An Urgent Call For Love and Light

floridaOwen K Waters – One of the most powerful hurricanes in history is bearing down on Florida. Tonight and all day Sunday, South Florida will be pounded by merciless winds and threatened by rising waters.

All weather phenomena can be profoundly affected by consciously directed love and light. Thousands of lightworkers from various groups are working right now to mitigate the most destructive effects of Hurricane Irma.

You have the power to make a huge difference in how the hurricane energies express themselves. Your love and light, consciously conditioned and sent to South Florida can literally save lives and alleviate untold suffering.

Join us, and countless other lightworkers, in sending our energies to South Florida several times today and tomorrow… especially before tonight, when the storm will move in and the electric power systems will inevitably fail. Then havoc and confusion will reign in the darkness as people fear for their safety and their very lives.

You can send love and light to South Florida using any technique you prefer or you can use the technique we published earlier this year:

The Love and Light Technique (modified)

Imagine, with each in-breath, the air you breathe in is filled with brilliant, energy-charged light. Breathe this light energy into the heart area in the center of your chest.

Then, on each out-breath, mentally focus on the words,

“Love, safety and light to Florida now.”

Breathe in light, then let it out to the intended destination, conditioned with the intention of love and light. Repeat many more times whenever you can.

With crisis comes opportunity. The opportunity to be who you really are, to manifest your soul’s true mission in life. To make the world a better place. And there is no time like a time of crisis to make all the difference in the world.

SF Source Spiritual Dynamics Sep 2017

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