Archon Endgame

Augureye Express July 25 2013


People are finally starting to ask the right questions. “Why are we killing the planet, and ourselves?” Questions such as this invariably lead to the slow, gradual acceptance of the answer, We aren’t, but someone else certainly is, and they are known to us despite generations of hiding in the shadows as they manipulate everything to their advantage, their agenda. For countless generations they have played the long game: dumbing down and distracting the population, as they quietly went about strip mining this planet. You might have noticed how a few years ago most of the pretense and subterfuge fell by the wayside, and those in control became more belligerent and “in our face” about things…hell they are openly boasting about it nowadays. The matriarch of the Rockefeller dynasty recently said “If my boys didn’t want there to be wars, there wouldn’t be any!” How is that for in your face? My point here is simple: we are witnessing the rollout of the Archon Endgame.

My goal here is just to provide a contextual overview, to help folks better understand what they see happening across the planet as our archon overlords continue ramping up the new paradigm for all of us. Certainly we humans are one of the resources of value to the archons or else they would have just terminated the experiment and us along with it. We represent a renewable resource for these slimy and cowardly creatures, but just now there are way too many of us, and that has always been a problem for them. Getting to be an even bigger problem as more of us wake up every day to the ugly, unpleasant reality I speak of.

Population Control

War has always been their primary tool for managing our numbers. An excellent way to execute the best and strongest of our youth, our warriors. Historically they manage to keep a few small wars going pretty much all the time, somewhere or another, and toss in a “crowd pleaser” world conflict every so often for good measure. Well, all that is out the window, as the new paradigm is ~ Permanent, continuous War! Not only does it boost the military-industrial-complex economy nicely, benefiting warmongers everywhere; but it also kills off a bunch of “Useless Eaters” as Henry Kissinger once called us everyday average joe citizens.

Even with continuous war across the planet, there are still way too many of us who need to be neutralized, so they have these various ways and methods for getting us to turn on each other. After generations of conditioning, programming and brainwashing, it has become an all too easy scenario to set one race against another everywhere possible. You can see the excellent results of these race conflicts and killings every single day on your Television set…after all, that’s why they invented it for us.

GeoengineeringThey squash and censor the idea of loving one another wherever the concept has the balls to show up…. But the gun selling business is having its best year ever, and they manage to tell us so every damn night on the news and in the paper and even online, saturation fear mongering. If you are constantly in a state of fearful paranoia you are much easier to manipulate even further, and much more likely to embrace violent self defense….go get your gun before they’re all gone. Hurry now! Everyone’s doing it! Just more marketing and brainwashing BS! Every American gun manufacturer, and there are many, is producing brand new guns off the assembly line every day, about as fast as they can. No shortage of guns, just brains!

Still not enough humans dying on a weekly basis even with all the wars everywhere, gang killings, serial killings, and fear killings going on; which is why they’ve added something new, just for the endgame festivities, the pressure cooker. First they geoengineer a nice heat wave complete with pressure dome over large parts of the country, then let a racist killer walk free in an obvious case of murder, simmer to a boil with media hype and coverage…and hope for a full-scale riot. The pressure cooker gambit doesn’t stop there…in fact it’s just getting started; because the new paradigm calls for things to become so bad so quick that the average citizen can take no more, and they begin filling the streets with murderous intent…by the thousands ~ and then Millions. They call it the self-cleaning oven scenario. Coming this summer to a neighborhood near you.

Henry KissingerFirst they spray and poison us until we’re too sick and apathetic to resist them, much less fight back, then they begin poking, prodding andaggravating us by all the insane laws, insane cops, andgreedy banksters who are out to steal your savings account. “Oh that could never happen here” you say…. Well friends, Cyprus was a trial balloon to see if people would revolt, or just take the shafting one more time. They are experimenting to see just which series of dystopian, draconian actions will result in the massive, full scale riots they are trying to trigger. If I am wrong, then please explain to me why DHS purchased 2,700 urban tanks, and millions of rounds of ammunition for the thousands of new assault rifles they just bought! What is all that for? It’s for rolling up on all the rioting and pissed off Americans, making it easier to kill in great numbers with great efficiency, you know, just like in war! For those who were too smart to get caught up in the riots there is the new domestic drone program so you can be tracked by your use of technology, and dispatched with a hellfire missile at the whim of Obama. Relocation centers for all the rest, and railroad cars with ankle chains to get you there safely.

Terraforming Earth

Continue reading @ AugurEye

8 thoughts on “Archon Endgame

  1. This is probably the best article I have read on this site to date. Lays bare the old strategy of divide and conquer, which many perpetuate by CONSTANTLY, bashing President Obama when these SAME PEOPLE didn’t say a word when President Bush got us into two wars, one of them totally unnecessary and resulting in the deaths of over 3,000 Americans. I am no longer a great fan of the president by I know bias when I see it. As long as this tunnel vision, double standard continues how can anyone on the left take anyone on the right seriously?

  2. Al, Thanks for saving me the time. Prejudices and agendas always expose themselves for what they are holding.
    Will I am

    1. Thanks, it’s obvious this article is perpetuating the myth that the George Zimmerman case was about racism when it clearly wasn’t. This case, however, is being manipulated and exploited by the obama occupational government (OOG) to foment racial strife and tension (to distract from the real issues as usual).

      As much as I hate mainstream media, Fox news has been calling out OOG for misrepresenting this case to the sheeple, and they have pointed out some uncomfortable facts about crime in the black community that have previously be untouched by the MSM.

      1. Agreed and I don’t know if the verdict in this infamous trial would have made any difference. It was indeed intended to get that old schism back on the front burner. How very predictable it’s becoming. Love, B.

      2. Fomenting racial violence for the purpose of installing martial law is the why and wherefore with the Zimm/Martin event….just like Boston….just like Sandy Hook…up the ante to world involvement as in Syria. Problem for the PTB is that only the low info folks are buying in. Don’t buy in in your/our reality unless you need slavery to heal your/our issues with non/only deserving what we are dealt….as in being of the head space that you are a victim. If that is what will get you there…more power to ya and bless your path.
        Will I am

  3. Lost my interest when I came across this sentence in the article: “…then let a racist killer walk free in an obvious case of murder”. Respectfully disagree.

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