A March Month of Mysticism and Self-Reflection

marchHenry Seltzer – The March month brings along with it, early in the month, a potent Pisces New Moon, another introspective retrograde of Mercury that is also associated with Pisces, contained entirely within that sign, and the Spring Equinox –properly called the Aries Equinox in the Southern hemisphere – that features a Full Moon later that evening.

This is another quite significant lunation, bringing Chiron and Uranus into the picture of this important seasonal configuration. Indeed, there are several astrological indicators for a rather crazy time, beginning with the Pisces New Moon of March 6th in almost exact conjunction with Neptune. We also note that, coincident with the March 6th New Moon, Uranus enters the first degree of Taurus, this time planning to stay.

The retrograde of Mercury, on a similar timing, beginning on the morning of the 5th, is also quite interesting. Mercury was conjunct Neptune at the time of the Aquarius New Moon of early last month, then stations early this month in the final degree of Pisces, in partile semi-sextile to Uranus and closely conjunct Chiron in the first degree of Aries.

When Mercury returns to direct motion on March 28th it is again in particularly strong conjunction with Neptune. This indicates a wild and woolly retrograde period, shuttling as it does between Neptune, Chiron and Uranus. We will want to pay particular attention to the part of our own natal charts occupied by the last half of the sign of Pisces, because this is the area that will be up for dreamy introspection, self-study and constructive contemplation.

In addition to the extreme Neptunian emphasis of the March 6th New Moon, the Sun and Moon are in exact semi-square to Uranus, bringing this awakening energy to the spiritual evolution that is the hidden story of these fractious times we are all living through.

Additionally, the death-and-rebirth energy of Pluto is bolstered by a perfect parallel with Saturn, and by a close forming square that Pluto makes to potent Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto that represents a Feminine Warrior energy in support of soul intention. Thus, all three major outer planets are highlighted in this extremely powerful Pisces New Moon that also features a stationing Mercury in close conjunction with Chiron.

This speaks to the essentially transformational character of this entire decade, as the Saturn-Pluto exact conjunction looms next January, and while the extremely significant Uranus-Pluto square remains active until 2020. We are, all of us, in the stew, bubbling an boiling away, hopefully burning off the non-essentials and everything that holds us back from inhabiting our birthright as the most authentic form of ourselves that we can muster.

In this regard, the fact that Chiron is emphasized in the Equinox Full Moon of the evening of March 20th is quite telling. Chiron, known as the Wounded Healer, represents the centers of pain deep inside us that are the residue of early childhood trauma, or in later years, with siblings or schoolyard classmates.

These have been walled away as too difficult to deal with at the time. This habitual disregard has likely continued into adulthood. The conscious mind does not attempt to access these dark places, but rather strives to avoid and ignore them, even as they are silently crying out, deep within us, for recognition and love.

An important first step is to welcome this inner image of a hurt child to the table of your awareness, and to reach out to it with light and healing love from your more capable adult self. You don’t actually need to consciously set out to make changes to habitual patterns of avoidant or addictive behavior, but only to make the connection with the lost child inside and watch these factors begin to melt away as your healing continues.

The above issues, definitely up for us over the course of a powerful March month of recognition and change, will yield, but only by doing the work. The effort of self-discovery and improvement is ongoing, but as astrologer Alan Oken reminds us, is “the only game in town” as we go through life, or at least the only game worth playing.

SF Source Astrograph Feb 2019

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