Pluto, Lord Of Darkness, Faces Off With Sirius, The Great Scorching Light – Feb 3, 2015

CarolAnnCiocco1 This event occurs February 3, 2015 at 12:10pm GMT (7:10am est and 4:10am PST) – i.e., only a few hours from now. However, the energy is available with great force for at least 24 hours afterward AND will be in the aura/energy field of Earth and of humans through the end of 2015. Save this info for future reference! Note: to watch my previous companion/summation video for this information, go to:


Feb 2, 2015Hi there, how are you doing? Tomorrow we have the first of three connections of the planet Pluto, resident of our solar system, in opposition to the fixed star Sirius, the brightest star that can be seen by naked eye in the skies of Earth. This is an important event for all denizens of this solar system (whoever they may be!) but it is especially important for the planets Mars and Earth.

Pluto faces off with Sirius

Mars and Earth, along with Pluto (now dancing with The Shining One, Sirius) are the only three planets in this solar system that have not yet shifted into integration of Light and Dark, aka reached ‘Sacred Status’. So Pluto, which holds the essence of darkness, meeting up with Sirius, the holder of High Light, is of utmost importance in our journey – the journey of Humanity and of Earth – to integrate our Light and Dark selves/energies. By integrating the darkness, we are able to hold more Light!

Mars and Pluto – polarized to the dark

Earth consciousness has been very focused on Mars over the past 5 years or so, as the United States and other countries have placed roving robots on the surface of Mars, exploring for signs of water, and thus signs of previous life (like the life on Earth). Concerning its journey to Sacred Status, Mars needs to integrate darkness into light – Mars holds the energy of war, anger, aggression. Pluto is also polarized to the dark, it embodies deep dark occult and sexual energies that are destructive when hidden and not overseen by Lighted consciousness. Pluto also embodies the energy of Death, so with Pluto the integration concerns death and life.

Earth – a polarity planet – equal dark and light (but too concentrated on light currently)

Earth is known as The Polarity Planet, an ideal place to come and play in the dark and light, both of which exist equally here. However, over the course of many millenia, earthlings have polarized to the Light. We have feared, fought and repressed the darkness (which includes the yin/soft/dark energy of the Goddess). In our fear of the dark we have only caused it to persist and get stronger concerning its most destructive aspects. So our task as humans on Earth right now is to learn how to handle darkness, how to stop pretending that Light is ‘good’ and Dark is ‘bad’. We are learning to stand in our power in a healthy way and dialogue with all energies, no matter where they are on the spectrum of duality.

Sirius – Light Masters, but only after integration within polarity

It is said, and perhaps it is true, that Sirius is a place where some souls go when they have mastered the use of Light in a polarity world (such as Earth). Then perhaps a curriculum to further teach the value of both Dark and Light in service to all beings of all forms throughout the Universe. Keep in mind that to master the light, one must greet, embrace and integrate the darkness.

Click here for my previous newsletter concerning a Sirius alignment with Jupiter during last year’s eclipse portal (one year ago this March/April):

Click here for a detailed exploration of the metaphysical energies of Sirius:

Literal First Contact with Pluto by Earth humans

Interestingly, Humanity on Earth will have its LITERAL First Contact with Pluto on July 14, 2015! Sailing through the solar system since January 2006, en route to the farthest outreaches where Pluto resides, a spacecraft called New Horizons has been headed toward an intimate encounter with Pluto. This is us boldly going where human consciousness in form has never gone before. Up until now, we have had only fuzzy distant images of Pluto and we know nothing really about its composition or energetics. As of July 2015, New Horizons will begin to bring that data to us!Folks this is a big deal.

Timing of Sirius/Pluto integration potential with Pluto First Contact

What’s even more interesting is that the First Contact of Earth Human consciousness with Pluto will occur only about 10 days after the second Pluto/Sirius connection this year (on July 5, see below). During that 10 day period we are literally bringing our light, the light of consciousness and attention, to Pluto in a way and with an opportunity that has not happened for earthlings for about 125 years. We are ready now. We are more aware on a mass-consciousness level than ever before. We have ‘the right stuff’ at this moment to (if we choose) really ‘turn this thing around’ – especially in regard to how we perceive the dark that lives on Earth. If we keep hating it and trying to kill it, it will never be released from its bonds and be able to come home to us, the Light.

So, when we look at the photographs that stream back to us from NEW HORIZONS, we reach our own new horizons regarding our understanding of how the Light and the Dark can work together. And EVERYTHING about Pluto (darkness) will change for us. Integration gets a boost. Just as the Pluto/Sirius contact gives integration and illumination a boost. Invite your demons to tea.

How to work with Sirius/Pluto

On a personal level, your greatest darkness and your greatest light will emerge at the same time. The past and the future will meet. (see my newsletter here: in this massive contrast of the two archetypal energies of life on this planet of duality known as Earth, we can send up new Rockets of Desire (see my video here: can help to create a new way of living here.

It may be intense for us between now and the end of April. And I believe that this energy will not be fully integrated until New Horizons reaches Pluto and we ‘see’ the light’ at the end of July. August will be another month of integration and processing. Then in Sept/October we can uplevel our awareness into fuller integration depending on how everything shakes out. December 9 will be the culmination of what begins now.

So, as this time unfolds, keep in mind that during March and April (esp mid-March), we may feel like we are in the middle of a blizzard. Things may not make sense. HERE ARE SOME IDEAS for working with these energies:breathe your way into the Eye of the Storm (find your Center and hold it as best you can). Then use the EYE to OBSERVE. Write down what happens and what erupts from your subconscious, as well as the insights coming from the Divine. Just write them down or tell someone as you move through it. All of this can be attended to later. Don’t expect to wave a magic wand and voila all of your issues are resolved. It doesn’t work that way, right?! lol.

For now, just batten down the hatches of self-care and calmly walk through an amazing time of transformation. When you meditate or do yoga or chanting etc, focus on removing blocks in the Crown Chakra (Sirius energies of Light) and in the Root Chakra (Plutonic energies of dark or unredeemed energy from our many lifetimes here on Earth). Ground the Light into the soft dark earth.

On a global level: hold the space of love and kindness, both for others and don’t forget yourself! As the Dalai Lama said: “My religion is kindness.”

Cosmic Great White Lodge and The Dark Lodge of Materialism and Destruction

There will be three contacts of Pluto facing off with Sirius, which are as follows: February 3, 2015 (tomorrow at 7:10am EST), July 5, 2015*, and December 9, 2015. The December 9th event will be the most important. Please click here (click on ‘Global Triangles Inaugural Meditation‘ 143 MB wmv file) for a meditation and explanation from esoteric astrologers concerning one way to work with the Pluto/Sirius energies, as they culminate in December. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. In the email they sent out, they state:

“Sirius represents a Cosmic Great White Lodge which is the inspiration for the Great White Lodge on our planet, Earth. Pluto – despite its transformational powers – when in Capricorn, is associated with the “underworld” and with the Forces of Materialism and Obstruction. These two opposing Forces will be in manifest opposition during 2015. The last opposition occurs on December 9, 2015.”

*Note: concerning the July 5, 2015 opposition point of Sirius and Pluto: our Sun exactly conjoins Sirius around the dates of July 4-7. Since the United States of America was born on July 4th (Independence Day) the United States is strongly linked to Sirius. The timing here is quite powerful. More on this as the date approaches.

The International Year of Light (1915 -2015)

And as a bit of a post-script to this discussion, did you know that 2015 has been declared ‘The International Year of Light’? Oh yes it HAS! The ‘coincidences’ just keep piling up:)

In 1915, the theory of General Relativity developed by Einstein showed how light was at the center of the very structure of space and time. To mark the 100-year anniversary of this revolutionary breakthrough, 2015 is heralded as THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF LIGHT.” – from IYL website, see link below

From Carol: The International Year of Light expands the possibility of opening our consciousness to the Rays of Light which permeate our Universe. Let’s expand our attunement with the Light Laws of this exquisite Universe; a Universe which, like us, is lit from within, burnt and illuminated with the Light of LOVE.

Gorgeous celestial objects will help herald The Year Of Light. New images of Messier 51 (M51), SNR E0519-69.0, MSH 11-62, Cygnus A and RCW 86 have been released for this United Nations-declared event; each a composite of varying Space-based telescopes, including Chandra X-ray, Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes, and others.- from IYL website, see link below

Take a moment to watch these two videos, they are gorgeous and inspiring! You will feel the connection with Light in a world that sometimes seems to be engulfed only in darkness:

VIDEO: A Tour of IYL 2015 (YouTube)

VIDEO: International Year of Light 2015 Official Trailer (Vimeo)

With Many Blessings! Carol

Carol Ann Ciocco, Astrologer
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