‘Speaking Truth’

aquaiusLiz D’Aste – One of the questions I get asked frequently is when does the Age of Aquarius actually start?

Well….in a way, there is no such thing as specific starts and finishes when dealing with Ages that span thousands of years. Same thing goes when trying to determine when one constellation starts and the other finishes. There are no boundary lines in space and the stars that make up a constellation are not even within the same plane. One star can be light years into deeper space than another.

The way I see the question of Ages in my mind’s eye is in pictures of contrasting waves of energy  interpenetrating for a time. An Age lasts for over 2,000 years, so when that vibration begins to touch the vibration of the next Age there will be, in my estimation, at least 300 years of intermingling before the next Age becomes the obvious one.

We have been in the Age of Pisces which began intermingling with the Age of Aries marked by the birth of Christ and became obvious by the time Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. Among other progressions, the western world moved from pagan, conquering Empire builders who claimed to be gods to Christian Emperors and Popes who claimed to have divine rights from The God and conquered in his name.

Pisces is the sign of spiritual connection and self-sacrifice, unlike Aries which stands for courage and self promotion.

Aquarius is the sign of the dissemination of information – that is not physical water the Aquarian Man is pouring out of his urn – it is waves of energy. Aquarius is an air sign, ruled by the ‘reality making’ planet SATURN and the doorway to URANUS the liberator. What the Aquarian Man is pouring his energy into are progressive ideas; he is seeding the minds of the future.

Aquarius is what we call in astrology a ‘fixed AIR’ sign. Fixed signs follow the cardinal signs who are the initiators, the signs that activate the elemental energy. The fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, are the brakes. Once something is initiated, it must be experienced in order to ascertain its value.

For instance, let us say that Cardinal Capricorn initiates a community project,  fixed Aquarius represents the desire to involve  itself in the group dynamic to see if the relationship is worth pouring energy into. This is why Aquarius is the sign of truth and human systems, because it is concerned with the value of ideas and relationships between people and things.

Now, having properly entered the Age of Aquarius, I reckon that the intermingling between the Age of Pisces and Aquarius began at the time of the revolutions that challenged the divine rights of royalty, back in the 1700’s  and became increasing obvious by the time the IT revolution spread throughout the world and we had instant global communication. We are moving from a time when important information was closely guarded and education was a privilege of the upper classes to the internet and satellite coverage for all.

Aquarius is the sign of truth. Now everyone has a platform with which to express their truth and opinion on the value of anything and everyone. One need only to spend an evening on YOUTUBE to see that. FAKE NEWS is in the headlines. Again, we humans are being invited to make up our own minds as to what is true and what is false. This would have been unheard, for the majority, during the height of the Piscean Age in which FAITH was important and your average Joe did not question his faith or the authority of the rulers and was willing to go to his death to defend it. The Crusades come to mind. (Funny how George Bush said we were fighting a crusade in Iran, a throwback to Pisces)

But it is never cut and dry in the world of Human kind. Remnants of the previous Ages will always be enacting themselves somewhere. Nothing ever totally disappears, not even dinosaurs. One was just discovered in Canada, completely intact, skin and all. It is just a matter of dominance – the Aquarian mythos will dominate for a while, not replace.

More and more we will see symbols of Aquarius entering our consciousness in the same way as representations of Jesus sacrificed on the crossed dominated much of the Piscean Age. Aquarius is the water bearer in glyph and I love the way we in the west all started carrying water around on a regular basis. Aquarius rules computers and systems. Computers are obviously here to stay and their systems are becoming more complex every day. But systems also include ways of living together and there are serious experimental communities springing up everywhere.

Aquarius is the sign of the future and technology. Robots have arrived and will probably become very obvious in the next 5-10 years, as well as people replacing parts of their anatomies with machined parts.

Aquarius is the sign of individual independence. Everyday more people are doing it for themselves and not looking to the government anymore. Between such things as the internet, solar panels, hydroponic gardening and 3-d printing this is becoming a reality not just a hippie pipe dream left over from the 60’s.

One of the most important themes of Aquarius is friendship. Social media is therefore one of the most pervasive signs that the Age of Aquarius is in full tilt. Facebook, Linked in, Instagram, My Space, Twitter – say no more!

The Age of Aquarius will not be better or worse than any of the other Ages. It will be a different experience which will allow the members of humanity to use their free will to either evolve or devolve as always. To quote Dickens:’ It was the best of times – it was the worst of times…’

SF Source On Planet Liz Aug 2017

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