An Old Man Looks at America

An Old Man Looks at AmericaJoe Hardy – I’m old. And having orbited the sun a nice, even seventy times, I like to think I’ve seen it all: the ups, the downs, the sweet, the sour, the noble and the patently absurd.

As for that last one, take from our suddenly immensely wealthy pal, Barry O., the concept that all white folks and their “systems” are inherently, systemically, and often unknowingly racist.

What was a statement like that called for most of my life?


But now “whitey sucks!” is taken as perceived wisdom, and those who disagree are the real racists. Imagine how stormy and unsettling are Barack Obama’s inner thoughts, knowing that he’s half-white and, by his own definition, a budding white supremacist.

And how ’bout a tall, wide-shouldered guy gaily swinging his Johnson around a collegiate women swimmers’ locker room, and what happens to him?

Trophies. Race records. Awards specifically for women.

Back in the day, that would have happened exactly once. And then, either the police would have put that guy in jail or, failing to do that, frontier justice would have been served.

But today, at every level of that school’s administration, not to mention state government, presumably sentient beings look at this big-boned fella with a bulge and proclaim, “That’s a woman!” How do they look themselves in the mirror and not snicker at such tripe?

For most of my life, voting required a certain amount of discipline. Depending on where you lived, you might have been required to pre-register to vote, typically requiring ID; you had to actually show up on Election Day, register or show ID; and then cast a single vote, with the results to be known late that night or early the next morning.

Now voting is a bad joke, with more moving parts than an old merry-go-round. There’s — deep breath — early voting, Election Day voting, late voting, remote voting, automatic vote registration, mail-out ballots, mail-in ballots, harvested ballots, lost ballots, found ballots, and the always popular ballot boxes. And the results won’t be known for days, with strange vote total turnarounds now commonplace.

All I can say to that is, if you think the Dems unilaterally engineered a million ways to cheat electorally and then didn’t utilize them, you’re truly a fool of the first order. And you’ll soon part with ever more of your money as big government manages more and more of your life. It’s happening now.

Consider dogs, and our surly and increasingly senile president. I’ve had pooches all my life. Anyone who’s ever had experience with our canine pals knows they typically take on the demeanor of their owners.

Sweet people seem to have affectionate dogs; disciplined people are often seen with serene, well behaved dogs. And a — holes typically sport dogs who snarl and bare their teeth. Those raging, homicidal White House curs, Major and Commander, merely reflect their nasty, demented master. It’s that simple.

For most of my long life, competitors for public office were compared according to their appearance, accomplishments, and ability to orate. This made perfect sense to me, who possessed only one of those things and thus would never be elected.

At present, however, the unthinkable has happened: a race for the U.S. Senate that turned all those concepts on their heads. A guy who looks like Lurch and dresses like Jeff Spicoli beats a handsome, fit man in a well tailored suit. The celebrated brain surgeon loses to the brain-damaged lay about. A man able to eloquently and confidently state his views on TV is somehow bested by “Hello, goodnight!” This plot would have been sitcom gold twenty, thirty years ago. But now it’s reality.

Were the CIA, FBI, and Justice Dept. always this corrupt?

Perhaps. (I’m a born cynic.) But at least, in the past, they tried to cover up their shenanigans by publicly apologizing, instituting reforms, and promising to do better. You could sleep at night and possibly dream that those agencies were on your side.

Now, woe to him who offends the Deep State!

Trump-supporters, the pro-lifers, Latin Mass–loving Catholics, those who question either the ’20 election (see bad joke, voting) or the historically awful government response to COVID-19 — all are domestic terrorists spreading misinformation, committing stochastic violence, and the #1 threat to America, according to the FBI and the odious Merrick Garland, our height- and ethics-challenged attorney general.

Worst of all, the above-named agencies don’t even attempt to hide their treachery. They laugh in your face as they continue trying to destroy Donald Trump for nigh unto nine years now. They’ll break down your door and jail you for trying to protect an unborn baby. They’ll gladly sue or audit you to death if you have the wrong political views. Don’t take my word for it; ask Mike Lindell.

Suffice it to say, it’s very dangerous for a U.S. citizen to hold unapproved views these days. Big Government may just come a-callin’. Capiche?

Let me end my septuagenarian screed with this. A laughably antique belief I and many of my ilk subscribe to is that government exists to serve the people. For most of my long life, most politicians cared or pretended to care about their constituents. They tried to put them first.

But not so for an overwhelming majority of our politicians today. They mainly take care of number one.

They somehow gain great wealth and multiple homes on dentist salaries, they rake in millions for unreadable books, and they have no qualms about doing personal business with any of our so-called adversaries.

They just don’t care.

They don’t care about the effects of importing a bunch of unvetted strangers the size of a small nation into the U.S. and haphazardly distributing them around the country. They don’t give a rat’s posterior about what that will do to the health care system.

How the increased competition for jobs will affect the lowest-paid American workers.

How the chaos and overcrowding happening now will affect your child’s education.

How allowing great American cities to turn into A Clockwork Orange will empty them and ultimately kill them.

How borrowing money like a drunken gambler must mathematically, and most assuredly, end in financial disaster for our country. There’s a huge financial iceberg straight ahead, but the crazed captain and his crew (including the GOP!) are busy sending billions of taxpayer dollars to a no-win, no-exit-plan war in a faraway land that most people couldn’t find on a map. All while raising our taxes.

The swamp not only brazenly — and sneakily — abuses the everyday American citizen, but acts as though it will never pay a price for its perfidy. Based on recent history, it’s probably true.

Certainly, our despicable lapdog media will never hold Big Government to account. They love fancy parties and inside connections too much. They make great couples.

And based on who currently can riot, and who can’t, if the U.S. didn’t have a two-tiered system of justice, why, we’d have no justice system at all!

Who can possibly save this country I’ve loved for my whole life? Who dares to stand up to the corrupt fat cats currently putting America last? Can America ever become great again?

I’d tell you, but, at great cost and with considerable effort, I just installed a new, beautiful wooden front door. I’d rather not have it broken down and have to replace it (when I get out of prison, of course). You’ll just have to guess.

I weep for all the people, especially my kids and grandkids, who will have to suffer thanks to the selfish, misguided policies of today’s corrupt and rapacious ruling class. Me, I’m not so worried about. After all, according to the statistics, I’ve only got six years left.

SF Source American Thinker Oct 2023

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