Choose Your Battles Wisely

Choose Your Battles WiselyLorna Bevan – On October 10th, Pluto turning direct followed by the Libra Solar eclipse on October 14th lit the fuse to a powder keg in world affairs. This week the Full Moon Eclipse at 5° Taurus on October 28 2023 intensifies the polarization.

Eclipses deliver pressurized concentrated experiences when crises-organic or manufactured – often erupt – this is not head stuff but felt somatically in your body. A lot happens in a short time.

The Libra eclipse brought events which epitomized the Libran esoteric mantra: ”I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force”. From October 23rd, anticipate a visceral struggle between plutonic Scorpio and practical Taurean sensibilities. With Sun, Mercury, Mars, Haumea and Ceres in Scorpio opposite Jupiter and volatile Uranus in Taurus bringing aggressive changes to the balance of power between nations and a carve up on the markets, align with what you know and need to build a more solid and sustainable foundation.

The karmic Node of Fate is conjunct Disruptor Eris in warrior Aries square Pluto. The eclipsed Sun trine Saturn delivers a reality check. Jupiter conjunct the Moon in Taurus brings the possibility of wisdom and caution -turn away from taking sides, from media negativity and distortions and stay in your own lane.

As outer physical crises intensify, it’s never been so important to look at your life, to uncover the ways in which the brainwashing of Western over culture operates and make the biggest, most courageous changes you’re capable of.

Hold a calm zero point consistently, pay attention to what aligns and what drops away.⁠ Zero judgment on what is dismantling and dropping away, both externally and internally.

It’s time to clean up and get your act together:

♦ stabilize to become more resilient by recalibrating aspects of your life that are no longer fit for purpose

♦ close the door behind you on what is not working, has never worked or isn’t worth the struggle.

♦ pay attention to those creaking floorboards, weak links and shifting tectonic plates wherever they are in your life – it’s time to let them fall apart, break and shatter.

♦ stop letting outdated negative beliefs sabotage you emotionally

♦ manage your material world and stop undervaluing your skills

Chandra Symbol Lunar Eclipse 6 Taurus: a pink diamond

“The heart feels everything. It burns with a fever. Inside the burning something marvelous is forming. Grace permits the realization of the heart’s desires.

You become a vessel to demonstrate, to share the beauty, the love, and the light. Yet all of this is implicit, is inherent, is inward. It is not seen by outer eyes.

You are warming through slowly, contemplatively, those qualities of soul that are best entered upon free from reflection.

The inner life is rich beyond measure with seeds which will be fertilized and are given forth in the fullness of time, with a consummate touch of having been through the fire to attain what is true and lasting.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

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SF Source Hare In The Moon Oct 2023

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