Access the Hidden Treasure of Your Dreams

Access the Hidden Treasure of Your DreamsJennifer Hoffman – There is a lot of energy movement happening now and while it seems like I say that every week and sometimes every day, it’s true. Now that we are well into our ascension path and the awakening is expanding every day, energy moves faster, things happen more quickly, the dis-integration of 3D and integration of 5D is happening at light speed and it’s quite exhausting.

But it’s part of this path and it is what is necessary to get us to our destination. So buckle up and hang on tight because the ride isn’t over yet.

We’re not without resources and blessings at this time and right now we have a big one – the Venus/Uranus square from Aquarius to Taurus which starts today and lasts through mid-March, repeating in December. And it was accompanied by a big X2.5 class solar flare!

We have had this aspect since 2019, with repeats in 2021, 2022, and 2023. We get 2 in 2024 and one in 2026. Notice we did not have one in 2020, the year of the infamous Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn and our exposure to the full spectrum of 3D control and tyranny. What does this mean to us? It’s time to re-set our vision, dust off our dreams, and expand into brand new dimension of creativity and creation.

Dreams are moving to the forefront and it’s time to dream big and take action now.

When I talk about dreams here I am not referring to the visions you have during your sleep that provide explanations, insight, and sometimes foreshadow events in your life. I am talking about the vision for your life, the plans, goals, wishes, and hopes that you have for what you want to be and to become, what you want in your life, and what you want to accomplish.

If this subject makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. So often our dreams and vision for our life are met with judgment, ridicule, dismissal, criticism, denial,. And when that happens we think we’re wrong, our dreams are bad or wrong, so we set them aside and do what is acceptable and accepted.

A few years ago I shared the quote ‘Dreams are the music your life dances to.’ How many of you are dancing or have you become permanent wallflowers, no longer dancing because the music of your soul has been silenced? You can occasionally hear the music of your dreams but it is quickly silenced by your fears and past disappointments. When are you going to start dancing to the music of your dreams again?

How many of your dreams have you hidden away from everyone, even yourself, because you were afraid to show and to share them? What have you thought about every day and wished it would happen but silently and secretly feared it would not? Who do you share these dreams with and will regard them with the same anticipation and potential that you do? Probably no one – well you could share them with me and I would be happy to help you expand them into a beautiful reality.

But that positive audience is probably very limited and maybe you’re even still remembering the criticism or ridicule you received long ago and you don’t want to go through that again.

The problem is that all of you who are ascension pioneers came here to share your dreams and visions, to expand your reality and realize these bold dreams. But you also thought that sharing them and getting acknowledgement, approval, and support of those in your soul group would be part of the process. Unfortunately, the same people who hold you back today have always been your biggest detractors, your biggest judges, and your most vocal critics.

Part of our karma is to express our dreams, desires, wishes, hopes, plans, and goals into new energetic pathways. This is how we create our 5D realities. But we get stuck in trying to get agreement and approval and then we just put our dreams aside, convinced that we are wrong to even think of those things.

After all, if it was the right thing for us to do then everyone would agree with us. I know you may think that way but I have to ask – how many of you had a jealous parent or sibling that was always critical of everything you did? That’s my point here.

Your dreams are in an energetic reality of their own. They are part of your energetic potential and they are a gift from your soul. Dreams and new life visions are a separate reality for you, one that is far removed from the 3D reality that you currently reside in. They are also a portal for 5D living that requires your commitment and focus, and your willingness to engage in a level of empowered self-expression that whisks you across the 4D bridge into a new reality.

Can you embrace the joy, prosperity, and success that is a real possibility without feeling guilty? That’s a question you have to answer.

While we have a lot of dreams, goals, plans, wishes, and hopes, we don’t seem to be able to manifest them very easily. So where do they go because they don’t disappear or go away. Think of the first law of thermodynamics here – energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form.

How many of you can remember the vision you had for your life decades ago? I hear it all the time from clients, students, from my weekly enlightening life LIVE broadcasts. I hear people say “I always wanted to” or “I wish I could’ and then they mention a vision or dream, a goal or plan, followed by disappointment that it won’t happen because it has not happened yet, and they are afraid that it never will.

It’s a topic I know all too well, I have had a lot of visions for my life, dreams and goals, hopes and wishes, interests and passions, that never happened. Life, timing, family obligations, children, jobs, and a lack of resources or opportunity were often the reason they did not happen. But what I realize now is they were delayed; they did not disappear. And the key to awakening, revitalizing, and re-vibing them is to figure out where they went and how to bring them back.

That’s something I can tell you because of a dream I had one night about a year ago, at a time when I was in a lot of pain and experiencing the ongoing health issues I have had since late 2019. I was in so much pain I could not sleep or sit or stand or lie down. I had so many plans and dreams and I could barely walk and move around and was nearly unable to function.

I was lying in bed thinking about my life and wondering whether I was ever going to be able to bring some of my plans forward. I had started writing down my ideas for projects because I was afraid of forgetting them – chronic pain was messing with my memory and my ability to remember things.

And I started thinking about my dreams, the things I have wanted to do for decades but could not.

At some point I fell asleep and my guides took me on a little trip into the universe and showed me what was still possible for me and where my dreams were being held for safekeeping. All of those things I wanted to do, like write books, design a fashion line (I already have the name for it), create a line of home furnishings, write a cookbook, provide entrepreneurial and business training on a global scale, buy a horse, buy a chateau in France, encourage and support people who want to expand their dreams – it was all still possible and waiting for me.

Now I did not wake up miraculously healed and ready to begin. It would be a year before I could start feeling good enough to even begin to consider taking action, as I have now, but I am not starting with no ideas or plans, I have constant access to my old dreams, plans, goals, hopes, and wishes now. And when I need inspiration I go to my secret place with my guides and re-visit those dreams.

Dreams are more than wild imaginings or vaporware, they are the gift of our soul, and they exist in a separate energy reality outside of our belief system. They are how we express our energy into the world and if we cannot do that then they are suppressed and repressed, shut down and put away. I think it is one of our most devastating disappointments, to know we have a dream that can’t be fulfilled and we shut down our dreaming. Doing that also shuts down our soul energy and turns us into sad, bitter, sometimes angry, and disappointed people.

Can you relate?

There is no sadder state than to be dreamless, to be without a vision, to abandon our goals, wishes, hopes, and desires, and feel that we can’t change our life and whatever we are doing now is all there is.

I remember a man I worked with in the corporate world who had a corner office and was a highly paid executive. But he hated his job and his life because he would rather own a bakery and bake bread. It was something we talked about occasionally because we shared an interest in baking, and I was one of the few people who knew about his dream. He didn’t pursue it because he had responsibilities, a family who loved the life his job provided, and he had no support for his dreams from anyone.

His family would have been mortified and thought he had gone mad if he told them he wanted to quit his high power, high salary job and become a baker. One of our last conversations, before he died of a heart attack, was about my grandmother’s cinnamon roll recipe I shared with him. I knew his disappointment and dreamless life contributed to his death.

If we are going to live on a more soul congruent level then we have to be willing to live in an expanded way and to lead with our 5D dreaming, where our life is a constant expression of our potential that isn’t limited by who is going to support us or the criticism 9r consequences we’re trying to avoid. Our dreams and visions for our life come from the soul and we need to give them a place to be expressed in our reality.

Are you convinced that your dreams just won’t happen and you are stuck in the dreamless life you have right now? Do you spend your time regretting the things that didn’t happen and are afraid that they never will? How many disappointments have you had in your life? Probably a lot. Me too. Let me share some of them with you.

My big dream as a child was to become a ballerina. But being paralyzed for 5 years and having to regain my mobility made that impossible. I was no longer strong enough to dance and I lost my muscle coordination and sense of balance.

So I became interested in fashion as a young teen and designed and sewed my own clothes for years.

I also had a dream of becoming a concert pianist and was a gifted musician but my family didn’t support that so that dream was abandoned.

I wanted to become an equestrienne and was an accomplished rider but that cost too much money and required a horse. My parents were not willing to fund that hobby so it went away too.

When I wanted to publish my first book, in the late 1990s, which was a book on alternative medical treatments, nutrition, and herbs, I could not find anyone to publish it because, to quote many agents and publishers, I was not a doctor. I still haven’t written the book but I share a lot of that information today. I can still do it though and I have lots more information to add to it now, 20 years later.

That’s a short list. If I made a list of all of the dreams, visions, plans, goals, hopes, wishes, and desires that I have had in my life and all of the ones that didn’t happen it would be depressing. I shared some of them with you a few moments ago. And over the years I have thought about those visions and dreams and regretted that they had passed me by and would never happen. I felt like that for a long time, until I learned that they were not gone and I could bring them back whenever I wanted to.

So I re-visited my dreams and found that I am still interested in all of them and there are quite a lot of them that are ready to be realized, to be revived, renewed, and relaunched. And because of the internet and technology that is available today, they will be even easier to implement now.

The same holds true for you and for everyone. Your soul is still holding all of your dream energy for you and is maintaining that energetic space for you to step into it. It’s your job to take that dream energy and turn it into a reality. And yes, your dreams are valid because they are the unique energy of your soul that is part of your soul mission and life purpose.

But how do you bring forward the dreams, visions, goals, plans, hopes, and wishes that you have put away for so long you can’t remember them, or you have decided they aren’t going to happen, or you’re afraid to even think about it.

I know the feeling and to celebrate the rebirth of our dream energy I created a short program for you that I call the Access Your Secret Treasure and in it I show you how to access the secret place where your dreams, visions, goals, plans, hopes, and wishes are kept for you, safe and secure, until you are ready for them. They really do not disappear, they are part of your soul expression and are an important part of your energy field.

So if you are disappointed or depressed, if you have not abandoned hope of ever realizing a dream, and if you are ready to start letting your life dance to the music of your dreams, get the Access your Secret Treasure program and discover the treasure trove of dreams that are waiting for you to bring them back into your life and start manifesting them now. You can real-ize your dreams once you know how to access them and it’s time to start.

We have so much support for that now and our new 5D realities are powered by the expanding and expansive energy of our dreams so get started now. And remember, your dreams are the music life dances to so turn up the volume and start dancing.

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Copyright (c) 2024 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

SF Source Enlightening Life Feb 2024

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