Planet Mu’s Lost Civilizations

“The conclusion I have come to on the existence of MU, is as follows. MU was not an island or a group of islands. MU was planet Earth, swimming in the sea we call the Universe in the deep and distant past when MU (Earth) was smaller, as Churchward says, “before the mountains rose”.” – A Tittensor

Through sheer hard work within the IT industry over the past 30 years and a chance meeting five years ago, I have been fortunate enough to travel globally in my quest for connective information that backs up my theories. This research path has continued through ups and downs in my life, broken relationships, hard times and good times.

I personally have nothing – no ties, no assets, no place to call home. I have a laptop, a camera and a few clothes which can be thrown into a bag when required. I simply chose to carry out my research rather than own a house, pay a mortgage, own a car etc. I do sometimes crave hot running water, a bath, heating at the flick of a switch and all the things other folks find absolutely necessary, but I have made my choice.

I hope that this article “Planet MU’s Lost Civilizations” provides an insight into my global theory and introduces you to the concepts that will appear in my book.

The Physical Research

Most researchers focus on their individual theory and line of expertise. Having studied mainstream Archaeology, I came to the conclusion long ago, that the rigorous and sometimes stifling requirements within this discipline were not in fact providing an overall picture of any particular site. As John Anthony West says – the “pot shard theory” (See Appendix 1) does little to explain the sites around the globe. I always felt that to enable an overall picture of a site, one really needs to be part of a multidisciplinary team.

Let’s take an example that most of the world is aware of. The Great Pyramid. “Oh no, not the Great Pyramid I hear you cry” – but it is the best example to put forward from a global anomaly understanding. Egyptologists and archaeologists both mainstream and alternative have given us their theories in school, at university, in magazine articles, in books and nowadays on Facebook. All the theories are fascinating and keep the Great Pyramid in the forefront of global anomalies.

But here is the rub. Instead of having to dig through all the various theories provided by each individual researcher and/or mainstream Egyptologist, why do we not, globally, put together a contextual team – a team made up of all the various disciplines from around the planet: Archaeologists, Egyptologists, Engineers, Independent Researchers, Astronomers, Stone masons, Geologists, Paleontologists, Anthropologists, and so on… You get the idea.

Contextual Archaeology has been tried but so far has failed as the participants’ tunnel vision always interferes. It was tried at Göbekli Tepe by Klaus Schmidt for example, but in my opinion, he did not take the vision far enough. Dr. Sam is trying to put in place this contextual research at Bosnia, but it is not being recognised out with the independent research world and indeed the debunkers are out in force on that one!!

[For more information, please see the article “The Mysterious Anti Scientific Agenda” by Jock Doubleday]

As a sole person, I have tried to use the contextual approach with my research. I do not focus on one particular area, although I could happily spend the rest of my life living on and studying Easter Island. It is very tempting and that seems to be the overall problem within the research world. Instead, I chose to travel and connect contextually. Rather than focusing on one theory that may have actually made me some money via articles, photographs and books, I decided to connect the dots through stonework and symbolism on a global and universal scale – yes, universal!! – Utilising the theories from varying sources and from a vast arena of disciplines, I have pulled together what I think is a viable, grand scale, overall view of the forgotten ancient civilisations that inhabited this and other planets.

I have used Archaeological theories, Geological theories, Quantum Physics, Historical facts and fictions and Mythology, to mention but a few, to enable me to come to the conclusions in this article which are the basis of my book. I have had the help of some wonderful people and researchers along the way who have stuck by me even when I have been pulling my hair out. I have personally spoken and discussed theories with the majority of the people quoted in this article and have absorbed as much as humanly possible to date. I work with both alternative and mainstream researchers as I find that the “both sides of the coin” approach enables a truer and more accurate overall picture.

Global out-of-place artefacts and symbolism

I first became interested in both Michael Cremo and Klaus Dona at around the same time whilst trying to make sense of this obvious (at least to me) connectivity that the mainstream were trying to deny or just plain ignore due to the fact that the connections did not fit in with the mainstream analysis of their timeline. This is when I began to seriously question the standard timeline, carbon dating techniques and the mainstream use of the Pot Shard Theory. (see Appendix 1). Something was amiss.


I could clearly see the connectivity when viewing the out of place artefacts and anomalies being presented by both Cremo and Dona. The symbolism was foremost when looking at these artefacts, and the more I looked, the more I saw. I was drawn to certain symbols, especially those carved in stone found globally and seemingly unconnected if one accepted the mainstream viewpoint. These out of place artefacts were being debunked, ridiculed and blatantly labelled as fraudulent by the mainstream and in some cases by the alternatives.

Whatever your stance is on some of these artefacts, it cannot be denied that certain symbols keep popping up!. Some have been bastardised throughout time and some have been deliberately re-utilised as symbols of evil, thus reinforcing an understandable aversion to a particular symbol, the original meaning and representation being lost along the way. This together with the “woo woo” interpretations of global symbolism (I discuss the “woo woo” hypothesis at the end of this article), whereby everything is “sacred” and symbols represent “gods/goddesses” or “nymphs gathering around a fire”, the true meaning of certain symbols that are consistent throughout civilisations, are consistent within out of place artefacts, that are consistent still to this day and can be seen within textiles and pottery and in fact in our everyday lives, although the memories have been erased, all belong to an ancient civilisation that once inhabited this planet called MU.

Global Connective Stonework and Symbolism

The hands on research of global connective stonework and symbolism has taken me to Albania, Armenia, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, Easter Island, Peru, Bolivia, Scotland, Spain, Greece, Italy, France, England and the USA. I had been looking at stonework for many years, starting with my archaeological studies in the 1980′s. I participated in a few local digs and had attended a couple of conferences dealing with European digs. Some things in the background kept niggling at me, I repeatedly focused on the background stonework and at every turn, I noticed similarities – angles, block sizes and out of place masonry and symbols that my mainstream colleagues dismissed. Although some of these global sites could be accurately dated from historical records, some of the stonework I was seeing seemed to me to be much older. Glimpses of strange building techniques were popping up everywhere, usually underground or just beneath site level.

Could these similarities be a remnant of my “lost civilization theory”?

On a return trip from Egypt where I had been focusing on the stonework of the so called sphinx “temple” (everything unexplainable these days is referred to as a temple) at Giza, I became Facebook friends with Jan Peter de Jong and was introduced to the works of Alfredo Gamarra. I stripped away the obvious religious connotations which had been used to pacify the censors and the Catholic Church, and what I was left with rang a bell in the back of my head. The stonework citied in the works of Gamarra and indeed the symbology in Peru I was reading about in Gamarras theory seemed to link to a lost thought – I call it “the tip of my tongue thoughts”. I realised that the Peruvian stonework was the same stonework that I had been puzzling over globally. As a child, I had also read about this stonework, albeit it fleetingly in a childhood book.

Whilst pondering over this and re-reading all of my research, I came across a person in a Facebook group called USOKS who had mentioned MU in a thread. That was it! MU – The so called lost continent. I immediately downloaded the PDF of the original MU book from the author’s Great-grandson (Jack Churchward) and posted it in the group and began scanning the pages. My ‘Ah ha’ moment and I quote here from the stonework on MU, “The roads are so precise that not even a blade of grass can fit between the stones”. It had been staring me in the face for years!

I continued discussions with Jan Peter de Jong and made contact with a couple of other researchers along the way, all via Facebook. This is where I met the Independent Researcher, Bob Newton, the MU expert. At last the links were visible. In those days, any mention of MU was immediately discarded or slated, however, I stuck with it. It made sense to me and I saw where it slotted in to my research. Was MU, a childhood “fantasy” or could it be the reiteration of memories passed down through the civilisations? Where was MU? Was it an island utopia  somewhere? – where had the original information come from and how had James Churchward come across it?

It is amazing what crops up when you least expect it to. I had been living and researching in Turkey at this time. Having recently visited Ani – a ruined medieval Armenian city-site situated in the Turkish province of Kars, near the border with Armenia – to photograph the swastikas and some bird man symbology that I had been told about by a Turkish Archaeologist. I required some reading material on Ataturk, the blue eyed, president – not a good idea when you live in Turkey!

All of the reading material dealt with Ataturk’s ‘wonderful’ military career. I came across an old book on which allegedly contained non-military information on Ataturk. This book, however mentioned the Armenian genocide – not a good idea to be in possession of this material, if caught with it. However I bought the book and waited for the delivery. On this occasion, I was in fact called into customs whilst they searched the package – I had also purchased from Amazon a couple of romantic DVDs to throw them off the scent. I acted dumb, batted my eyelashes and spouted some nonsense about how fabulous Ataturk was. They let it through. The book was huge, but I was determined.

Not finding what I was looking for, I was about to give up when a chapter popped up dealing with Ataturk’s so called “scientific” research. He had financed a small archaeological group to travel to Mexico – Astonishingly, Ataturk knew of Churchward and Nivens!! – The MU connection meets the out-of-place- artifacts connection, and dear old Atatuk’s secret passion was the search for MU – unbelievable! (reader please note I have a whole chapter on Ataturk and the possible hidden artefacts in Turkey, my obstructed access to information, the black ops cover up and various other “oddities” I came across in Turkey and in Armenia in my book).

Easter Island (Rapa Nui)

Anne Tittensor on Easter Island
Anne Tittensor on Easter Island

That was it, the search for MU was on, and the decision was made to start the search by travelling to Easter Island – could this be MU or at least a small part of it? There are some very odd connections to be made on Easter Island. Most folks travel there to stare and wonder at the Moai (see main picture at the top of this article). I travelled the 36,000 miles to photograph a wall!

Here it was yet again, the connective stonework, the bird man symbolism and a case of targeted vitrification underground.

Even today there are some strange associations with Easter Island that makes one wonder what Easter Island was in the deep and distant past, and what our “elite” today actually know yet withhold about Easter Island’s past history. A good example of a modern day little known fact about the “island” is its association with NASA.

Peru & Bolivia (Initial visit) Continue reading . . .

SF Source Wake Up World  Sept 5 2014

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