The Secrets To Walking A Spiritual Path

“The Universe has billions of ways to keep us humble and fascinated all at the same time.” – Mike Pearson

EnergyJafree Ozwald – The spiritual being that you already are is already awakened, already conscious, already empowered, and already eternally free. You are an infinite being, who will live forever.

You are connected to the greatest source of divine love you can imagine! You don’t need any method, teaching or person outside of you to access this. All that is needed is a deep relaxation into the source of what you already are. You are the authority of your life and you decide when, where, and how you will find, feel and experience the Divine. Continue reading

The Bliss Of Pure Being

The Bliss Of Pure BeingJafree Ozwald – There is nothing you need to do, and there is nowhere you need to go to find what your soul is truly seeking. This bliss is who you are. It is what resides in the core of your being. When you get very quiet and go inward with infinite patience, you will eventually see this bliss has always been here waiting for you to arrive. The eternal vast presence of peace and extreme joy is inside you.

Simply be in this world, yet not of it. Meaning do not be attached to this world, and the glorious bliss of pure Being will find you. It is sooo simple and effortless that you could easily run around your whole life seeking for it in the outer world and miss it. It is always available in this now moment within you. You can access it by surrendering your mind to a few minutes of silence. Continue reading

The Secret To Manifesting Total Financial Freedom

SunRisingOverOceanJafree Ozwald – Imagine you are on a sailboat on a three thousand mile journey from California to Hawaii. You can easily miss your target if your rudder and sails are not pointing exactly in the right direction. If your sailboats rudder is 1/2 of a hair width off from the very beginning, over many miles you will miss the island completely.

In order to attain true financial freedom you must make one minor adjustment. Have a consistent solid positive outlook about your financial future. To manifesting financial freedom begins with shifting your perspective about who you are and what your life is really about.

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How To Let The Universe Love You

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi

Jafree Ozwald – Whether you know it or not, you are being loved right now. The Universe loves you unconditionally. It accepts you exactly the way you are. It doesn’t pay attention to your fears, flaws and insecurities. It only sees perfection in you, because you are an intimate part of it.

No matter what horrific things that you may have done or said in your past, the Universe is not holding on to them. It has forgiven you. In fact it forgave you the very moment you felt bad about it. The Universe cannot judge you, condemn you, or view you as someone less than holy. It accepts you as a perfect divine aspect of itself, a sacred extension of the very heart of creation. Continue reading

The Most Enlightened Way To Deal With Armageddon

“You are the host, and thoughts are your guests. You are the master of the house, the house belongs to you. Receive your thoughts, take care of them, but don’t get identified with them; otherwise, they will become the masters.” – Osho

The Most Enlightened Way To Deal With ArmageddonJafree Ozwald – Sometimes life needs to fall apart so it can rebuild itself in a more enlightened and grounded way. Our jobs, relationships, homes, health and finances will at times require a complete reboot or to be rewired in a new light. When life starts shoving you into a completely brand new direction it’s best not to try to resist, control, or micromanage it.

The most enlightened way to handle life is the path of least resistance. Go with the flow of where the Universe wants to take you. Trust it. It knows what you need better than you do. Sure, it may be scary at first to relax, let go and trust the unknown, yet when you fully surrender to trusting it, you suddenly are overcome with inspiration, excitement as the divine creative energy comes flooding in! Continue reading