Awakening Your Perfect Self

lightSteve Rother – Greetings, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time and I have come to join you in in this moment. Can you imagine for just a short time that you have a purpose? Even those of you who have done healing work, stepped into your teaching and your own abilities, may not know how much is coming.

All of you now have opportunities to ground your light in a new way, and it simply takes the willingness to stand there. Does it mean that you must stand on the street corner and shout your truth loudly—louder than the next person? No, that never worked. Rather, you will draw in the light and share with those who wish to learn how to be a part of the new energy.

There is so much now that needs to be passed on and to filter into the different levels of humanity. You are a bandwidth of humanity, dear ones. We have spoken of this many times, that all of you will ascend as one with the exception of those who consciously choose to stay. First of all, please do not judge because there will be many who choose not to ascend, those who do not move as quickly as you. It does not mean that you must reach every single person on your planet, simply that you are a very bright light.

Stepping Forward to Be the Light

Sometimes that bright light will frighten others; whether you are standing there as a source of light or a reflector of light makes no difference. You have abilities or you would not be here listening to these words right now. Some of you are very much aware of that and can see the evidence of this in the work that you are currently doing. However, others cannot.

Over the next several months you will see much of the veil being pulled aside in different ways. The fourth wave will begin to arrive on planet Earth, which has been your Home as you have been playing a game of pretending to be separate. Now you are stepping forward to be the light, so even if the rain falls all around you.

If the buildings start to crumble for some reason, know that you will be there safe and in the midst of it all. There is a reason for that, for you have chosen to carry light to Earth; the light is love is the opposite of fear.

Re-member, fear is part of the wave, dear ones. As a wave of love comes washes over your planet, the recessional wave that hits before it is full of fear. But you hold the answers to that, because you can stand there and be the light for many in the midst of all the chaos. You are the ones that have chosen to step into that.

Being Orange in a Gray World

Many years ago, we gave a channel as a collective called Being Orange in a Gray World. Are you willing to be different, to follow that which you know in your heart even though you are hearing so many things that seem to oppose it? Do you need that confidence to know that you are right in order to bring your channel and your heart energy there?  Now you can bring it forward in new ways, although it will be heard not by all since not everyone will choose to listen.

Please do not judge yourself by the number of people you reach, or by the traditional ways of looking at yourself and humanity. Know that all of you have a very sacred purpose. What is taking place, dear ones, is that finally most of the difficulties are somewhat out of the way for many of you. Oh yes, we know, there is still much to go through for some. But do not concern yourself with that because these are not your difficulties. They are simply challenges you put in your path to gain something, take that next step, gain the confidence to step forward and look at it in a different light. That is what lies ahead.

You have chosen to put yourselves in these transitionary times because you hold answers, whether you know it or not. These are the times when you can start coming together and share those answers with others to be able to gain that confidence of who you truly are. Then you can step forward knowing that you are creating the path, just before your foot hits the ground. Well, it is not quite that easy.

In your humanness you wish to see the path laid out exactly beforehand, before you take that first step. That was the old way, how you knew you were on the right path. There is no right path but there is one energy which all of you will deal with from time to time, whether it be yours or someone else’s, the wave of fear. All the energies coming in can also create density. You are feeling this density, a new energy compressing time and space, and receiving more energy into your own physical being in two or three weeks than you normally would in a lifetime.

You Hold the Answer to the Recessional Waves of Fear

The new wave of energies is starting to arrive and land upon Earth this next month. Do not fear it, welcome it. Re-member, watch for the fear beforehand because that is the recessional part of the wave. It is the part that goes out before the big wave, making room for it to come in. Sometimes people get hung up on thinking it is all about them, but it is not. This is a natural feeling so do not judge yourself.

If you become anxious or fearful, know that you not only hold the answers for yourself but for many others as well. You have the ability to bring your light into the Earth so others can experience it, even if they do not see  or talk with you. You create the energy that everyone can live in comfortably, which then enables them to move to that next level. Now is the time to gain that confidence. So practice and step forward in this energy because there is much work to do.

The waves of fear have previously been used in ways you would not think of.  Consider that it is not always the act of terrorism itself that creates the problem, but the overreaction of trying to protect yourself from it. That can hold many humans back by confusing people as they are stepping forward into the light about who they truly are. Know that you hold these answers as well, and with a little journey you can bring them out into the light.

Experts of this Transition of Worlds

Dear ones, many times people have overreacted to waves of fear. We are watching, dear ones, and you do not have to lose anything. You are not only safe, but you are on a beautiful road. Oh yes, you can look at the difficult side of this and some of the challenges that may be there. Sure, you can blow it out of proportion and think you are in danger. But you are safe, for you have done this before.

Dear ones, you only have to re-member and you will start using that energy in a whole new way. You are the greatest angels that have ever lived on Earth or anywhere. You are a collective of transition experts. Not just a transition of birth and death, but the transition of worlds and forms of life. You are here watching as the greatest transitions start to take place in a new way. You are an integral part of it.

Know that as the days go forward, all of you will have opportunities to find that confidence within yourself of who you are and what you have to work with. You can use it then turn around and give it to someone else, sharing with them the ability to see themselves in a way that would give them the confidence to speak their truth. It is safe. You are in a new world, where the light from Home can be seen in an entirely new way.

These are the magical times that you have predicted in so many ways. Oh yes, there are all sorts of writings about times toward the end of the Earth and the challenges that people will experience. But you do not have to experience any of that; you can step out, which you are practicing now. You are learning the tools to step into a new dimensional reality. Now, you will turn and teach those tools to those that are ready to listen. Do not judge those who are not ready, for it is the judgments that get the spirit pretending to be a human into difficulties.

Know that you have a wide variety of information that can help many people in various aspects of life. Your own work is touching the souls of thousands of beings no matter who you are. Trust that. Know that you have so much more to give. You are the greatest of angels that have ever lived and you hold the answers to the wave of fear, which can cause much damage and setback on Earth. You know it; you are it.

Give that love freely. As a human you will go through ups and downs, your own emotions, fears, and love, but do not judge that either. That is part of the human experience you wanted to work. Know that you are here by choice, dear ones, and it is yours to explore even further. Over the next several months, watch as doors begin to open doors that you did not know were there. The end of this year will bring an opening for many to celebrate. Be there. Trust it and allow yourself to just BE.

It is with the greatest honor that we address you in these ways. Know that your light can be seen from Home and we adore it. Treat each other with respect, nurture one another and play the new game well together.

Espavo, dear ones.

I am the Keeper of Time.

The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : “Thank You for Taking Your Power”

SF Source Beacons of Light Jul 2017

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