Happy New Year in July

Today According to the Galactic and Mayan calendars, last week marked the end of the old cycle of darkness, fear and limitation, and the beginning of a new Cosmic year.  The New Moon tomorrow ushers in the beginning of a brand new cycle of Love and Light, supporting you to remember your unity with all life and your Divine eternal nature. As you watch this new energy breaking up the old outdated and unworkable systems, shine your Light as bright as the Sun and envision this new cycle of joyful, mutual empowerment that fills you with joy and Love it into being, just as you would nurture an unborn child or new business into form. ~ The Councils of Ascended Masters

new earthTake time today to shed the old heavy energies you carry in your thoughts and feelings, give thanks for all you have learned in this last cycle and tomorrow envision where you wish to be ~spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically ~ this time next year, so you can begin to consciously create this new cycle, using your God-given powers of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions to bring it into manifestation. This is the day to prepare for this brand new year.

As Lightworkers here on Earth at this time of the Great Shift of the Ages, you have come to shine your Light on the highest possibilities that reveal your universal Oneness and honors all life, and share your Love and compassion that transforms the dark limitations that have enslaved humanity for eons into a New Earth of peace, plenty and freedom.

Your participation is requested from the Council of Shamballa to align your Divine Presence as a great wave of Love and Light to fully and completely release the last final residues of control and manipulation from this old, archaic, dark energy.

You are being asked to stabilize and anchor your highest energetic intentions on the Earth plane that brings about personal and planetary freedom, truly walking the Earth as Living Masters co-creating a New Earth.
Transforming Personal and Planetary Challenges

All of the present challenges are showing you the areas of limitation that have been holding you back that it is now time to release. Even though it may seem impossible to create win-win solutions from your present limited perspective, you are being shown that if there is a challenge before you, you have the ability to create what will bring you freedom and joy.  This also applies to the challenges you see reported in the news.

Remember as the “darkness” is coming to the surface to be revealed and released, that the old limited way is in the process of being dismantled, dissolved & passing away and the new way of freedom is in the process of being created.

For example, in the United States as you watch the Democrat Presidential Debates this week, look for those that are bringing forth the new ways and the ones that are still trying to perpetuate the old way that are simply out of date and not part of the new way that all of you as Lightworkers are here to co-create.   This is your time, Beloveds, for you have come to co-create a new era of enlightenment, compassion, peace, plenty and freedom.  This is what all of us in the ascended realms are supporting you to do.

The only purpose of your present-day challenges is to awaken you to your true identity as  the beloved son or daughter of God here to serve as a change agent, way shower, awakener and transformer of humanity, using your God-given powers of Light and Love to create a new Earth that will birth a new Golden Age of Freedom. The purpose of all of the challenges on Earth at this time is to awaken you to your full God Self to co-create this new world and a life of joy that is a living demonstration of what is possible.

Ask yourself: What are the current personal challenges showing you that is possible? It is always the opposite positive of the challenge.  And the challenge is urging you to create that positive solution now, stretching you beyond your current comfort zone of what you think is possible. This is what you are being called to manifest now, beloved ones.

We affirm the truth of the statement: A single collective thought is all it takes to change the world.

Let’s envision this New Earth together as we Celebrate this brand new New Year beyond limitation!

SF Source Walk The Earth Aug 2019

To assist you in rising to your next level of mastery and fully realizing your glorious Divine destiny living in peace, wisdom and Love, co-creating a New Earth and a New Golden Age of Freedom, we are here to personally and privately mentor you to actualize your Ascension and live as your True Self in Unity Consciousness. We would be honored to guide you in this in-depth year-long Private Mentoring with the Masters Program to create from the unlimited levels of your consciousness, actualize your Divine Blueprint, and ascend into the freedom, love, joy and abundance of the Presence of Mother-Father God within you, truly walking the Earth as a Living Master.

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