Lemonade Stand Economics

federal reserveGary Christenson – “Dad, I’m excited and ready for business. Mom made me sign an IOU when she gave me sugar and frozen lemonade so I have stuff to sell.” Timmy looked up at his father and smiled in anticipation.

“Great job! This’ll be a learning experience. Here comes your first customer.” James, his father, wanted to be helpful, but expected Timmy to interact with customers.

A retired gentleman pushed his walker toward the lemonade stand and said, “Hi little fellow, I want a cup of that lemonade.”

Timmy poured lemonade into a twelve ounce plastic cup and handed it to his first customer. “That will be one dollar.”

The man handed Timmy a dollar bill, sipped his drink and shuffled away.

James said, “That was easy.”

Timmy examined the dollar bill and said, “It’s paper and says one dollar, but what is it worth?” Continue reading

Vaping Etiquette – Avoid Negative Stigmas

VapingAs vaping has gained great traction and become more mainstream in recent years, policies set in place for different public establishments have lead to a great deal of confusion between the vaping community and the general public. In the USA and UK, legislation around the topic of of vaping can take time and many laws have yet to be put into place. However, in some areas laws have already taken affect to make vaping e-cigarettes banned in all public indoor spaces, including bars, restaurants, and offices.

If you enjoy vaping, it should be an ongoing goal to avoid giving vaping any sort of stigma or bad reputation. Simple efforts to be considerate can go a long way, especially to those who do not share the same interests and do not partake in vaping. To keep vaping looked at in a positive light, let’s look into how we can have better etiquette while vaping in public and discuss what we can do to be more considerate vapers. Continue reading