An Invisible Fog

AN INVISIBLE FOGLorna Bevan – A heads up. We are in the seismic bardo period between 2 eclipses – the Solar Eclipse at 2° Scorpio on October 25th and the approaching Total Blood Moon Lunar eclipse at 16° Taurus on November 8th. Expect sudden sideways jolts as eclipse effects/events continue to ripple through the timeline for 6 months after the exact dates.

Adding to the flux and churn, Mars turns Retrograde at 25° Gemini on Sunday October 30 to January 12 2023 for the first time in 2 years. Warrior Mars entered Gemini on August 21st and will stay for an unprecedented 7 months until March 26th 2023.

Mars Max is Out of Bounds (OOB) the entire time. OOB means that the planet is outside the ecliptic, which is the Sun’s apparent path around the Earth, running from 23.4 degrees North and South. It’s definitely a double whammy when it falls during the Mars retrograde cycle. Planets that are OOB tend to express themselves in more unusual, odd, irrational or inappropriate ways. So, when a planet is both retrograde and OOB, as Mars will be for the last part of 2022, we are more likely to see strange or inexplicable manifestations of this energy.

Things are even more complicated with this Mars retrograde given that is square slippery Neptune in Pisces. Think of it as driving through a thick invisible fog, where nothing is at as it seems, things are concealed and delusions and conspiracy theories get even weirder and more dangerous.

♦ cyberattacks and fraud will increase-upgrade your cyber security across your platforms

♦ expect delays in transport of all kinds

♦ be mindful of mood swings – guard against manic bursts of activity and impatience mixed with flatlining

♦ be extremely careful who and what you believe as false flag events and fake agendas distort reality

♦ avoid taking any significant actions since logistics and facts are not reliable

♦ plan your next steps ready to implement in March 2023

New! Be ready for November 8th’s Total Eclipse – get: ”Making Eclipses Work for you”

Chandra Symbol Mars Retrograde Gemini 25: a cave in deep ocean waters

“We go back and forward, we go way deep in. What we find in each time and place is what we put there. The markers, the signs, the cues. We made sure before, we will make sure again to help the present time soul to remember, to come out of the nightmare, to recognise what is really happening here.

We may not like it very much, but we are fortunate to inherit and be able to look forward to an attunement within a realm far beyond the world of today. This spreads out far, makes every diversion empty. Yet it also primes us to take seriously something which keeps coming up and saying: Don’t you remember? Haven’t you seen it yet?

Suddenly you are paying attention to that irreversible vision that is flying at you with your name on it.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Oct 2022

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