How to Receive Everything You Want

First figure out what you want.  Second, you have to decide that you deserve it. Third, you have to believe you can get it.  And, fourth, you have to have the guts to ask for it.”  ~ Barbara De Angelis

How to Receive Everything You WantJafree Ozwald – Get ready, you are entering the most exciting year of your life!  There is nothing that is going to compare to the levels of love, spiritual evolution and conscious inner growth that will be available to you this next year.

Yes, the essential key to getting the most out of this awesome enlightening adventure will be in how conscious you truly are.  The more unguarded, sensitive, truly present, and receptive you can be, the easier it will be to receive whatever your heart desires. Continue reading

How To Tap Into An Abundance Of Peaceful Thoughts

“In truth, you are spirit. The body has been projected by the mind, which itself originates from Spirit. If the wrong identification ceases, there will be peace and permanent, indescribable bliss.” – Ramana Maharishi

WaterWithRainbowJafree Ozwald – The greatest secret in life is knowing how to be completely at peace no matter what occurs. This takes mastery, yet is also easy enough for any teenager to do. When you are living fully in this real 3D world, truly open, honest and intimate with others, you will be forced into a deep discovery of peace.

The secret is knowing how to be completely non-attached to whatever you find because again everything is an emanation of the mind. This world is real and unreal, its like a 3D dream. Continue reading

What Is Your Life’s Main Intention?

“There are powers inside of you which, if you could discover how to use… everything you ever dreamed or imagined you could become.”  – Orison Swett Marden

What Is Your Life's Main Intention?Jafree Ozwald – What is the main intention of your life?  Why are you here?  What do you wish to see manifest for yourself, others, and this entire world?  Take some time to think about this.  Is there anything more important for you to think about?

The mind often gets snagged by the thoughts it had yesterday and the day before, so let’s plant and water some new seeds here!  What does the greatest garden you wish to grow look like?  If you don’t have a clue, remain very curious about it and don’t give up on your curiosity!

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Steps Needed To Solve The US Housing Crisis

Steps Needed To Solve The US Housing CrisisBrandon Smith – America is in the midst of a stagflationary crisis; there’s no way around it. It doesn’t matter how much oil Joe Biden dumps on the market from the Strategic Reserves. It doesn’t matter how many jobs he is able to temporarily buy with the $8 trillion-plus covid stimulus package

It doesn’t matter how many times the mainstream media claims we are “in a recovery.” The fact is, the majority of Americans are being priced out of integral markets and the longer this goes on the deeper the hole is dug and the harder it will be for people to climb out. Continue reading

The Secrets To Walking A Spiritual Path

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” – Mike Pearson

EnergyJafree Ozwald – The spiritual being that you already are is already awakened, already conscious, already empowered, and already eternally free. You are an infinite being, who will live forever.

You are connected to the greatest source of divine love you can imagine! You don’t need any method, teaching or person outside of you to access this. All that is needed is a deep relaxation into the source of what you already are. You are the authority of your life and you decide when, where, and how you will find, feel and experience the Divine. Continue reading