Be Still And Know

Alec Christos Gabbitas – Vistas of all that is to unfold can be seen when one goes within to the place that sacredness creates. There issues from this place of near perfection the ‘word‘ or that  called God – that which is called Supreme Creator. Within these inner vistas lie the progressive and expansive links to future, past and now-time, parallel expressions of being.

Everything that has been and will be-come into now-time is dictated from this point of being, where can be found everyone / thing of note within our current and ‘future’ roles to play out on planet earth!

Great moments and greater realizations will spill into daylight as and when the time is right, and nought will appear or occur until it is absolutely necessary so to do.

There will be nobody out there astride a white champion horse that will come galloping in with a flourish to carry you off upon its back to a space afar in the stars. There will be no thing out there to rescue you from your dire situations, for you are also here for the self same reason, to work through these situations and experiences, for it is your blessing and your chosen missions to move through these testing times, re-balancing all that can so be attained, bringing karma (an obsolete commodity) to a close.

Invoking a clean sheet to issue forth once more as the winding down of duality-thinking ebbs surely aside, for far greater climes will ensue.

So much to look forward to in these coming years. So much to be achieved as the ‘gates’ are flung wide open in these imminent now climes. So little to want to hold on to from these ‘old energies’ as we move ever onwards and inwards into the ‘new energies’ of a new age of greater expansion.

We step surely into the Aquarian Age of beloved planet earth’s journey through the stars; likewise do we, as her able consorts and fellow travelers.

The die is cast, and though not set in stone, the blueprint has long been scribed within the very souls of all whose now-mission is to usher forth into ever changing climes and continuing growth, a transition true in its evolutionary cycle, that of the ‘water carrier’ to be heralded in.

As the planet evolves in magnetic e-motion so do the energy levels begin to rise and the many forms of life upon Terra begin to change in conjunction with these energy shifts.

At certain times will a species begin to relocate to another planetary system and perhaps will their numbers here reduce and in some cases become obsolete to this planet, and their place taken by other species, as yet to be discovered.

Nature has abundant ways of keeping all things balanced, and it is mostly humankind’s misappropriations that create disharmony and a need to adjust. All species also have an evolutionary pattern or pathway to follow and progress within. Balance is restored whether it be birds that fall from the skies or by cetaceans who beach themselves for ‘no’ reason? They “Do” make a vital statement!

We are living in the ‘end times’ and are aware of the most imminent earth changes that may well have to be a part of these evolving times – from an old fading and failing reality into the new beginning of far greater ‘lightness’ and far more balanced reality.

There is “No” possible event of a world or planet dramatically ending. But there is an unavoidable adjustment that beloved mother nature has to make to mold herself within the higher vibrational energies.

It is a wondrous era in the history of Hu-mankind and the new beginnings are soon to become into fruition as the whole universal backcloth of Stars and Galaxies perform a cosmic dance in the heavens, where all indeed are part of the resulting energy realignments, for all is One!

Being and living in the now moment, focusing on that which your heart feels to be right as a better and more harmonious world to live in. Thinking and feeling with your heart, the higher heart that is, in making all decisions, and acting them through by first running them thru’ the thymus or high-heart, may well be the way to go during these ensuing months of co-creation.

Exciting and adventurous indeed it is and it will surely be center stage with numerous and love filled Starry families and Elders all enjoined as one in these final acts upon this noble planet, under the auspices of beloved Lady Gaia.

The eyes are upon you all as your heart and minds merge to become indeed the heart-mind of all acts and of all co-creation. Draw down your mighty I Am selves into your body physicals, earthing all that you can to link you deeply and firmly into the crystal heart of the beloved planet. You are indeed so blessed.

Namaste, Selemat Ja.

(c)Alec Christos Gabbitas for the Universal Mind
and an ever United Kingdom.

SF Source Alec Christos Gabbitas  January 5 2012

2 thoughts on “Be Still And Know

  1. Hello Alec

    Today I had a strong impetus to make phone contact
    if possible….’reasons’ unknown at present.


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