How To Neutralize Implants

How To Neutralize ImplantsMichelle Walling – The word implant has been described as being an energetic gateway for negative beings to connect to our bodies. Implants can be physically inserted through E.T. abductions or can be ingested through Chemtrails, GMO foods, and many other substances in our lives. Implants are also present in the etheric body and the purpose of this article is to bring enough information out to be able to keep them neutralized or unable to operate because of a shift in vibration.

People with implants can be implanted with thoughts that are not their own, addictions, sexual perversions, and self destructive behaviors. People have been mind controlled through implants and sent low vibrational energies. Energy vampirism occurs with implants as well as psychotic tendencies which in extreme cases can be diagnosed as schizophrenia. Some implants can move underneath the skin and a crawling sensation is felt. It is estimated that most all humans on the planet suffer from one form of implant or another. Continue reading

The Weaponization of Medicine

The Weaponization of MedicinePaul Rosenberg – Whether or not we can express it clearly, or even perceive it clearly, I think nearly every adult grasps that medicine is now being used as a weapon.

I am not a doctor, but I’ve been surrounded by medical professionals since my youth, beginning with my mom, who was not only an RN, but Head Nurse at two different hospitals. I’ve also been involved with science for a long time.

I’ll be brief, making just five primary points. But we’ve been losing science and we’ve been losing medicine; that is flatly unacceptable. Continue reading

Unmasking the Deep State: Trump’s Triumph Over Corruption

Unmasking the Deep State: Trump's Triumph Over CorruptionJ.B. Shurk – As I’ve watched the political Uniparty and administrative Deep State conspire to destroy Donald Trump over the last eight years, a tinge of optimism has taken root inside me. Not only have his tormentors been unsuccessful, but also a growing share of the population see the attacks against him as un-American, vindictive, and dangerous.

There is a heightened social awareness that D.C. is filled with corrupt people who operate the tentacles of government solely for their own benefit and enrichment. Continue reading

Reality Check: Michael Cohen’s Testimony Disaster

Reality Check: Michael Cohen's Testimony DisasterJonathan Turley – Michael Cohen apparently wants a reality show but, if his testimony Monday is any indication, reality is about to sink in for not just Cohen but the prosecutors and the court.

In stoking interest in his own appearance, the former Trump counsel promised the public that they should be “prepared to be surprised.”

Thus far, however, Cohen has offered nothing new and, more importantly, nothing to make the case for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Continue reading

The Universe Works With You

The Universe Works With YouJennifer Hoffman – Do you know that the universe works with you and not for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you something that you do not want or to create situations that you have not already set an intention for in some part of your reality.

The Universal energy does not create something out of nothing. It only creates that which you have already established energetic space for in your own world. As soon as you have defined the desire and set the intention , you set up the vibrations that create the reality. Understanding this is the key to manifestation what you want in life. Continue reading