How Will Mass ‘Migrant’ Crossing Not Be an Unprovoked Foreign Attack?

borderDavid Codrea – “Migrant ‘caravan’ at U.S.-Mexico border prepares for mass crossing,” Reuters reported Thursday. “Hundreds of Central American migrants from a caravan that crossed Mexico reunited in Tijuana on Wednesday and planned to cross the border together this weekend in defiance of threats by U.S. President Donald Trump to repel them.”

If allowed to happen, the criminal invasion – and ultimately that’s what it is – will be a direct result of a chain of circumstances aided and abetted by the Mexican government in violation of its own laws.  Mexican law requires foreign nationals be in their country legally and that their presence be beneficial. It is a criminal offense there to aid and abet illegal immigration.

Pueblo sin Fronteras, coordinator of the “caravan,” solicits donations via Paypal but is not listed as a nonprofit on Guidestar. It does not show up on the California Secretary of State business search (Paypal locates them in La Crescenta). Its website domain registrar is hidden behind a proxy. To find out more, we can turn to supportive ”mainstream”  puff pieces, or alternatively, to sites alleging indirect Soros ties. Continue reading

Clapper Busted Leaking Dossier Details To CNN’s Jake Tapper, Lying To Congress About It

Who were people like Clapper serving while in top government positions?

Tyler Durden – Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) turned CNN commentator James Clapper not only leaked information related to the infamous “Steele dossier” to CNN’s Jake Tapper while Clapper was in office – it appears he also lied about it to Congress, under oath.

Clapper was one of the “two national security officials” cited in CNN’s report -published minutes after Buzzfeed released the full Steele dossier.

The revelation that Clapper was responsible for leaking details of both the dossier and briefings to two presidents on the matter is significant, because former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey wrote in one of four memos that he leaked that the briefing of Trump on salacious and unverified allegations from the dossier was necessary because “CNN had them and were looking for a news hook.” –The Federalist Continue reading

Gowdy: What Comey Calls a Leak, the Rest of Us Call a Felony

comeyRusty – Rep. Trey Gowdy slammed former FBI Director James Comey for minimizing his leak of classified memos to the public, saying anybody else would easily identify his actions as a crime.

During an interview with Fox News host Bret Baier, Comey dismissed his actions in leaking the memos which rehashed personal interactions with the President, several of which have been marked either classified or secret.

Baier questioned Comey on whether or not the memos constituted a “work product.”

“No, it was not. It was my personal aide to memoir,” Comey replied. “I carried two copies of it. One to keep in my personal safe at home, and I left another one at the FBI so the bureau could always have access to it. But I always thought of it as mine, like a diary.” Continue reading

News & Views From The Nefarium April 26 2018

Joseph P Farrell – As of yesterday, it’s official, North Korea’s nuclear program is on hold, because its testing site is destroyed.:

North Korean Nuclear Test Site Has Collapsed, Explaining Kim’s “Suspension” Of Further Tests

The trouble is, are we being told the truth as to how its test site was destroyed? Joseph offers a bit of high octane speculation about this story from last year: Continue reading