This Most Important Equinox Brings Upgrades

You are all in the midst of the energy field of the most powerful and important Equinox humanity has ever experienced. For what you choose to focus on now ~ individually and collectively ~ is what will manifest in your world in 2020 and beyond. What do you choose to focus on during this powerful time of creation? ~ St. Germain & Lady Portia

loveSharon Rose – Just as the farmers plant seeds in the Spring that are harvested in the Autumn, the seeds you plant now in the fertile soil of the increasingly potent energy of Love and Light that is being downloaded from the Heavenly Realms are what will take form and manifest into your reality in 2020 and beyond.

This is the pivotal moment as you move through the Great Shift of the Ages, that you all came to Earth to experience, as the old way of limitation is being brought to the surface and revealed and made obsolete as YOU as awakened Creator Beings choose to co-create a new way of Joy and Freedom that you have come to live as the Champions and Way Showers of Love and Light, which will create a New Golden Age of Freedom, each in your own way.

This is the time that you all have been waiting for. This is time to focus on what you see is needed and wanted in your world that will make causing harm to your self, another, your food supply, your environment, the animals, nature and your home, planet Earth a way of the past, so it can pass into oblivion.

What is the vision in your heart of hearts of a world of loving kindness that honors the Divine Presence in all beings and all life forms? What is the sacred wish in your heart that lovingly supports all life that naturally creates harmony, peace, loving relationships, enlightened decisions, abundance and joyful lives?

You each have come forth from the mind and heart of Mother/Father God with your own beautiful unique part of the Divine Plan to restore peace, plenty, health and joy on Earth. Look within your heart and you will find the glorious vision you have come to actualize as you become the conscious co-creator of this loving, enlightened new joyful way that honors all life with your own Divine Presence and each other.

When we ask those of you on Earth what is most needed now, the response is always the same: LOVE. Divine Unconditional Love. We wholeheartedly agree. When this Feminine Aspect of Mother/Father God was devalued eons ago, it has created the huge imbalance that has now resulted in your species and your planet on the brink of extinction. You cannot deny one-half of Creator Source without extreme consequences.

This is your time to transform this imbalance, personally and collectively. Remember, this is why you are here in physical bodies at this pivotal time on Earth.

Begin to focus on the vision deep within your heart and soul. Instead of thinking it is impossible. Nothing will ever change. Remember, you have come to BE the Change Agent, the Transformer, to BE the new Way of Freedom, Joy and Abundance.

What is the way you can being Love and Enlightenment into your personal life?

Ask yourself these questions:

How can I create a more loving relationship with my own Divine Presence?

How can I bring more love and kindness into my relationship with loved ones and family?

How can I bring more love and kindness to my relationships with my neighbors and community?

How can I bring more love and kindness into my relationship with my co-workers?

Begin to envision and feel this new You daily. Measure your actions against your visions until you become what you are visualizing and feeling each day.

What is the way Love and Enlightenment can re-create and transform all the institutions in your world?

♦ Government

♦ Education

♦ Business

♦ Communication Systems & Devices

♦ Media

♦ The Arts & Entertainment

♦ Science

♦ Healing Arts

♦ Spirituality & Religions

♦ Economics

Visualize this new way. Feel it already coming into reality. Use this powerful time of this Equinox Portal to create this new way of Love and Enlightenment by seeding it in your consciousness and sending it out into the universe daily so this high vibration of the New Earth becomes a magnet that can magnetize and manifest in 2020 and beyond.

Never underestimate your power as a Creator Being for this is your destiny, beloved ones. You have come to co-create this New World as the unique expression of Mother-Father God You Are in physical form in Oneness with your Divine Presence as a Way Shower and living demonstration of walking the Earth as a living Master.

What do you choose to focus on during this powerful time of creation?

SF Source  Walk the Earth Sep 2019

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