Chaos, Turning Point And Great Awakening [Video]

Chaos, Turning Point And Great AwakeningGreg Hunter – Biblical cycle timing expert, geopolitical and financial analyst Bo Polny has been saying all year that the end of December is going to be the beginning of big trouble for the stock market, the dollar and the Treasury market.

Polny explains, “Babylon is going to fall.  When this happens, forget about it.  Many banks are going to go under.  When gold and silver explode, they will be bank killers.  It will destroy the financial system. We are going to see the financial system go down, and in February, they are going to turn the printing press on like you have never seen before. The stock market is going to reverse and take off again.  That is very likely.

They are creating money out of thin air, and the world is going to know one thing come February:  the whole system is a fraud.  They are going to know Caesar has got no clothes.  So, an event is about to go down in the financial system and, I believe, into this weekend.

I do believe gold and silver are going to spike as we head into Christmas.  So, as we are headed into this weekend, this Friday, something big is about to go down, and that just starts, I am going to use the word starts, the greatest financial event in human history.  Bankers are going to freak out when this goes down.  They are going to try to hammer gold back down.”

Polny contends this is more than a big financial event.  Polny says, “So, we are at a turning point. . . . This speaks to what is about to happen.  I personally call this the ‘Great Awakening.’  When God opens a door, no man can close it. This is going to be a shift upon the world that will be completely historic, Biblical, and it’s going to be scary for a lot of people.

Kim Clement had a prophecy where God said, ‘I will let them bring this nation to its knees.’  So, please understand this is not going to come easy.  On the other end of it, if you know God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have complete control, then there is nothing to fear.

The only thing Satan has is fear.  So, he’s going to try to scare you.  Yes, we are stepping into a scary time point, but on the other side, it’s the greatest victory you have ever seen.”

In closing, Polny says, “So, expect chaos.  It’s coming.  Expect bank failures, and expect things to go black and dark for awhile.  Everything is going to change dramatically in our world.   We are at that moment in time as this year is ending. . . . We are facing a worldwide syndicate of evil. . . .It’s going to look horrible, but God/Yahweh will have a great victory in the end.”

Polny says, overall, expect the US dollar to go lower and gold, silver and Bitcoin to trend higher, much higher in 2024.

There is much more in the 48-min interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny, founder of for 12.19.23.

SF Source USA Watchdog Dec 2023

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