Quantum Timelines

AugureyeExpress  February 18 2014


When it comes to the subject of quantum metaphysics there is a popular quote that helps me keep my sanity intact; “If you think you understand it, you haven’t been paying attention!”

Universes, multiverses, string theory, membrane theory, super string theory, alternate realities, parallel dimensions; the many worlds theory, holographic reality ~ not to mention just where the soul and spirituality fit into the grand scheme of things.  Who has the time to absorb and integrate such overwhelming information in a way that benefits their existence on this planet?

Next, factor in this whole Aquarius-Mayan calendar-Kali Yuga evolution, heralded by the great awakening at the end of the precession of the equinox which has been underway for some time now, pardon the pun.  The dawning of a new age marking humanities noetic advancement at a time when the old and obsolete must give way to the new and unlimited.  We have arrived at a crossroads in time “with our arms around the future and our backs up against the past.” (Moody Blues)

As if keeping in step with these galactic cycles of evolution, the pace of everyday life has been steadily increasing year by year, like a treadmill, or hamster wheel if you like analogies.  Driven by the artificial ponzy scheme world economics as the carrot at the end of the stick, humanity has had to adjust on the fly in a frantic effort to keep nose above water.  It sure doesn’t leave much time for pondering quantum metaphysics, and yup, that’s intentional, a design feature of the dark agenda.

The great Age of Pisces has ended, though we are still dealing with the results from two thousand years of unenlightened self-interest.  Now, as the higher vibration of the great Age of Aquarius accelerates the great awakening; the energies are disharmonic and chaotic to say the least.  Think of it like sound; as if the great age of Pisces was a particular note, or tone.  After reverberating for two thousand years the tone is fading, dying out.

Perhaps many years before the Pisces tone completely disappears, the Aquarius tone begins.  Faint and low in the beginning, but growing in strength until its resonance creates an interference pattern with the Pisces tone.  You can visualize this interference pattern quite well by tossing two pebbles into calm water, landing some distance apart.  Each pebble of course creates the familiar outward expanding ripple wave.  When the waves from each pebble meet, they cancel each other out while forming an entirely new set of ripples; the interference pattern.  It is very much like that with sound, and other energetic wave forms as well.

Just now this Pisces/Aquarius interference pattern is so disharmonic it is literally shaking the old paradigm apart as it freefalls towards total system failure, and obsolescence.  This interference pattern is becoming what’s known as a standing wave resonance, from which new possibilities will emerge.  By aligning our own energy with this standing wave resonance, I believe we can tap into it; and using our intention, manifest any reality or potential we can imagine.  I believe we are designed to do just that, designed by source as an ageless, timeless multi-dimensional energy we call the soul, or spirit.

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