April 2024 Monthly Forecast

April has two themes: “Looking Forward” and “Resolution”

April 2024 Monthly Forecast Lena Stevens – It may seem awkward to contemplate the two themes working together, however they are both active this month and will be influencing you at different times.

Resolution has to do with the movement around what was stirred up by the first eclipse last month. Whatever issue you are embroiled in as we start the month that feels unresolved or feels like something needs to come about to move it forward will be influenced by the “Resolution” theme.

If you are already on your way towards a known shift or change, or have released something big in your life and are ready to move on, you will be more influenced by the “Looking Forward” theme. And you may well experience both as you navigate through these next few weeks.

The most important attitude to have this month is a discipline of not looking back or obsessing about past disappointments, releases, changes, trauma, loss, failure, and all the things that are in the past and out of your current control. If you are to use the monthly influences well, you will need to embrace this time as not only a new chapter but a new volume of the story of your life which means being willing to complete the old one and create a new table of contents.

The new table of contents is a list of your new intentions, not the ones you keep recreating year after year. This is a new time and should be honored as a portal to a completely new approach to your present life. In your intentions, don’t ask for the same things the same way.

Be creative, innovative and fresh as you contemplate how to be authentic and true to yourself, your needs, your dreams and your future. There can be no resolution if you are stuck in the past and wallowing in regret, anger or disappointment.

The position of victim is not one of power nor will it support any resolution or looking forward towards the future. If you find yourself there, examine all the choices you have, and then be proactive about making one that turns things around so you can begin looking forward instead of being mired in the past. Usually this choice will include letting go of something and shifting an attitude, belief or pattern.

Early in the month we have a new moon and total solar eclipse that is one of the most powerful events of the year. Eclipses can shake things up big time and this one is not exception. The transformational energy it offers is a given. It is how you will use it that informs how it will manifest.

For some it will be a subtle shift in belief, attitude and intention, and for some, a more radical shift in actual direction and action. Instead of trying to control the outcomes, pay attention to what is unfolding and trust that you are being guided in the right direction even if you cannot see it clearly.

The theme of looking forward instead of regurgitating the past includes the necessary objective of reclaiming your power and authenticity so you can set your new intentions from that place of truth.

This may require a certain discipline of saying no to what doesn’t feel right for you and acknowledging the diversity in personal truths and approaches to life. It also requires neutrality as you release the tethers that could drag you back into the past. Remember that the past rearranges itself energetically based on how you approach the future.

You cannot heal the past by remaining there. The present is where the power is and the choice is yours to either look back or look forward. This does not negate or ignore any wisdom you may have gleaned from lessons learned. It simply puts you in the position of being able to recognize where you are headed and take the right path as it unfolds. The path could be unexpected so keep your eyes wide open and pay attention.

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SF Source The Power Path Apr 2024

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