CBD Side Effects for Dogs

CBD oilBy now, most pet owners have heard of CBD oil for pets. There are numerous advantages to this treatment method, as the substance has been shown to help with everything from pain relief to anxiety. Even dogs with cancer see improvement with the administration of CBD oil or CBD-based treats. Still, despite this success, many owners have safety concerns. Learning more about the potential side effects of CBD, especially when compared to those of more traditional pharmaceuticals, can help you make better, more informed choices about your dog’s health.

Biggest Side Effects of CBD Use

Since humans and dogs have similar endocannabinoid systems, the side effects of CBD use are pretty much the same. They include:

♦  Dry mouth, which manifests itself in dogs as increased thirst

♦ Reduced blood pressure, which may leave your dog slightly light-headed if they get up too fast after taking a dose

♦ Drowsiness, especially when increasing the dose

These side effects are relatively mild and do go away once your dog gets used to taking the CBD oil. As with CBD use in humans, there is virtually no risk of your dog developing a tolerance or becoming dependent on the substance.

Side Effects Associated with Canine Pharmaceuticals

Regardless of the specific condition treated by a pharmaceutical, they all come with numerous side effects. Some are mild and worth the risk, while others can be more serious and warrant a close look at the type of drug being recommended. Some minor side effects include:

1- Dry mouth

2- Mild skin irritations

3- Weakness

Depending on the substance administered, you might also note these more serious reactions:

♦ Vomiting and diarrhea
♦ Stomach ulcers
♦ Liver damage
♦ Kidney damage
♦ Extreme lethargy
♦ Loss of appetite

If you have to give a harsh medication to your dog and are told to anticipate one of the effects mentioned above, ask about CBD oil at the same time. In many cases, it can help relieve these side effects, leading to a much better prognosis for your dog.

As you can tell, there are fewer and less serious side effects associated with the use of CBD oil. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should always avoid pharmaceuticals. There are certain conditions, like cancer, where the use of both traditional medicines and CBD oil is the best course of treatment for your dog. You can learn more about how CBD is used to treat specific canine conditions, with or without other types of drugs, by visiting DogDreamCBD.

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