Powerful New Video Explores How Agenda 21 Will Affect You

The New American | September 24 2012

 While most Americans remain blissfully unaware, the United Nations “sustainable development” scheme known as Agenda 21 will affect virtually every area of life — and it is already here. A short new documentary about the UN plan, using the global organization’s own documents and other sources, explores the implications of this far-reaching agenda and what it means to you and your family.

The film emphasizes the obvious importance of protecting the environment — everybody wants clean air and clean water. However, as the documentary points out, when environmentalism came to a fork in the road, the agenda took one route while the rhetoric took another. For those concerned with freedom, the picture appears grim at first.

America, of course, was founded on the principles of individual liberty and God-given rights, which include the ownership of private property. “Private property and freedom are inseparable,” reads a quote from George Washington cited in the documentary. The Founding Fathers also understood the danger of big government, even waging a war for independence against what was then the most powerful big government on earth — the British Crown.

Beginning some three decades ago, however, the UN began its push to allegedly “save the environment” and achieve what it called “sustainable development.” The short documentary — entitled Agenda 21: How Will It Affect You? — introduces viewers to some of the key players in the scheme including socialist Gro Harlem Brundtland, one of the chief architects of the UN plan.

The film also goes through important milestones such as the 1992 “Earth Summit” in the global effort to impose “sustainability” on the people of the planet. At that crucial conference two decades ago, rulers from all over the world came together and created what came to be known as “Agenda 21.” It quickly became clear what the scheme was about.

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, the use of fossil fuels, electrical appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning and suburban housing — are not sustainable,” noted Earth Summit Secretary-General Maurice Strong as he ushered in Agenda 21. In other words, the UN sustainability agenda eventually seeks to curtail people’s choices in terms of food, transportation, housing — even family size, as in Communist China.

The final document at the summit was signed by 178 world leaders including then-U.S. President George H.W. Bush as well as dozens of totalitarian despots. It was never ratified by the U.S. Senate as required by the Constitution. Since then, however, presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have signed myriad executive orders and agreements advancing Agenda 21 in the United States, the film explains.

Meanwhile, with federal help, the UN scheme has already found its way into local communities all across the nation through Local Agenda 21 and a deeply controversial international organization known as ICLEI — formerly the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. More than 500 local governments in the United States are already involved with the group.

A significant segment of the film is devoted to exploring the true intentions of Agenda 21’s architects. It also explores in some detail what the scheme really means to Americans and the people of the world — and how it will affect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Individuals who cherish freedom may find the information disturbing.

Much of the information, however, is drawn from the UN’s own documents, more than a few of which openly attack private property rights, population growth, the market system, cheap energy, and much more. The film offers a short review of some of the key points presented in important UN reports, giving viewers a brief but well-rounded view of the global agenda and its implications.

However, there is good news as well. The film also covers, albeit briefly, the fact that opposition to Agenda 21 is growing all across America. At the local level, for example, activists are securing countless victories in the battle to expel the UN and its “sustainable development” plan. Numerous communities have already ditched ICLEI while state legislatures across America get involved as well.

The powerful documentary was produced by The John Birch Society, a liberty-minded non-profit organization that has been working against UN scheming and all forms of totalitarianism for more than five decades. Its motto encapsulates the mission well: “Less government, more responsibility, and — with God’s help — a better world.”

The consequences of doing nothing and letting the UN’s Agenda 21 take a firmer hold in America would be disastrous. So, on that note, the video, which is also available on DVD, ends by encouraging citizens to get involved and by pointing activists to online JBS resources for the fight.

8 thoughts on “Powerful New Video Explores How Agenda 21 Will Affect You

  1. We need to fight Agenda 21 with everything we’ve got, BUT not to the extent that we prevent environmental restoration and sustainable lifestyles.

    Our “civilization” is outright unsustainable. There is no question of this. I hope, if you’ve never heard it, you will listen to Derrick Jensen on this point. That man knows what he’s talking about. This world we have created cannot be sustained.

    The fellow in this video keeps saying Who wouldn’t want to keep the environment clean? Evidently quite a few of us don’t want it badly enough to make sure it happens. What kind of chumps does he think he’s talking to?

    Action is definitely required, and not everyone will be happy about it, but the cabal has taken over the environmental movement. It’s not an environmental movement anymore, and we have to get one back.

    It’s literally the most important imperative on earth.

    1. Hi Nines, I totally disagree with the comment concerning civilization being unsustainable. Under the rules operating now, it is. However, there are so many different ways to feed, house and clothe humanity and nature that are suppressed that I refuse to drink the koolaid of the hidden offal (who are NOT human) and their NWO minions who are busily retrofitting this planet’s atmosphere to serve their agenda 21. Blessings, G

      1. I feel the same way Gillian. Yes our current oil/chemical/financial fraud system is unsustainable. But Agenda 21 is not the answer. Agenda 21’s dirty little secret is a plan for mass genocide to reduce population numbers and the forced herding of humanity into megacity ghettos of micro “Bloomberg” apartments while the 1% continue to live in mansions. This is just perpetuating the status quo and calling it green and sustainable.

        The true solution is a massive transformation of our society and civilization based on the release of hidden and suppressed technology for energy, transport, etc. The majority of environmental damage goes to the production of energy. The availability of ‘free energy’ produced from suppressed technology would do a great deal to improve our society and stop the damage to the environment. Imagine having unlimited energy available to do whatever was wanted or needed and it costing next to nothing to create, and no one being able to restrict the supply for their own greed and enrichment. No more oil, coal, mining, oil refineries, gasoline production, oil spills, nuclear, coal burning power plants, water pollution from these, no more smog or air pollution, no more spikes in supplyl and demand, no more manipulation of availablity.

        Then our attention could go to returning to natural organic farming methods of food production (locally instead of big agri business). It all starts with energy.

        The truth is that there has always been more than enough for everyone, and there’s also more than enough even with a population increase. This current paradigm of lack and scarcity results from the hoarding and misallocation of resources by the 1%. It’s all based on greed and control. Without the obstacles of the past, you would be amazed at how much people as a whole and as individuals could prosper and how wonderful our world could be, for everyone!

  2. Gillian-
    It suddenly occurs to me that this could be a whacky plan not meant as real at all – it is perhaps meant to drive flocks to the mad cap right wingers? John Birtch saves the world! along with Wendy and Phil Gramm. Pleeese – Read all about how she was Reagan’s favorite economist.
    You can send all of the folks to the opposite side of the ship. Send a little noxious gas on their side, such as perhaps a farce that might be called Agenda 21.
    Do I know this? No. I am only asking that we think, and make sure it does not quack like a duck.

  3. The John Birch Society is one of the most ultraconservative, pro-Christian groups in the U.S. and it vehemently opposed the civil rights movement. My resonate alarm is beeping.

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