Asleep or Awake?

Asleep or Awake?Lorna Bevan – This the last week of the dying astrological year, before next week’s Aries Equinox New Moon, Pluto entering Aquarius for the first time since 1797 and warrior Mars finally leaving Gemini after an unprecedented 7 months of disruption.

Mars is not going to go quietly. The 3rd and final clash between the red planet – action – and Neptune – surrender – on March 14th is intensified by Sun/Mercury conjunct Neptune and Mars opposing the karmic Galactic Centre.

It will feel as if you’re driving through a thick invisible fog, where nothing is at as it seems. Don’t be surprised if your energy ebbs and flows between confusion, uncertainty and exhaustion and the overwhelming urge to do something, anything.

In the outer world, many will be sinking deeper into passivity and denial; others will be warmongering.

Knowing that everything will change next week, avoid taking any significant actions since logistics and facts are not reliable.

Instead, follow your interior angel’s craving for simplicity, for ease, for the space and emptiness to listen to your soul’s inklings.

There is always a higher path or a lower path. A wizard path or a muggle path. Choose wisely.

New digital downloads! Be ready and resourced for Pluto’s historic move into Aquarius. Get:-

 “Your Survive and Thrive Guide to Pluto in Aquarius Part 1”

  “Pluto in Aquarius Part 2-Coaching Tools for Personal Reinvention”

In the Shop :

Chandra Symbol Mars GEMINI 26: A cave with carved walls. It is an ancient temple.

“A constant reminder of what exists in other time frames, but is missing from the now. You are secretly living in futures and pasts to an extraordinary extent. What is in there speaks eloquently. The world voices of Now fall on deaf ears.

Distracted, elsewhere, elusive, remote. Inhabiting the inner mind and lost to the outer mind. You’re in a poised verge where what ultimately and essentially makes sense is the reverse mirror image of what everybody says and thinks. The minority of one, keeping the balance intact” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Chandra symbol Neptune PISCES 26: The aurora borealis.

“The brink of the infinite. Tapping directly into realms of existence beyond the physical, you sense all-pervasively the multiple frequencies of all that is really here. Feeling, hearing, tasting the power of spirit in action. Half mesmerised and half supercharged to get everybody in on it somehow.

Communing with the mysteries, and absolutely at home in those spaces others find strange. The inside becomes all, the outside virtually transparent to the light within.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Mar 2023

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