Is it a Fad, or is it Effective? Marketing Trends That are Here to Stay

AI Artificial IntelligenceEvery industry has its fads. From things like sauna suits in the exercise industry to 90s haircuts like “The Rachel” in the fashion industry, there have been plenty of fads that have run their course. And the marketing industry is no exception.

With so many different industries and mediums, there are plenty of marketing techniques that have picked up over the years, but despite how popular they may have been at one point, there are many that are fading away.

Unlike banners, which remain very popular, pop-up ads are a great example of a dying digital marketing trend. It seems that nearly every site you would visit had a pop-up ad of some sort until recently. The trend was popular and widely spread, but a pain for site visitors that caused a lot of friction and frustration. As search engines have been shifting their focus more towards user experience and placing the priority on mobile-first, the pop-up ad fad, (although still limping along), is starting to die out.

Another marketing fad that is beginning to fade is publishing content for the sake of publishing content. Black hat practices like keyword stuffing fueled low-quality content that was published for the sake of getting content onto the site full of keywords to help rankings. That fad is not only nearly dead due to the focus on user experience but largely because it is an offense that search engines will punish.

Other trends, like a heavier focus on quality content, creating logos that match company values, and personalized messages, are having a positive impact on the industry, reaping positive results, and are likely here to stay. These are just a few of the 2018 marketing trends you’ll want to keep up with:

Mobile First Marketing

There are nearly 3.7 billion mobile users throughout the world, and mobile devices are making up over 49 percent of web page views worldwide. As mobile phone usage has grown and become more prevalent, search engines have been shifting their priorities and have begun putting mobile first, causing companies to reevaluate their marketing and do the same.

This means that many companies are revamping their mobile sites, focusing on optimizing the mobile user experience, etc. With the continuing rise in mobile users and mobile web browsing, this is a trend that will be sticking around, and we’ll likely see continued changes that shift the priority from desktop to mobile.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has taken off in the last few years. Companies are using people who have established themselves as influencers in certain spaces—whether via blogging, vlogging, social media, or another means—to help them get the word out about their company and products. By using influencers, brands can expand their reach, build trust and authority with their audience, and better connect with their everyday customer.

As the stats on this Cell Phone Deal blog show, TikTok is a particularly good platform for influencer marketing, as engagement is much higher with influencers of all sizes.

As more and more influencers begin to pop up, and more opportunity opens up for brands, influencer marketing is a trend that’s here to stay. You may want to look at the best site to buy TikTok likes to boost your following and get on board with if you haven’t already.

Incorporation of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a lot of power and offers a lot of benefits to the companies that choose to use it, whether they implement it within their operations, finances, marketing, or all of the above. 61 percent of businesses have already implemented and begun to use AI solutions and are enjoying the rewards and benefits.

When it comes to marketing, AI can do everything from sort through and provide better data to help maximize ROI, and as it continues to develop it’s a trend in marketing that won’t be going anywhere.

Personalized Messaging and Transparency

With the technology available today, it’s easier than ever to send out personalized messages to each customer and client, even if you have thousands. While consumers have long appreciated a personal touch and the transparency and honesty of the companies they do business with, it seems that there’s still a lot of marketing that is impersonal and shady, leading to consumer mistrust and numbness toward campaigns.

More and more often, though, companies have been working on campaigns that are open and transparent and that provide personalized messages and options for customization to each customer, building up loyalty and commitment between the company and consumer. This trend benefits both the company and the clients, so it’s one that’s here to stay.

Final Thoughts

Throughout the years, marketing has had to change to serve and target the ever-changing consumer. While there have been fads in the past that seemed to cater to consumer needs, many have since died out, shifting the focus of marketers and companies alike.

Some trends, like personalization and transparency, have always been appreciated by consumers, and new trends, like mobile priority, have quickly become the focus of marketers to draw in the most business and attract the most attention, and those trends are some of the ones that are here to stay.

What other marketing trends have you noticed are sticking around?

Shift Frequency © 2018 – 2018 Marketing Trends
That are Here to Stay

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