be trusted – exposed electoral rigging the latest example.

She didn’t win her party’s nomination. It was handed to her, party bosses choosing her for standard bearer before campaigning began last year. Sanders never had a chance and he knew it.

Endorsements from party notables can’t erase her Lady McBeth image, her Machiavellian history, her high crimes too serious to paper over.

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Chaos Choices

goldDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re getting a little more momentum here, a little more friction from the Universe, a little more friction within Humanity, things heating up and a lot more frequent opportunities to make choices. I’m going to also use the word “chaos”. I see a lot of kind of chaos around the planet, just sort of erupting suddenly. That can be angry tempers, people arguing over politics or religion or whatever it is. So I see a lot during this week.

I’m going to remind you that chaos is an option. You can opt out. And one of the main things you have to remember is that if something is stirring, and that can even be on social media, one of the quickest and easiest ways to deal with it is simply to remove yourself from the equation.

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