All Systems Go!

Unlocking Your Potential: Harnessing Uranus' Forward MotionLorna Bevan – Thanks to Uranus turning direct, all the old Copernican planets will now be in forward motion between January 28th – April 1st. Progress and momentum can move mountains but first you have to leave your comfort zone behind.

If you have felt stalled or stuck around money, property or your income stream, from January 28th change may start happening all at once when the Great Awakener turns forward, aligning helpfully with Mars/Mercury in fellow earth sign Capricorn as well as the karmic Nodes of Fate.

Knowing that wild card Uranus is going to really shake things up between April 18th – 26th 2024 in his rare conjunction with Jupiter at 22° Taurus, make sure you attune to your sensory acuity now to help you seize those unexpected gifts and opportunities before they fly past. This will be the first Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus since the early 1940s.

Time for a Personal Resources Inventory:

What do you know or what skills do you have that are valuable to others? You have physical, emotional and spiritual resources all around, lying neglected and unacknowledged in your psyche or hidden away in your very own dustbin of history.

Now is the moment to excavate all of them – your experiences, your finances, time investment, skills, knowledge, talents, possessions, qualities – and release them into the light of day to form and reform into more authentic ways of self-expression and making a living.

This is the shift from random to causal creation.

For much more, get “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to Uranus in Taurus”

Chandra Symbol Uranus Direct Taurus 19: a crown turns into goat horns

“A remarkable instinct for the next lesson. Finding it, learning it, and drawing everything out of it that you can. Specialized in destiny activation and interested in nothing else. Driven to take up karmic lessons all the way. Making way for something new by wearing out the old. Assigned to tough situations, yet knowing it is appropriate. Super strong, and especially tenacious and relentless.

In deepest essence, sacrificing yourself so that something can happen here that is going to take a lot of doing. And inside it all, you are curiously resigned to whatever arises, not very concerned because long range results mean everything here. And a moment’s or a lifetime’s discomfort is a small price to pay when destiny is truly involved.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Jan 2024

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