Aries Full Moon

moonCarol Ciocco – Hello and welcome to Events of High Strangeness where the Times They Are A Changin’.

There is a full Moon, Super moon blowin’ in the wind in a few days. We are already swept up into its intensity. This Moon is contacted by the outer planets Uranus and Pluto, who were in a scorching square from 2012-2015 – and are still engaged now although to a lesser degree. At this moment they are caught up in the high tide of a Supermoon, which tugs at our edges and sucks our emotions toward a crescendo.

Plus the energetic, often aggressive, definitely noticeable planet Mars is involved, standing with the power of Pluto – dark, mysterious, transformative. I.e. this isn’t happening on the surface, it is happening deep within you. The moon is in the sign of Aries which re-affirms Mars, acting as a catalyst to trigger you so you can change. Watch for anger. Somebody is trying to lock something down. The irresistible urge to make your mark on the course of human events pits you against an immovable object entrenched in the ancient past. Be careful not to crash on the rocks of collective potential.

The dance between Uranus and Pluto is a direct link to the 1960s when massive shifts in our culture and society left an indelible mark on who we are today. This is happening again now. If you look around you will see the tectonic shifts in our world. They are strange, they are combative. Unusual and even abusive, these forces are unstoppable. They bring wild change and sometimes they arrive in not-so-pretty packages. The water is rising, the road is aging, and old orders are rapidly fading.

If you desire your freedom, must it come at the expense of others? There is a wild unpredictable breakthrough power here, which can be used constructively. It must be captured and harnessed for harmonious purposes. Where will you direct it? If your answer involves anywhere but within you and within your own life, think again. The boomerang will powerfully eject it back, so keep it within your own sphere of influence as much as possible.

What happens here is truly anybody’s guess. Anything is possible, everything is probable, people are standing on moving ground. We will unmistakably see catalytic eruptions of dark hidden conspiracies that have to come out – like a poison in the system that literally must be vomited up. It’s messy – and much of it, like all repressed subconscious material, is distorted, ugly and foul – but out it must. Or the organism remains sick, and dies.

At your core, at the center of your life and world, what matters is this: who am I? who are you? can we meet in the middle? the remedy is beauty and art. the remedy is symmetry and form. Go to the ballet, the opera, the symphony. Listen to elegant music and tones. Remember that “culture is the integration of the divine in everyday life. (John Edward Hurley). Allowing culture to blossom creates the space for civility and detente, harmony and individual expression within the needs of the people as a whole.

Rinpoche said: “And I can see the moon. And I can see your heart. You and the moon are the same. And you can see the moon. And you can see my heart. The moon and I are the same. And one day you’ll remember What that really means.”


So the Full Moon on Oct 15/16 is a Supermoon, also known as the Moon at Perigee. Perigee simply means that the Moon is closest to Earth compared to other lunations.

Why the name ‘Super’? Due to the change in distance between the moon’s farthest and closest points, the full moon can appear as much as 14% larger in the sky and 30% brighter to our eyes than at minimum size and brightness.

An extra-close new or full moon causes higher-than-usual tides. At those times, EarthSky writes, “our planet is stretched slightly, along a line between the Earth and moon. The body of the Earth is fairly rigid, so it does not stretch much, but the oceans are much more easily moved. Thus the effect piles up water on both side of Earth, and these piles of water – created by the differential gravitational effect – are the tides.”

The tidal pull yanks on our core. We are stretched, often to our limits. We are easily moved.

This occurs at a deeply unconscious and ancient level – the chemical and biological part of us that is hooked into the primal tides of this planet. Our blood and the 77% water that is our fleshy body is sucked in by the surge of primordial sea that swallows us once again, into a pre-conscious state.

Lower emotions are triggered and our goal is to process them without unleashing them on the world at large. Pay close attention to outbursts of emotion and fear. Sort out what is yours and what is coming from outside of you. Claim only that which is yours. Use meditation and physical movement to integrate the best of these energies for the benefit of all.

“Anyone who becomes aware of this lunar influence will see how people all around sway to it like reeds to the breeze. The gravitational interaction between earth, moon, and sun causes cyclical variation in the separation between dimensions and densities. Just before and after a new or full moon, the dimensional veil is thinnest and hostile forces from other realms, including the astral and hyper-dimensional realms, have an easier time penetrating into the physical plane. This thinning veil has two main consequences. First, it is easier for energies to cross realm boundaries so that lower vibrational clusters require less energy to breach our earthly realm. This is partly because our metaphysical defenses against intrusions tend to wane. On the positive side, the thinning also supports personal expansion into new realms of being.” – Tom Montalk

Under this Supermoon it really is about transforming the consciousness of US vs THEM. In the United States in particular there is much turbulent, angry and negative energies bouncing around. Wars and rumors of wars. Abstain from a constant diet of these energies because it feeds their continued growth. It’s a good time to make your decisions and withdraw from the drama. Especially at this Full Moon. Take three deep breaths – by the third breath clarity arrives. Lay low. Keep it easy and breezy. All is well. And all manner of things shall be well. Peaceful Blessings to one and all.

SF Source Carol Ciocco Oct. 2016

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