A Last Quarter Moon of Truth and Karmic Release

earthLeslie Benson – The Last Quarter Moon on Friday, April 26, takes place at the 6-degree mark of the broad-sighted and humanitarian sign of Aquarius, making a square aspect to the Sun at the same degree of earth-oriented Taurus. Because the last quarter of the lunar cycle generally represents a releasing and letting go, our awareness may be turned now toward what is in our midst that is no longer serving, and allowing those things to dissolve and shed away so that something new can be born.

With Uranus also conjunct the Sun in this Last Quarter Moon, our intuition is quite strong. With the trickster archetype of Uranus so greatly emphasized, it is entirely possible that unexpected information and greater consciousness regarding our situation will be an important factor in the result. And with the addition of the Aquarian flavored Moon vibes, we may be noticing what there is in the collective affairs of society that is being dismantled and coming undone.

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Fear is unreal!

fearJohn Smallman – You (humanity) are finally opening to Love, and thus arriving on the same page where we in the non-physical realms spend a lot of our time.  This is making it far easier for us to bridge the seemingly vast gap between form and non-form so that we can commune with you all far more easily and spontaneously.

Awareness of your true nature, the Self that is using the body as a vehicle to experience form, is rising into the consciousness of increasing numbers of you, as the felt Presence of the Tsunami of Love, which is pouring down on Planet Earth, continues to intensify.

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Reprogramming Self at all levels

feelingsThe Angels – Before you go to bed tonight, take a few moments to think about who you wish to be. Ask yourself, “What parts of me would I like to leave behind as I ease my spirit back into the realms of Oneness tonight? What within me must be released so I can resurrect greater love, greater health, greater abundance, greater expression, and greater joy tomorrow?”

Focus on the “you” that you wish to be as you awaken in the morning. Do you want to be healthy, happy, filled with enthusiasm? Do you want to wake up feeling loved – with (or without!) a partner in the future? Do you want to wake up in an abundant reality giving thanks for all your blessings?

Imagine waking up that way. Imagine what it would feel like to wake up happy, healthy enthusiastic in a life where you feel grateful for your first breath each day! Imagine waking up feeling loved and loving! Imagine feeling wealthy in spirit and abundant in your material world. What would it feel like to wake up in that reality? Let your imagination run wild as you drift off to sleep. Take these feelings with you into your dreams. Continue reading

Reaching That Place Of Peace


Veronica – In your world the art of breath is a useful tool.  The chaotic frequency that batters your consciousness everyday can be modified by examining your breathing.

The inhale/exhale movement creates a rhythm that allows the form to settle into a peaceful vibration.

There are many of you however that find that breath control does not calm them in the way they would like.  The word meditation creates an atmosphere of frustration.  Some even fall asleep by concentrating on their breath. Continue reading

Keys to Conscious Living

electro magnetic frequency (EMF)Susan Hassen – With the introduction of over 250 new chemicals into our environment since the 1950’s, a political climate designed to keep us continuously high strung, and a toxic load of electromagnetic radiation, it can be hard enough to survive in our modern world let alone imagine thriving.

When seeking to live a conscious lifestyle, it can be extremely daunting and difficult to sift through massive amounts of information while being as discerning as possible. Through my work as a Quantum Energy Healer and holistic practitioner, I have found the following to be the most foundational, yet essential keys to conscious living to elevate us from survival mode to our highest potential.

1 – Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation and Harmful Frequencies

The Electromagnetic Field (EMF) affects us on a physical, mental, and energetic level. EMF radiation consists of the waves of the electromagnetic field including cosmic waves, radio waves, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays. In addition to these areas, harmful EMF radiation is emitted from electronics, such as televisions, refrigerators, air conditioning units, computers, tablets, and cell phones. Even our cars emit harmful EMF waves. Continue reading