Death By A Thousand Cuts

Zen-Haven July 2 2013

Belief system

We are bleeding to death here little by little, a bit more each day.  Every day we come closer still to succumbing to death by a thousand cuts in this place we allowed to become a prison planet with a captive population.

The chaos, confusion and cognitive dissonance we are all experiencing is intentional.  It is a design feature of the ‘master plan’ as some call it…the plan to subjugate humanity forever below the threshold of evolution.  Those who claim to still not see “it” have intentionally blinded themselves to the truth to preserve a belief system they still depend upon despite it’s ongoing collapse.

They will defend the glory of that belief system, and those who programmed it into them…to the death.  Time to disengage from those dear souls before you cannot, and end up sharing their particular destiny with them.

We are knee deep in the thick, muddy morass of 4th dimensional timespace just now, which is a great opportunity to dump the dead weight you won’t be needing for the rest of the trip.  Remember, neither the balloon nor submarine may rise until they cast off dead weight; that’s what it’s there for~ therefore, thank it, bless it and have done with it, if it no longer serves or supports you ongoing spiritual sojourn.

This process begins with belief systems, moves thru belongings & possessions then starts to work on the people in your life.  It’s really a shame we have been conditioned to attach so much sentimental & emotional energy to things which in the end are only going to cause us problems if we are unable to detach from them; causes a lot of pain, but also a lot of learning.  Sometimes even healing.

For those who have only ‘recently’ awoken to the bigger picture it must seem like when they weren’t looking the whole place became a dystopian circus within an Orwellian nightmare, written by Poe.  The first thing these folks need to detach from is any and all mainstream “news”, and the brief list below is why.

Read More Here

3 thoughts on “Death By A Thousand Cuts

  1. I am fully on board regarding the incredible chasm between ‘The Lists’ and have spent my fair share of time in wonder regarding the future for today’s children.

    I would like to share a gift courtesy of my 7 year old grandson. A bit of background:

    When Matthew prepares to leave after a visit I always say, “I love you right up to the moon and back” a line (from “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney.)

    He enjoys trying to one-up me and usually names a distant planet or some far flung asteroid but today’s rejoinder was the best!

    He shared that after much thought, he has come up with a volume of love that makes him the undisputed champ in our on-going game…”from his heart to my heart”. (I happily concede defeat.)

    I share this with you, not as a Pollyanna platitude but as an essential truth that bodes well for the future.

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