A Calmer Integration Phase

eclipseMeg Benedicte – This past week since the final eclipse and Leo Lions Gate extravaganza we’ve entered a calmer integration phase. In the quiet stillness of potent possibilities, the new timeline rises from the ether. We are held in suspension in the still point between matter and anti-matter where new realities are birthed.

With so many planets retrograde at this time our attention is drawn inward, exploring the depths of the hidden unconscious self. What did the eclipses shake loose? Observe your inner visions, dreams and ‘aha’ moments for meaningful insights. All is being revealed in the Light!

Later this week Mercury stations direct on August 19th and Mars moves forward on August 27th. Pay close attention while Mercury’s stationing direct for surprising revelations…the veils lift and expose hidden gems.

A new cycle has begun. Keep integrating and grounding in the new timeline and powerful ascension upgrades. You are at the cusp of a new dawn!

Lovingly, Meg

SF Source New Earth Central Aug 2018

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