A Mind Sweep

aquariusLorna Bevan – Time to wake up and smell the coffee … to emerge from your psychological cocoon, from psychic retreat, from mental hibernation, to stop doomscrolling and start engaging your curiosity.

On February 1st, the Sun, Mercury retrograde, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pallas and Chariklo are all in Air sign Aquarius – the biggest gathering in the sign of the Futurist since February 1962 to be joined by the Aquarius New Moon on February 11th.

The incoming Frequency is tangibly different from the stone cold, heavy, earthy concrete energy of Capricorn we were all held in place by in 2020. Nor is it warm, fuzzy soft Piscean New Age energy but edgy, crystalline, blindingly clear and diamond sharp.

For much more, get “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to 2021” and sign up to my February 2021 5D Report: “The Aquarian Agenda”.

This influx of Aquarian frequency is downloading the 5th Ray of concrete knowledge, science and technology which rules electricity – the energy that powers your devices and your subtle magnetic field – and will shift our focus to humanitarian issues, technological advancements and breakthroughs of all kinds. We are already seeing medical outcomes (whatever your view on them) at an unprecedented rate based on collective collaboration.

In perfect timing, Mercury turned retrograde on Saturday January 30 at 26° Aquarius conjunct Pallas – intelligence as strategy – and will turn direct at 11° Aquarius on February 21st. Don’t fall back into old thinking about Mercury retrograde meaning glitches and roadblocks but frame it as a wake-up call to install a new psychic infrastructure.

This new frequency is exactly the voltage and bandwidth those of us who have spent years as way showers, empaths and edge dwellers need to shift from being a 4D change agents to becoming 21st Century Evolutionaries – practical visionaries bringing through the manifesting powers of Hierophant Saturn in Aquarius + Magician Uranus in Taurus. A potent Fusion of Fixed Air and Fixed Earth is going to teach us how to align radically new insights with Eternal Laws and practices.

This week, start by asking:

How free is my thinking really?

To what extent am I choosing to live/work/operate inside comforting echo chambers?

How much am I allowing my thinking to be shaped/distorted by mainstream media manipulation?

Do I regularly seek out a diverse range of scientific, psychological, philosophical, ecological thinking?

Am I still stuck in New Age received truths and beliefs about what is “spiritual” and what is not?

If I understood that my mind is not a camera but a projector, what could I create?

How might I re-think and update my communication platforms?

The Chandra Symbol for Venus Aquarius 1: A two-headed calf.

“Taking a good look at things with a keen eye brings you right into the middle of the dilemma of polarities. As you stand there faced with the different sides, you are impartial; neither side pulls you more sharply than the other.

Immense opportunity. Huge challenge.

You have vital potential for brilliant synthesis, but a subtle temptation to think too long. A schooling in alchemy in every moment—are you ready to find what is ready to emerge or are you simply thinking about it? Progressive evolution draws you through all your mistakes into all that can be.” – Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Feb 2021

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