The shadow side of awakening

awakeningDana Mrkich – There are so many different aspects to awakening. There’s awakening to your soul, to other dimensions, to a more conscious way of looking at your self and life. Then there’s awakening to what’s going on in the world, uncovering the world as run by the global elite, a world where they use the many for the benefit of a few. And a lot of people know this generally, but maybe aren’t so aware of the specifics, like say the global, elite-level, trafficking and abuse of children, the degree to which mind control and blackmail is used to control public figures, the degree to which the media is suppressed and scripted, the false flag events and manufactured wars created for specific purposes.

I used to think that as long as people were awakening to the former, they’d eventually be guided to info that would awaken them to the latter. But that’s not necessarily true. What I’ve been seeing a lot of over the past year is a massive amount of people being incredibly awake in one way, but totally unaware in other ways. And that’s part of the evolutionary growth process really. None of us are completely awake and aware in every area but we are living in times that are definitely calling us to step up and stretch our awakening selves into those arenas that have remained in the shadows.

This push to acknowledge our shadow, both personal and collective, is part of the overall shift process we are all experiencing right now. It isn’t pretty, it can be really emotionally tough, but we have to go there if we want to truly thrive and function at our optimum states personally, socially and collectively. Why? Because that which we don’t see, or don’t want to see, influences us without our knowing. It’s like driving around with a parking brake and thinking that’s the normal speed of your car. Or being excited that life gives you three doors to choose from every day, only later realising that there were actually 100 doors, only 97 were hidden from you.

 There is also an inner push happening to own our power. Our personal and collective power has been in the shadow, and initially it can be unsettling to start having to own it. The transition phase into new ways (from life changes personally to shifting family and relationship dynamics to changes in politics/ banking/ media/ corporations/ health/ education/ sustainability/ you name it) stemming from our reclaimed inner power can be, and will be, a bumpy ride. But better a bumpy ride to a good destination, than the illusion of a smooth road built on a false foundation or sinking swamp.

More truths and revelations than ever are coming out this year, and this is only going to increase. This is excellent news, it is empowering and liberating. But a heads up, it can also make you fall into bouts of depression, overwhelm and despair. As disturbing as it all is though, even worse would be to continue living in this shadow unaware.

The heaviness you may be feeling this year is related to the increased awareness of the denser energies that have always been there, only not in your conscious awareness. It is a balancing act to learn how to be in the process of awakening to those energies, while not letting yourself be sucked into their vortex. When it gets too much think of yourself as a candle or torch that is lit in a dark room.

Darkness can feel all encompassing, but light is always more powerful no matter how small. Keep your eyes and ears open to the truth, while keeping your focus, energy and attention on the strength and power of that strong inner light that guides you, that IS you. Ask your inner light, your heart, your soul, to guide you on your best possible path, to do what can be of the most good, for you, for those around you and for the world.

2017 so far has been relentless. When things get too much, remember to close your eyes and breathe. Focus on those you love. Focus on what is good in your life. Go to the beach, go for a walk, cook a lovely meal. Give thanks for all you have. Immerse in some inspiring words or music. Take care of your self in a good way, and let that be the springboard from which all else follows.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2017

SF Source Dana Mrkich April 2017

2 thoughts on “The shadow side of awakening

  1. Thank you so much for this article. It spoke to e personally. This is exactly what has been happening to me, I had started to awaken a few years ago but this year a massive veil has lifted and so many truths about the world we live in have been revealed that it has made me feel despair and sadness and a feeling that nothing that I thought I knew is real. It gives me immense hope and courage to know I’m not the only one experiencing all this and that it is a part of our journey. Love and blessings your way and thank you for spreading the light!

    1. Really glad this article was hopeful and helpful for you. Yes. It IS all part of the journey and we’re better knowing that NOT knowing.

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