Living as the Integrated Self (Part 2 of 2)

Due to the recent energy upgrades that have been taking place these last few months, your 3rd dimensional world has now moved into a much greater alignment with your ascended Earth, bringing forth more Light and Love, as well as some major wake-up events. This merger is also helping to open the ancient, crystalline strands of your DNA, which have not been activated for millions of years. These luminous fibers are now moving into positions where they can be more easily assimilated into your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies. This will continue to produce certain upgrades in your internal structure so you are fully prepared to embody all of the crystalline (all Christ) frequencies of your Presence. ~ Jeshua the Christ

presenceYou are in the process of a full metamorphosis. Allow your mind to trust the guidance of your Presence so you can embrace whatever is going on in or around your own unique spiritual cocoon. It is the depth of your trust that has the power to completely eliminate any residual fear or resistance to your own unique ascension process. Trust will allow you to peacefully integrate much more of your multidimensional nature.

Everyone in your world is either living where they are being spiritually supported or they are moving to places where there are people and geographic power nodes that will be supporting their ascension. The more you keep mastering your life by bringing your past, present and future into complete harmony with your God Self, the more you will hear the guidance of your Presence and the more authentic wisdom and power you will have for assisting others in realizing their own unique capacities to ascend into the freedom that comes from living in Unity or Christ Consciousness.

Continue to ask your Presence, beloveds, to keep supporting your Golden Age creations while augmenting the spiritual qualities of steadfastness and right action. Keep doing whatever is necessary to live in complete harmony with all of the divine qualities of your Presence so these powers can keep supporting your ongoing mastery and your ascension.

Maintain ongoing faith in all of the invisible forces that are always at work in your life and in the world. There are now new inventions being brought into your world that are designed to create totally new ways of accessing and using energy. Invisible forces are always behind the scenes to assist you in expanding your eternal perspectives, which are always overlighting all worldly appearances. This will help you in achieving victory over any old worldly attitudes that have been supporting any of the unnecessary concepts that were founded in survival of the fittest and/or the need to compete and win at all costs.

Let your new way of living be a demonstration of what a fifth dimensional life really looks like. This can actually be measured by the extent to which you are living in inner peace, divine love and joy regardless of any outer circumstances. Fifth dimensional masters have learned that no matter what is taking place within their lives or around the world, if they remain aligned with their Presence and keep on doing what they know is right, the universe is always there to support their next step and ultimately the next steps for every human being.

This is the time for expanding your consciousness beyond what you ever imagined possible. All of the energies that have been streaming into your world and indeed into your galaxy these last few months are there to assist you in integrating many levels of your consciousness that have previously been unavailable to your conscious mind. This reintegration with your Master Self naturally involves the full and conscious cooperation of every level of your being.

You are going through a period of integration designed to assist you in assimilating the light codes within the ancient luminous strands of your DNA. These codes have been stimulated by the recent release of Gamma Rays that has taken place throughout your galaxy the last few months. You are in the process of integrating these new levels of your consciousness. This will escalate according to your mental, emotional and spiritual readiness and your own unique life plan. These openings will be escalating your ascension and the transformation you seek.

To assist you in living as the integrated self and creating your part in the new Golden Age, we have created Be The Change! Step into your Mastery. You will be initiated to reclaim your mastery and ascend into your unlimited 5th dimensional consciousness, for it is now time for you to Be the Master You Came to be ~ in Your Life and in the World. We invite you to participate and be part of our twice-monthly Council of Awakened Masters.

SF Source WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster  Dec 2015

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