Love Dispels The Illusion – Fear

fearThe Angels – If you poured water through a dry and dirty sponge, before the water can run clean, the dirt and debris must first be washed away. So too, as the light of love continues to flood human hearts, it continues to exposes human fears.

These fears expose themselves in many different ways. For example:

  • You may feel tangible worries about areas in your own life – the bills, your family, your job, your health, etc.
  • You may have vague feelings of anxiety or unease
  • You may experience tension, digestive discomfort, or a feeling like static electricity in the body.
  • You may find yourself nervously diving into frantic activity, or discover your thoughts are jumping rapidly from one concern to the next.

If you are not experiencing any of these symptoms, celebrate because you are happily tuned into a graceful and more loving reality that the vast majority of the world right now! You are keepers of the frequency of peace.

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Oracle Report ~ Saturday, August 27 – Sunday, August 28, 2016

balsomic moon
“Taken At The Hakone Japanese Gardens, Los Gatos, California” – photographer Mary

Saturday: Third Quarter Moon Phase: revise, realign

Sunday: Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Cancer

As we prepare to close out this Leo lunar cycle, let’s take stock of what this month has been about and where we are with things now. From the Report for the first day of this lunar month:

1- Convergence Of Alike – (New Moon at “an evening lawn party of adults” and Mars at “retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories”) The principle of “like attracting like” is dominant this month. In many ways, the qualities of respect, receptivity, refinement, and civility will actively counter the mayhem being induced by orchestrated traumatic events. Like-minded people find ways to join forces or join together to share and be of service.

2 – Theatrics & Drama – (Saturn at “a theatrical representation of a golden haired goddess of opportunity”) All the world is a stage this month, but wise owls rise above this and find ways for all the world to be a playground. The restoration of Wisdom and Will (the emergence of Second Renaissance within humanity) is founded in a return to the heart’s desires. We are not blindly “played,” we choose the roles we want to play and the way we want the world to be. Our individual choices change the collective experience. New opportunities, mindsets, beliefs, feelings, perceptions, and opportunities emerge and grow.

3 – Repair, Rectify, Make Right – (Black Moon at “a dentist at work”) Things reach a point where change must occur in order to restore balance and sanity.

4 – Advancing Fearlessly – (Jupiter at “a lion tamer rushes fearlessly into the circus arena”) The Wisdom Goddess Bhairavi fortifies our hearts with strength and courage this month to make advances. We “up” our game. Continue reading

Peace At The Edge Of World

shiftingZen Gardner – What a strange world we’re living in. It’s wonderful we have other dimensional realities we’re anchored to, but this is one weird place. People around the “whirled” are being tossed about like trash on an angry sea. Everything just comes at us and there appears to be no one at the helm for humanity. Only selfish manipulators seem to be in charge on a landscape of constantly shifting values and perspectives.

It’s hard to believe how far down the tubes this world has gone with so few recognizing what is happening. Fabricated trends blend into daily behaviors so fast that foundational reality has very little effect. There’s no common standard with which to compare anything.

The effects have become the new, ever shifting normal. There’s no more fundamental understanding or sense of reason. And from there our own roots are cleverly severed and distanced into oblivion as wave after wave of disorienting manipulated madness attempt to move us from our true, centered selves.

Any Day’s News

It’s baffling to read what transpires in the news on any given day. The outrageous genocidal wars, the onslaught of Orwellian false flags, the political shenanigans, the blatant financial manipulations, the outrageous infringements on personal freedom and integrity, and the sub-human thuggish policing. How anyone can digest this informational onslaught without outrage is beyond me. That these daily events don’t move people to indignation and some form of protest or activism to sound the alarm almost completely escapes me, although I’m well aware of the mind-numbing somatic influences of the media, drugs from every direction, and mind altering electronic bombardment being pumped into humanity.

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Gates Foundation: We Made Mistakes, But We Still Support Rotten To The …

educationJoseph P. Farrell – It has been a long time since I ranted about Amairikun egdykayshun and the nitwit busybody billionaires that, since progressive education was a gleam in John D. Rockefailure’s and Andrew Smarmygie’s eyes, have made such a hash of it. Well, I have to rant again after reading this article shared by Mr. V.T.:

Gates Foundation chief admits Common Core mistakes

Yes, it’s confession time for Bill and Melinda Gates, and for that matter, even the Los Angeles Pravda-Times:

Sue Desmond-Hellmann, foundation chief executive officer, wrote this in a newly released annual letter:

We are firm believers that education is a bridge to opportunity in America. My colleague, Allan Golston, spoke passionately about this at a gathering of education experts last year. However, we’re facing the fact that it is a real struggle to make system-wide change.

And she wrote this about the foundation’s investment in creating, implementing and promoting the Common Core State Standards:

Unfortunately, our foundation underestimated the level of resources and support required for our public education systems to be well-equipped to implement the standards. We missed an early opportunity to sufficiently engage educators – particularly teachers – but also parents and communities so that the benefits of the standards could take flight from the beginning.

This has been a challenging lesson for us to absorb, but we take it to heart. The mission of improving education in America is both vast and complicated, and the Gates Foundation doesn’t have all the answers.

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Reverse engineering Hillary’s crimes

foundationJon Rappoport – The Hillary email scandal and the Clinton Foundation scandal have been slithering, segment by segment, into public view.

And now we have “pay to play.”

The latest revelation, from the Associated Press:

“More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money — either personally or through companies or groups — to the Clinton Foundation. It’s an extraordinary proportion…Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million [to the Foundation].”

The implication is clear. “You want a favor from the State Department? Pay the Clinton Foundation.”

The National Review gives us the tip of the iceberg:

“Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain wanted a sit-down with Secretary Clinton but was rebuffed; Clinton Foundation executive Douglas Band intervened through [Huma] Abedin to try to find a work-around for the crown prince, who gave donations to the Clinton Global Initiative totaling $32 million through 2010. Donations to the Clinton Foundation came in from the kingdom itself and from the state oil company. Band also intervened to secure a visa for a foreign athlete held up because of his criminal record, doing so at the behest of donor Casey Wasserman, a Hollywood sports-entertainment mogul, whose foundation has contributed between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton Foundation…”

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