All Is Here In This Now

energyGrace Solaris – All is here in this Now. All you ever dreamt of and no where else to be found. Don’t wait for a certain moment in future for something to happen… the future is born in this very moment thru your focused intent, your feeling and vibration.

Being in vibrational match to what you wish to embody and experience as your immediate reality is what determines the outcome. Feeling it, vibrating it with every cell is bringing it into your sphere and reality.

It is the alchemy of focused intent and feeling that materializes matter into be-ing.

You are the director co-creator and the universe will respond … each molecule and atom will respond and follow your directive by coming together in vibrational match and cause matter to move and manifest whatever it is you consciously give energy to thru your thoughts (intent) and the feeling that accompanies it. That is universal law and how powerful you are.

Your imagination is limitless as is the universe. Limitations only exist in the linear mind of separation. Being present in the heart is occupying the quantum field of infinite possibilities, the birthplace of all matter, the space where the formless is brought into form. The space from which miracles are born… the miracle that is you and all else that our universe consists of. Let this be your playground and the elixir from which you create and live life as a miracle where all is possible.

The divine source of joy, which is the quintessence of gratitude is abundant and what fuels this field.. it is found and is available within every cell of your being and the sacred sanctum of your heart. Expressing your gratitude (ahead) in the present moment for all that you wish to create is, is preparing the soil for its fruition and blossoming.

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SF Source In5d Sep 2019

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