CERN And Saturn – The Smoking Gun

Revelation Now – If this does not clearly illustrate the connection between CERN and Saturn nothing else will. CERN was “reactivated” according to the celestial movement of the planet Saturn. In fact, I believe CERN was waiting to be restarted until Saturn would be closer and aligned with the earth and sun!

When studying wormholes you will see two points established and then time/space is bent to make the journey instantaneous. For a planetary target it would be wise to wait until it is closest to the earth, right?


This is a great compilation on CERN and it will make you think!

I believe CERN’s phantom application is to connect to a target and create a window (wormhole) between targets. In this case, it will be the planet Saturn. Why these satanists are so transparent to well-researched truth seekers is beyond me! Just by placing the Shiva statue in front of CERN is another connection to Saturn.

This is why I believe the rebellious angels are there and they obviously need help from mankind to “ease on down the road.” Shiva is directly affiliated with the planet Saturn! CERN was really designed to interface with the planet Saturn. This is an ancient plan which the ancient order patiently waited for technology to bring the ancient plan to reality.

In Vedic myth, it’s heralded as the annual moment when the lord of destruction, Shiva, descends to the earth for evolutionary and transformative human gain. In Vedic astrology, it’s a time when the planets, most notably Saturn (and all the planets under its influence), transit potent constellations that are said to elevate consciousness.

We are not just talking about a “wormhole” here either folks! There are other ramifications many in the media are not discussing. What happens if an influx of Saturn energy pours through the window into our world? The horny goat man Pan (he is also associated with Saturn’s energy) of the ancient times represented sexuality out of control. He would not just have sexual intercourse with other animals but with humans as well!

saturnWhat a CERN to Saturn bridge might look like?

We might see a greater transition into sexual exploration and we are already seeing reports of “animal brothels” in the United Kingdom. This is something to keep our eyes on after CERN operations have been reviewed. We cannot discount the plausibility of Saturn energy being a variable and catalyst for transformation of the people of earth. Read the quote below and see if any bells or whistles go off when you are done!

This optimal positioning occurs when Saturn is almost directly opposite the Sun in the sky. Since the Sun reaches its greatest distance below the horizon at midnight, the point opposite to it is highest in the sky at the same time.

At around the same time that Saturn passes opposition, it also makes its closest approach to the Earth – termed its perigee – making it appear at its brightest and largest.

This happens because when Saturn lies opposite the Sun in the sky, the solar system is lined up so that Saturn, the Earth and the Sun form a straight line with the Earth in the middle, on the same side of the Sun as Saturn. May 22, 2015, Saturn will be at its closest point to earth (READ MORE)

Every wormhole drawing you have ever seen are two points lined up and then folded to touch. There are obvious celestial mechanics included as variables into the equation. When it comes down to it, CERN is manipulating energy in harmonics with celestial objects like Saturn and the Sun. In essence, the correct “chord” or “key” must resonate at the Saturnian frequency for the bridge to form in sequence with the other variables.


MUST SEE: Great research and insight into CERN and Biblical connections!

This is why they waited on Saturn to not just be at its closest point to the earth but in line with the earth AND the sun! Now that is some fallen angel shiitake for you! Yes folks, CERN is more than some international nerds getting together to smash particles together. With all of the Saturn connections you should understand Saturn IS the target!


What can we expect now that CERN is interfacing with Saturn? We should see traceable global behavior changes and/or increased spiritual activity. There should not be any immediate new faces on the global scene or will there be? Remember the “man of perdition” has yet to be revealed, meaning he is hidden until his time. How do we prepare?

Well, you should use your own discernment for that answer. We all have different roles and gifts in this spiritual war. If you are studying to show yourself approved to the Most High; answers to your questions will arrive to you. I am not quite sure what I can do to stop any of this and more importantly this is all a part of Biblical prophecy. Meaning it must unfold and all in the right time according to His Will.

What we can count on and expect from the mind of Satan is a counter measure to the prophecy of the Most High. Satan knows some of things the Most High is going to do based on prophecy and he is delusional enough to believe he is going to win. In his mind, breaking one of the Most High’s prophecy will make the Most High imperfect.

Isaiah 13:5 -They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the LORD, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.

According to Isaiah 13:5, the Most High will be sending in an offensive attack descending from space. This is a powerful army and Satan knows he must match this power. Is the satanic army housed in Saturn? Did Star Wars tear a page out of Satan’s playbook with the clone army hidden away on another planet?

The Large Hadron Collider is an incredible undertaking with a massive 27 kilometer radius. That is almost 17 miles in diameter. This is an extremely powerful machine. There is always a dual purpose for technology. One is for public consumption and the other is for a private agenda. This “agenda” is private for a reason.

saturnIs this the goal? To transport a satanic army to earth? So much to learn!

In closing, it is highly unlikely CERN restarted during the time Saturn would be closest to the earth. On May 22, 2015, Saturn will be at its closest point to the earth and the sun. If CERN is activated on this day; and after the alignment with the earth and sun, we might see evidence! There are so many Saturn references from CERN it must have been designed to interface with the planet Saturn. Since the ancient times there is a constant relationship between gods and Saturn. Please note I wrote “gods” and not God.

This is because I believe the gods can be traced back to the rebellious angels over vast epochs of time. Technology is now congruent with ancient blueprints and can be assembled to achieve ancient schemes. Now is the time to be still and pray for directions. You will not be able to hear if you are emotionally distracted. Use your own dis-cern-ment. Also, remember this is a spiritual war and we might only find spiritual evidence. Peace be with you all.

Original source

SF Source  May 2015

5 thoughts on “CERN And Saturn – The Smoking Gun

  1. “if the fellow crashed his fist down one more time on the table, he might have activated CERN all by himself. B”

    🙂 Loved your comment, Barbara. I can’t stand too much Christian blather and bombast either.

    However, as stated previously I give credit where it is due and there is no other religious-identified group digging into CERN with the eagerness and conviction thus far exhibited by these rigidly focused biblical researchers.

    As to a potential split in timelines and subsequent alternative outcomes – that is as real a possibility as any other, from my perspective. Things are never EVER what they seem, which is why the prudent permit ALL their voice in the true knowing that each will arrive at h/er own unique perspective and it likely will be a compilation of what s/he found credible. g

  2. Fascinating, as Spock would say. What if on May 23rd, some folks wake up to a 5D version of Planet Earth and for others, it’s 3D business as usual? Separation of the worlds, a dimensional split, two different songs playing at the same time, Atlantis undone? CERN could be a very positive event, and thus, Kevin, your comment, “Prime Source has decreed that all of these plans for evil will not come to pass in this timeline,” made me smile, but doesn’t it all boil down to perception/perspective? Thanks for posting, G., though I didn’t watch the long clip, I did watch the shorter one and I must say if the fellow crashed his fist down one more time on the table, he might have activated CERN all by himself. B.

  3. I was kind of disappointed to see that this info came from a modern american pre-millenial dispensationalist evangelical ‘pastor’. This makes sifting though all the bias for that kernal of truth feel like looking for a mustard seed in a pile of manure.

    There are several angles to the CERN topic besides it being a group of physics nerds tinkering in a garage. It could be they will ultimately confirm that the reality we live in is a hologram (similar to the Wingmakers storyline) which could result in the liberation of humanity by bringing down the matrix. Or it could be they are opening a wormhole just to see if it can be done, or to consciously initiate contact with extra-dimensional intelligent beings who may be benevolent. Why does everything extra-terrestrial or extra-dimensional have to automatically be evil and satanic? There are far more benevolent ETs than evil ones. And we have star family out there looking out for us.

    As far as opening a wormhole to release fallen angels in fulfillment of prophecies pieced together from the old and new testament by a 19th century British bible scholar (and subsequently hyped by modern american evangelicals for profit and control)…it’s just not clicking for me. The cabal is already in terminal decline and the control grid is disintegrating. Prime Source has decreed that all of these plans for evil will not come to pass in this timeline.

    I would rather hear David Icke’s take on this.

    1. As you say, Kevin, there are a myriad of perspectives out there. In each there exists a kernel of truth. To the degree that each has some view of what IS the intended purpose of CERN then the combined input might lead to real discovery – the real elephant hidden behind biased conjecture.

      For all the off-putting elements of the Christian biblical approach to science the fact remains that of ALL the religions these have been the most vigilent in their pursuit. Some do profit from it. The majority don’t.

      Thanks for commenting. g


      A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant’s body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe.

      A king explains to them:

      All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently is because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all the features you mentioned.

  4. One thing for sure is Cern or any other machine is going to conquer the one who made it all. Satan , is the biggest idiot of all , having been at the very top of the kingdom he settled for the toilet. To think that any machine power or something he can put together will defeat the creator of it all shows just how stupid and vain the fool is. Then when you see stupid arrogant mortal men be a part of his insanity is even more profane. They are giving up pure utter bliss for a pile of poop, how stupid can you be. Knowing what awaits them is really beyond sad ,for they had a chance to avoid the pit but chose to dwell in eternal hell is just a sorry fate. They may cause a whole lot of grief for a season but look what the fools inherit .What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his eternal soul . Satan is already doomed and these idiots willy nilly join his,SUCKER’s!!!!!!!

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