Oracle Report Tuesday, August 29, 2017

black moonFirst Quarter Moon in Sagittarius:  step out of comfort zone, take action

Sun: 07 Virgo – “a harem”

True Alignments:  inalienable rights, liberty, groups, individuality, maintaining unity under divisive circumstances

Catalysts for Change:  undervaluing self, spoiled, overly-competitive, the need for the approval of others, indecisive, lack of depth, maintaining the status quo, human trafficking, envy, comparison to others, attempts to divide and conquer, double crossing

Earth: 07 Pisces – “illuminated by a shaft of light, a large cross lies on rocks surrounded by sea and mist”

True Alignments: highlighted, recommitted or refocused, finding something or finding out something, helpful, assisting, faith, messages from Spirit, stairway to heaven

Catalysts for Change:  chaotic, betrayal, misplacing, sacrificing self, helpless, hopeless, purposely confusing or shrouding (possibly shrouding the complexity of something),

Laura Walker – Today’s energetics are inherently diametric.  “Illumination by light” is as graceful as “a harem” is distasteful.  So we will walk through today understanding that we choose if we want to fall on the side of hope for the future or on the side of hopelessness. Continue reading

Antony Sutton on Skull&Bones, WW II, and the Bush family

John Rappoport – The prodigious author and researcher, Antony sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events.

I recently came across a 1999 interview with Sutton, conducted by Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers.

Millegan wrote about Antony Sutton in 1999: “Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University.

Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.”

“…Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and— ‘a picture jumped out’. And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to ‘Illuminati’ influences in 1830’s Germany.”

Here are excerpts from the 1999 interview:

Millegan – Can you tell the story of how you learned of Skull & Bones? And how you felt? Continue reading

What’s Really Going On With Those Expensive Aegis Class Missile …

electronicJoseph P Farrell – Yesterday I began a review of the various hypotheses being advanced to explain the rash of collisions of US naval warships, the two most prominent being the recent ramming of the USS Fitzgerald off the coast of Japan, and the ramming of the USS John McCain off of Singapore just last week. While the news stories are spinning these as collisions, the damage to the ships being done in each case, with the ships being struck more or less forward-midships (starboard side on the Fitzgerald) or aft-midships (port side, apparently, on the McCain) are more characteristic of ramming than collision.

This raised the question, as I outlined yesterday, of why the crews undertook no evasive action? As I reviewed yesterday, the US Navy appears to be opting for the “implied incompetence hypothesis,” rather than entertain the much more disturbing possibility that the crews might not have been able to evade the oncoming ramming.

This raises the related question: what about the crews of the ships doing the ramming? One source indicated that the tanker which struck the McCain was a largely automated ship, which raises that question into stark relief. But automated or not, the question remains: why was no evasive action taken by the warships? (Or was it attempted, and we’re just not being told?) And why was no evasive action attempted by the crews of the ramming ships? (Or, again, was it attempted, and we’re just not being told?)

Continue reading

Trump is not JFK, nor is it his destiny to have the same fate

trumpState of the Nation – President John F. Kennedy was literally the smartest guy in the room. Everyone knew that and took his words very seriously. So, when he spoke about secret societies, who didn’t listen… very closely? When JFK vowed to“splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”[1] who didn’t take him seriously?

These and other extremely courageous actions by Kennedy are what sealed his fate in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Now fast forward to 2017.

President Donald J. Trump is also the smartest guy on the block, yet in his own very unique way. He has street smarts that Kennedy lacked. But what Trump really has going for him is his confounding and unpredictable persona. His hard New York City edge and inimitable moxie only add to the mix. Continue reading

Oracle Report Monday, August 28, 2017

“Blessings Of Sophia” – photographer Lucky

Crescent Moon in Scorpio (moves to Sagittarius 3:48 pm/7:48 pm UT): Persevere

Sun: 06 Virgo – “a merry-go-round”

True Alignments:  action, change yourself- change the world, learning, seeing patterns

Catalysts for Change: lack of progress, negative mind loops (counter or reverse the thoughts), continuing a destructive pattern

Earth:  06 Pisces – ” a parade of army officers in full dress”

True Alignments: humility, dutiful, honorable, recognition for service, discipline

Catalysts for Change:  fooling with a show or display/showing off, propaganda, feeling superior to others

Laura Walker – Today we come together, as “a parliament of wise owls in full dress,” to follow the path above the chaos.

On this last day of the Crescent Moon phase (the days of the solar-lunar cycle that challenge us the most to not give up on things), we align with a higher perspective of what is happening as the energetics of the New Moon/Total Solar eclipse continue to unfold (fan out). Continue reading