Former CIA Agent Exposes Pizzagate – The Hunt Is On – [Audio]

SF Source Intense 5 Feb. 2017

Gillian Grannum – While this is a very informative interview with Robert David Steele I do not agree with Steele’s stance re what Trump should do to these elite criminals when he drains the Swamp. Steele is a strong supporter of reconciliation – meaning NO PUNISHMENT – for these miscreants, perverts, murderers and thieves. Steele is more concerned with getting the truth out of them rather than punishing them for their multiplicity of crimes against humanity.

What his approach does – quite literally – is create a 2-tiered justice system, one for the 99.9% and another for the .01%.

Based on Steele’s statements on multiple programs he’s fine with letting evil walk free in exchange for “truth.” In Steele’s world the worst, most evil, heinous intentional acts by these vicious criminals who sell-out America, wage war, revel in pedophilia, organ trafficking, child trafficking, human trafficking, sex slavery, killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings via wars for profit, and run pay to play scams that  exchange American top secrets for profit – just walk free – no punishment whatsoever. Steele’s about letting bygones be bygones and just moving on.

What about we the people who are locked up for jay walking, or incarcerated and used as guinea pigs and/or turned into corporate slaves earning 10c an hour? I guess our crimes just weren’t big enough to warrant a free pass.

To me this “reconciliation” notion is likely his CIA-trained mind’s way of staying alive.  It goes like this “See? I’m not telling them to lock you up and throw away the key. I’m telling them to leave you to roam utterly free, with zero consequences for your vile acts just as long as you ‘fess up.”

If Steele’s reason for spouting “reconciliation” is staying alive, that’s fine.  Self preservation is certainly a high priority in life. But if Steele actually means this “reconciliation” crap then I recommend to him that he check himself into a medical facility and have them confirm he wasn’t secretly implanted with some program when he retired from the agency. Because only an implanted human being could jettison justice for all and equality under the law with such brazen indifference.

G Grannum, Shift Frequency © 2017

8 thoughts on “Former CIA Agent Exposes Pizzagate – The Hunt Is On – [Audio]

  1. Thank you for becoming an SF Patron, William. I trust others who value this blog help out. With the thousands who visit each day, if each gave $1 Shift Frequency would earn WAY MORE than the requested amount. -g

  2. I just put my “Money where my mouth is!” on your Patreon, Inc. site. May you be blessed in your continuation of information dispersal as we march to the Age of Integrity. May we put our hearts intention on the beauty of the new as the Dark is exposed by the Growing Light of Love, Compassion and Joy.

  3. Wow Gillian, don’t hold anything back. As you say, we know the laws are in place. I believe that once the despicable truth shows up in the awareness of the general population, they will not settle for anything less than prosecution. None of the dark that is coming into the light will be able to continue into the new. That is why it is so important for us to get connected to the creative source. (ref. to the Kryon Part II just posted) The thing that I marvel at is the way providence plays into the unfolding of what we are seeing. Except for that, Trump would have been taken out by now. He is the “stick” that is stirring things up……….he is the wild card of our present time that will propel us more rapidly thru the shift and into the new. We must focus on the beauty of the new, the despicable and barbaric dark will take care of itself…..that is the phenomena we are observing right now, day by day. You my friend, are helping facilitate it as you post the many views that you post. Your site is the most balanced I have found in this whole arena. Thanks for what you do!

  4. Oh, sure. Let’s just give the organized pedophile network a pass. That’ll work.
    Try them, convict them, then HANG THEM – nothing less, nothing more. We need to see some very visible, high profile, child murder-enabling “VIPs” hanging from “NOOSEs”…

    1. Thanks. These criminals are just simply NOT above the law. They need the entire Canon, Merchantile, Roman and Common law thrown at them. -g

  5. I keep reading where taking down the pedophiles in DC will essentially take down our government… The question I asked my listeners, and I would like to ask you and your viewers, is this: Is a government worth keeping if it not only condones, but facilitates pedophilia? If it must fall then so be it… but we must learn the truth.

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