Aquarian Era Revealed

Aquarian Era RevealedMeg Benedicte – Have you felt the new year building in momentum? It feels like riding a ripcurl wave…you can’t see much but trust the power propelling you forward. We are experiencing extraordinary geomagnetic fluctuations, galactic energies and spectacular Aurora Borealis light shows.

Let’s ride this wave into the Aquarian Era. The most influential 2023 astrological events arrive in March. Get ready for a significant shift in energy, focus and perspective as Saturn, Pluto and Mars change signs in the month of March.

Leading the pack on March 7, Saturn moves into Pisces, the sign of fluid emotions, changeable flow, sensitivity and spiritual nature, connection and compassion. Saturn has been influencing Aquarian themes for two years, since March 2020. Saturn the Taskmaster represents discipline, authority, boundaries, rules and regulations in watery empathic Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces may be an odd fit. Perhaps we will see more grounded spirituality replacing out-of-body escapism. Saturn in Pisces provides the container for Spiritual essence, the sacred vessel for embodiment. Spirituality becomes an in-body experience. Saturn in Pisces enhances a more practical daily spiritual practice.

On March 23 Pluto enters Aquarius, igniting more of the powerful Aquarian Era for all life on the planet. Pluto will stay in Aquarius until June 11, then retrograde back to Capricorn, then forward into Aquarius, back and forth until November 19, 2024; where it will remain until 2043.

Pluto is currently in the final degrees of dismantling Capricorn institutions of patriarchy, hierarchy, authoritarian governments, religious cults, and rigid societal structures. As Pluto recycles over the final degrees of Capricorn in the coming months, the impact will ripple through fixed archaic systems that deprive most of the world universal abundance, peace and harmony.

We are witnessing a global shift from old, outdated Capricorn systems as Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23, heralding the new era. Pluto inspires deep soul-searching, shadow work and alchemical transformation.

While in Aquarius, Pluto will develop a new power system in the humanitarian sign of community, collective, hive mind. During Pluto’s transit we will see a new society emerge. Under Pluto’s refiner’s fire influence, outdated social conditioning, past trends, superficiality and collective illusions will falter, morph and dissolve.

The Aries Equinox arrives on March 20, setting the stage for a new astrological cycle, a new season and zero point alchemy. The Equinox occurs at 0 degrees Aries, when day and night are equal length. Often referred to as the ‘Great Turning of the Wheel’, it is the cosmic pause between past and future. The Equinox provides the gateway into a fresh new start. When you ascend into a higher threshold resonance, your world reality expands into more complex consciousness. Let’s ride that wave into becoming Divine Humans!

Join other Light Beings and visiting Starseeds for the Equinox Gateway Activations. Travel to your Soul’s original homestar and connect with your unique home starlight. Register here.

Lovingly, Meg

PS: If you would like to experience the Quantum Access® method, sign up for free download on how to activate the Quantum Vortex here:

SF Source New Earth Central Mar 2023

One thought on “Aquarian Era Revealed

  1. Astrology is not a component of organic creation. It is a component of the time/space distortion of organic consciousness. A time/space distortion of organic consciousness is an artificially invented concept, yet it has been hypnotized into the working minds of humanity.
    That being said, spiritualists say we have a free-will choice to participate in the programmed mental mind as a predominance for experiencing consciousness or we can choose the heart mind.
    That’s easier said than done. For example, I know people over 90 years old still trying to accomplish this. Catch 22 is they’re locked in the mental mind and the darned thing only spins in malevolence. It’s like the annoying feedback loop of a public address system.
    Even though time/space distortion is not organic, we are choosing to explore this space at the expense of our sanity so it seems. So he we are, what can we do with it?
    Aquarius, as an interval of the time/space zodiac, has immeasurable potential in the space of profound benevolence. It will rip artificiality to shreds. That’s not actually true. Artificiality will undo itself. Its the nature of the self defeating beast. On the downside, it aims to take everyone and everything with it. To be sure, it’s core operating principle is delusion of everything including itself. It’s that stupid. Humanity is not stupid. Humanity is naive. Naive doesn’t even describe how naive we are. That’s because we’re founded on light. No one would ever think of inventing a mental mind atrocity.
    This is the mission of Aquarius. Can artificial malevolent mentalism and all of its tentacles be captured by the light and repurposed in the intention of light.
    Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. Here we go…..

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