Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, September 21, 2016

“New Zealand” – photographer Pam

Disseminating Moon in Gemini: share, communicate

Aspect of Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Shodashi, Goddess of Beauty, Goddess Who Aligns With the Highest and Best; Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Skill:  stand aside of any challenges that Mercury direct presents; see what is being revealed; ask for spiritual assistance if needed

True Alignments:  spreading wings, closure, true to self and path, practical application, spiritual awareness, accepting changes, manifesting a dream, endurance, moving past conditioning, making improvements, providing assistance, standing up for self

Catalysts for Change:  unclear about self or what to do about something, unrealistic, missed opportunities, giving in to a habit or temptation that has proven destructive to self and others, feeling alone or abandoned, screening or shrouding truth, immobilized

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “two heads looking out and beyond the shadows” (seeing beyond duality/divide and conquer, integration, transcending difficulties)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the magic carpet of Oriental imagery” (the renaissance of humanity, transcending difficulties)

Practicality and efficiency are delivered today with a team effort by the Sun and Mercury to slingshot Mercury forward once again.

Mercury stations direct or appears to move forward in the sky after appearing to move backward since August 30 when it stationed retrograde.  Exact station occurs overnight at 1:32 am ET/5:32 am UT.

Today, the Sun discharges the last degree of Virgo (30 Virgo), which is the same degree where Mercury went retrograde on August 30.  The Sabian symbol for 30 Virgo is “having an urgent task to complete, a man does not look to any distractions.”  This means that the energy for Focus, Precision, Accuracy, Application of Ideas, and Forward Movement has double the power today.

The day a planet stations retrograde or direct is usually intense and can cause a bit of chaos.  Mercury excels at proving this to be true, with disruptions in interpersonal and other communications, telecommunications, electronics, and travel.  When we know that the challenges are happening purely as a result of energetics, we can move to the side of the challenge, and patiently allow the effect unfold.  When Mercury does its slingshot, we save ourselves a lot of frustration, consternation, and stress when we stand outside of the swirl of whatever seems to be going awry.  Doing this frees space for resolution to occur.

Mercury stations direct at 15 Libra: “a fine lace ornamental handkerchief.”  Things get ironed out today, details come together, and beauty is created.

Manifestation Of Ideals & Setting Things In Stone comes with the Earth discharging “a majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his idea of greatness, and, as he grows up, begins to look like it.”  This energetic strongly relates to freeing something.  Sculptors often say that they are “freeing” what lies within the stone.  In other words, they are just chipping away at what prevents us from seeing the beauty that lies beneath.

The power to transition something (free it from its former state) comes with Saturn discharging “a flag that turns into an eagle that crows.”  This echoes the theme of Manifestation Of Ideals And Making Strides. Mars was discharging this degree between August 26-28, so the last few days of August return for review and evolution of themes.  The Moon will oppose Saturn at 8:13 pm ET/12:13 am UT, bringing the opportunity to rectify.

Spiritual Assistance To See The Benefit Of Changes comes with Venus discharging one of the most emotionally-challenging energetics, 28 Libra: “a man in deep gloom, unnoticed, angels come to his help.”  The spiritual loftiness of Jupiter is added as it discharges the energetic of 03 Libra: “the dawn of a new day reveals everything changed.”  Can we accept?

And, as if today if today were not glorious enough, Mighty Mars conjuncts the Galactic Center at the degree of 27 Sagittarius and the energy of “the sculptor’s vision is taking form.”  Many ancient cultures considered the Galactic Center our spiritual home in the galaxy or the place of God.  Mars empowers from “On High” today.

What do you envision?  What is taking form?  What is ready to be applied?  What is being freed in your life?  What are you transitioning toward?  With what do you need spiritual assistance?  What is manifesting right now?

It’s quite a day, wise owls.  Let’s embrace it wholeheartedly!

(How about “a flag is seen turning into a wise owl that hoots?”)

Thank you for supporting the Oracle Report – Laura Walker

All roads lead to Liberty. Sophia ki Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend. – Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

SF Source The Oracle Report Sept 2016

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