A Full Moon of Connection and Healing

A Full Moon of Connection and HealingLeslie Benson – The Full Moon of October 9th arrives in its position of 16º Aries at 1:55 pm, Pacific Time; later in the day, of course, for points east. This lunar phase of Sun and Moon in opposition may show us more clearly the state of our relationships of all kinds, and also in this instance invites us into a more keen awareness of the unconscious patterns that prevent us from deeper connection.

It is important to note that we are offered as well profound opportunities to help us heal and shift these patterns. This is due to a powerful presence in this Full Moon configuration of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, opposed to Venus, which is also emphasized. The implication is that inner wounding in terms of relationship is likely to arise, and that by it coming into greater conscious awareness provides an opening for its healing.

In another way of seeing things, this Full Moon is in a window of time between the recent Mercury Retrograde and upcoming Mars Retrograde, beginning on October 30th, and it is also the last Full Moon before the upcoming eclipse season encompassing the lunations of October 25th and November 8th.

This upcoming Mars Retrograde and eclipse season will not be any kind of business as usual, and is likely to instead kick up all sorts of transformative intensity. We will cover these events as they unfold in coming weeks, but it is important to know that they are pending, as we can utilize the time between now and then to rejuvenate a bit, to fill our cup, and to prepare to batten down the hatches for this cosmic weather appearing on our horizon.

In the current Full Moon chart, with the Moon in individualist Aries opposing the Sun in relational Libra, we see the theme expressed of self versus other; the focal point of our relationship styles, patterns, and tendencies is brought front and center.

During this Full Moon we also find Venus, goddess of love and connection, conjunct the Sun, and we also have Chiron, the Wounded Healer, conjunct the Moon in Aries. Venus would rather be left alone in Libra to wander through meadows smelling the occasional flower, and yet here she is with the disturbing rays of Chiron in Aries beaming back at her.

This might feel a bit fraught, and then, too, Chiron’s tendency to bring up shadow material may be in full sail with the Sun and Moon in close aspect. You might find yourself bumping up against the hidden places within your psyche corresponding to early childhood trauma, and seeing first-hand how this form of internal wounding can arise in the context of relating with others.

If you find yourself with an amped up nervous system as a result of others’ behavior or actions, the invitation is to look within to see what is being activated. And this is something that likely existed well before the other person said or did anything that was painful for you.

The idea, here, is to find avenues of healing and illumination in the context of conflict or relational breakdown. This kind of process, while challenging in the moment, can potentially yield beautiful outcomes, like finding more ground in your own self-worth, and a greater capacity for creating intimacy, self-love, and caring regard for the connection with the other.

Truly, where we find Venus and Chiron in interplay, we come into greater contact with how truly precious our relationships and human connections really are. As always, we encourage you in seeking out the support of trusted allies and practitioners to hold space as you navigate.

We also find in this Full Moon configuration that the Sun is forming a trine, and the Moon a sextile, with Saturn; thus triggering the partile or same-degree square between Uranus and Saturn that has been one significant astrological hallmark of this current year.

You may continue to notice the long-lasting process within you around this revolutionary aspect, of both progressive curiosity and conservative holding back. We see this in our world as well through many breakdowns and breakthroughs. This aspect challenges us to find our own way of integrating our need for safety, security, and staying in the bounds of the known, combined with also the antithetical urge to fly free into uncharted territory, dance with the unconventional, and liberate ourselves from every limitation.

This fraught time can be extraordinary, and can lead to amazing revelations, yet it is also an incredibly stressful time that can feel turbulent, disruptive and downright exhausting. This square is growing in intensity over this ending of the year, and it is drastically highlighted in the upcoming total lunar eclipse of November 8th– more to come on that in future articles.

As we continue to live through these unprecedented times, the intensity can seem unrelenting; and, perhaps, it is. Yet there is still a sweetness and a salve to our spirits to be found in loads of moments and in many special ways. Libra season – that we are in the midst of – brings to our consciousness the nature of cosmic harmony, where balance is not a single static point, but rather a living, breathing dynamic dance in motion.

This is an ecology of the forces that shape our world. They are never still, but always echoing the sacred patterns of life itself. May we seek refuge in the places and ways of being that bring us into relationship with the wisdom of the cosmic forces that are there to help us.

May we find therein greater balance and harmony, and as well the strength and softness in ourselves and in one another to become the healing balm that can soothe the places of pain and confusion. And may we build the bridges that help to connect the parts of ourselves that have forgotten that they indeed truly belong.

SF Source Astrograph Oct 2022

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