Travel plans for the soul

loveThe Angels – There is purpose for everything in your world, everyone, and everything in your lives. There is value in the situations you consider good, and in the situations you consider bad.

Love is attempting to surface in the kind people and in those who aren’t so kind. Everything and everyone you come across serves a purpose in your life. Every encounter offers you a chance to grow.

Before you were born, you came in with what we call “Travel Plans.” You had lessons you wanted to learn. You had contributions you wanted to make. Above all you wanted to reconnect with love, compassion, joy, and various qualities of the Divine. Some of you wanted to learn to embrace and share those qualities. Some of you wanted to learn to receive them. Some of you simply wanted to embrace love in any form. Continue reading

This Most Important Equinox Brings Upgrades

You are all in the midst of the energy field of the most powerful and important Equinox humanity has ever experienced. For what you choose to focus on now ~ individually and collectively ~ is what will manifest in your world in 2020 and beyond. What do you choose to focus on during this powerful time of creation? ~ St. Germain & Lady Portia

loveSharon Rose – Just as the farmers plant seeds in the Spring that are harvested in the Autumn, the seeds you plant now in the fertile soil of the increasingly potent energy of Love and Light that is being downloaded from the Heavenly Realms are what will take form and manifest into your reality in 2020 and beyond.

This is the pivotal moment as you move through the Great Shift of the Ages, that you all came to Earth to experience, as the old way of limitation is being brought to the surface and revealed and made obsolete as YOU as awakened Creator Beings choose to co-create a new way of Joy and Freedom that you have come to live as the Champions and Way Showers of Love and Light, which will create a New Golden Age of Freedom, each in your own way. Continue reading

New Moon is Saturday, September 28 at 12:26 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)

new moonLena Stevens – This is a super moon intensifying the influence of the themes which are focused on right path, right relationship, right intentions, justice and commitments to your truth and ideals. Because of the intensity, you could be reactive around reactions and projections of others.

The challenge will be to stay engaged and connected while staying neutral at the same time. There is growth and healing in allowing vulnerability to drive new intentions, to purge the old, and forgive the old wounds whose residue has held you back from moving forward into a bigger life.

We are at the brink of expanding our dreams and our experience of life in a really beautiful way. We can push through our limitations through action, discipline and commitment. What stands in the way is our own stubborn position of blame, being right and not willing to forgive. So take a courageous step this New Moon and allow yourself to complete the wounded chapters of your story so you can turn the page.

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Child Abuse? Using Children to Lobby for Action on Climate Change

James Murphy –  With a mother who is an opera singer and a father who is an actor, it stands to reason that young Greta Thunberg would follow her parents’ footsteps into the performing arts.

Greta (shown below) — a 16-year-old who can pass for 12 — has become an international star for her role in the traveling production of Climate Strike, a show sponsored by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and assorted socialist non-governmental organizations (NGOs) worldwide.

The Climate Strike, which was attended by an estimated four million people worldwide on September 20, will continue with thousands of performances scheduled in countries all over the world in the coming week. Continue reading

Trump: ‘A Free Society Cannot Allow Social Media Giants to Silence’ Free Speech

social mediaAllum Bokhari –  President Donald Trump used part of his speech before the United Nations Tuesday to warn of the growing accumulation of power by big tech companies.

In one of the President’s strongest statements on social media bias yet, Trump argued that social media censorship is incompatible with a free society. He also drew attention to the growing trend of censorship, “canceling,” and blacklisting in general.

“We must always be skeptical of those who want conformity and control,” said the President. “Even in free nations, we see alarming signs and new challenges to liberty.” Continue reading